The First Order

Chapter 1114: Don't ask, asking is destiny

The bandits outside the carriage's fence had disappeared, but the people inside the fence were still a little relieved after all, and wanted to see what was going on outside.

At this time, it is useless for you to keep inside the fence, can't you stay here for more than ten days?

Qian Weining thought about it for a while. He first asked the caravan's guards to collect the arrows scattered in the camp. Those arrows were shot by bandits.

Among them, the intact can be used as a spare, and the damaged one can directly remove the arrow, and the arrow shaft is thrown into the bonfire as firewood.

"President Qian, there is something wrong with this arrow," the guard whispered.

"What's wrong," Qian Weining turned to look.

"You see, the end of the feather arrow is unconventional. We have all stayed in the Royal Army. Was it the same when the feather arrow just left the warehouse?" The guard said in a low voice.

The so-called "new feather arrow" that was just picked up from the military's quarters when it first came out of the warehouse. The tail feathers were white throughout, the arrow shaft was straightened, and the arrow was brand new.

Under normal circumstances, it is good for bandits to use homemade arrows, not many can use iron arrows.

The bandits who attacked them tonight, not only used the excellent feather arrows, but also just appeared out of the warehouse, which made the guards feel a strange breath.

Qian Weining took a look at Yu Jian and whispered, "Don't tell the story, so as not to cause panic."

"Yes," the guard said.

They are all from the royal army, and naturally understand the reason for prohibition.

Of course, the Royal Army is a general term for the wizarding army, and it does not mean to defend the capital city of Gyeonggi. The nine main forces in the entire wizarding country are called the Royal Army.

In this wizarding country, only a few troops have special names, such as the light knights and burning knights of the wizard family. Each wizard family has its own army. For example, the knights of the Tudor family are simply called Tudor Knights.

Long ago, the Royal Army was synonymous with the mighty force of the wizarding country, but now it has changed. Everyone knows that the knights of the wizarding family are the most elite troops.

"Chairman Qian," the guard whispered: "There is no Royal Army station nearby. Could it be that the knighthood suddenly acted as a bandit?"

"No," Qian Weining said.

At that time, Qian Weining was thinking about it. The bandits just did not shoot much. He had seen a good player in the army. It is possible for an iron arrow to shoot through the carriage. So although there are problems with the arrow, people should really be bandit.

It seems that someone wanted to use the bandit's hand to stop them from going north.

Qian Weining subconsciously glanced at Mei Ge, did he come at this wizard master?

"Go get the leather armor," Qian Weining said to the guards. "All put on the leather armor and go out with me."

With that said, all caravan guards wore brown leather armor and tied daggers on their legs. After all this was prepared, they slowly touched the outside of the carriage wall.

Suddenly a young boy said, "Go with Chairman Qian with strength. We can't let Chairman Qian go out and take risks like this. In case of the ambush of the bandits, everyone should cover each other."

With that said, this young man took the lead behind the caravan guards, and several young men also followed.

Ren Xiaosu glanced at the young boy. The other party was wearing a normal cotton and linen shirt. Some of them had been washed and turned yellow, and there were two straps on his body. This was normal civilian wear.

However, the high-top leather boots worn on the opponent's feet attracted Ren Xiaosu's attention, and the boots looked very strong, unlike what ordinary people wear.

Moreover, Ren Xiaosu confirmed that he had not seen each other before.

You know, he walked around the caravan for two laps during the day. This young man has outstanding looks and sword eyebrows. If he sees himself, he wo n’t have any impression at all. Even if his memory is not as good as Wang Yun, he wo n’t forget this. Race.

Therefore, the other party must hide in the carriage during the day, and the only carriage that is always closed is the suspicious woman's carriage.

Ren Xiaosu probably knew it, so he followed the caravan guards and walked outside the carriage wall.

A group of people slowly fumbled towards the darkness, guarding the head, everyone held the long knife across his waist, ready to fight at any time.

Ren Xiaosu was not particularly nervous because he knew that there were no bandits outside anymore. But when he followed slowly, the teenager who took the lead at the beginning suddenly talked to him: "Hello, my name is Chen Cheng, what about you? ? "

Ren Xiaosu smiled and replied: "My name is Ren Xiaosu."

"Well, it's nice to meet you," Chen Cheng smiled brightly and brightly. If ordinary people deal with him, I'm afraid he will feel good immediately.

However, Ren Xiaosu is different, and immediately understands the moment the other person speaks, oh, co-authoring this person also brings his own purpose.

Who would be idle and approaching himself, Ren Xiaosu already guessed who was hiding in the carriage ...

Chen Cheng and the middle-aged woman and the little witch An An are not ordinary people. They used to change their identities and hide their whereabouts, even the encirclement and suppression of the sorcerer organization, so they felt that there should be no problem dealing with small people like Ren Xiaosu.

But when it comes to combat experience, the entire wizarding country is not necessarily more than Ren Xiaosu.

Ren Xiaosu didn't say anything to Chen Chengduo, he was sure that the other party would still find a way to talk to himself.

Gradually, the people had touched the corpses of the bandits, and all of them took a breath when they saw the miserable bandits.

I saw that the bandits, except for a few in the chest, were all arrows in their hearts!

For a time, everyone looked at Qian Weining silently, and was a little uncomfortable to show Qian Weining: "Look at me?"

The guards smiled and said, "Chairman Qian, we know a few pounds or a few pounds of our own. It is good for this black light to hit people blindly, so most of these bandits are not killed by us."

"Yes, since it's not us, it must be you!"

Ren Xiaosu applauded and said: "Chairman Qian is really good at arrows. Arrows are straight in the eyebrows. This arrow method is called a hundred steps to wear Yang. It is not too much."

Qian Weining's brain was stunned. He thought that this should not have been shot by himself, but there was no one else around, and these arrows were indeed arrows of the Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, which can be distinguished by looking at the arrow feathers.

Qian Weining hesitated for a long time and finally smiled awkwardly: "Cough, fluke, fluke."

"How could this be a fluke," Ren Xiaosu corrected seriously: "You are not so humble anymore, excessive humility is pride!"

On this ordinary day, the title of Yorkshire's first marksman was born.

Ren Xiaosu remembered seeing it in the book. Many years ago, there was an ancient big official who liked fishing, but fishing was not very good.

Once a colleague made an appointment to try fishing, so he arranged for his subordinates with excellent water to dive underwater, and secretly hung the fish one by one on his hook. In one day, he caught one by one There are more fish than all colleagues, and they have a reputation for a while. They are also respected by colleagues as **** fishermen.

The **** fisherman and the sharpshooter are almost the same nature. The only difference is that the **** fisherman knows how this name came from, and the sharpshooter Qian Weining thinks that this may be an arrangement of fate ...

Don't ask, asking is destiny.


There are two chapters at night

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