The First Order

Chapter 1140: misunderstanding!

It was in this night that the enemies that had suddenly struck were about to approach the camp quickly, but at this moment they were standing in the wind and questioned from the soul: "What are they crying for?"

Not only the utterer is puzzled, but all the attackers are puzzled!

The arrow just didn't succeed, and no one in the camp was dead, so where did I start crying?

This sudden, inexplicable cry, even made them start to wonder.

The attackers began to think about whether there were any surprises in their plans. !

The campsite tonight is in an open area, all within fifty steps of the campsite are unobstructed. Before the attackers sneaked in quietly, they spent a lot of time observing the campsite.

Although Qian Weining and others were crying, there were actually guards standing on the sentry post, and the number of guards was more than thirty.

It was impossible to get close to the camp when the caravan was not aware of it. The burly man thought twice and finally chose the attack plan.

In the previous arrow, the man saw that there was no way to sneak attack, so he directly shocked all the guards in the camp by playing grass and snakes. At that time, he was in the dark and the campfire was bright, which was convenient for him to observe the distribution of guards.

He did this to see how many escorts were there in the camp.

In addition, if you can directly kill the target Mego, of course, everyone is very happy, these people came to kill Mego.

But the result made him a little surprised. After the arrow flew away, the man suddenly discovered that there seemed to be special soldiers in the camp!

In just ten breaths, the guards in the camp, as well as the merchants and passengers disguised as guards, actually crawled behind the bunker to avoid the bow and arrow creeping action, and the action was very rapid.

Quickly, the man almost thought he was in an ambush!

The situation was a bit weird, and then they heard the chaotic cry again, and everything in front of them looked even more weird.

I have to say that this situation really makes people a little incomprehensible, not to blame them for thinking too much.

"Are we scared crying?" One of them asked in a low voice.

"Impossible!" The burly man headed back to normal quickly, he said in a cold voice: "There are fewer than 400 soldiers in the camp, and they are well-trained one by one. How could we be scared? Look at the crying man, just glance at the depth of the arrow submerged in the ground to judge the iron tire bow. How can ordinary people have this keen observation, and it is too late to escape! "

Hearing this, everyone was lost in thought again: What did the other party cry?

"Sir, why are there so many people guarding Mego here," a man said strangely: "The intelligence given by the family says that this is a normal caravan, but you see the camp is obviously abnormal, guarding Even if it's too much, it's even dressed up as a casual man like a businessman, clearly waiting to ambush us! "

The burly man headed in deep thought, indeed, as his men said, everything in this caravan seems very abnormal.

Mego is a little wizard on the edge, how can such a person hire so many trained soldiers in one go?

So, what went wrong? !

"According to the original plan, Wang Yaoyang, you lead the team to suppress the bow and arrow, and the rest of them attacked me in a detour! Tonight, be sure to kill the target person and find the person who angered the head of the family!" For the second mission, they will do what they can, and they will do what they can!

Before leaving, the family had heard from the family that the owner was very angry. Although they did not know who angered the owner, nor did they know how to anger the owner, but for them, the death of the master was a knight The spirit they deserve, if they ca n’t kill Mego and those who angered the head of the family, then they do n’t have to go back!

They have sworn to the gods that they cannot repent.

I don't know what they would think if they learned that Ren Xiaosu poke the nostrils of their homeowner with branches.

During the speech, the burly man had ran to the left, and dozens of men in the darkness followed him. He was about to quickly break through to find Mego. If a black-faced man with a white mask appeared, he would shift the target to this man. Body ...

The other party is protecting Mego and killing Mego by himself, the other party will definitely appear.

In fact, this description is not particularly understood by the man before. What is a black-faced man with a white mask? But the family messenger said that you will understand it when you see it.

Outside the camp, the figure was sufficient. Qian Weining hid behind the carriage and found his bow and arrow. He kept crying and commanded the guard to arm.

At this time, Qian Weining was facing an enemy. He cried and said to his confidant, "Iron bows have all appeared. These people must have come to us!"

"Sir, didn't you say that Mego also had enemies, would he be the enemy he provoked? The arrow just shot at him," he said doubtfully.

"Impossible!" Qian Weining said firmly: "Negome is just a little wizard. Why should the other party send such an elite knight? The other party's rank may be higher than me, and the number may not be less than us. Kill Mego. Where do you need such a strong force? Therefore, these people must have known in advance that we burned the Knights ’plan for the North Expedition, so they want to stop our caravan from going north. They do n’t want to bear the reputation of killing merchants, so they will blame the bandits. . "

"Ah," said tears in his heart, "What shall we do?"

"Kill!" Qian Weining said with tearful determination: "This matter involves the plan to burn the Knights. Remember, you must stay alive when you are about to kill, I will interrogate them!"

"what do you mean?"

"I need to know where they got the information, and I also need to know how they plan to respond to our plan," Qian Weining said. "So I can pass the information to the Knights accurately."

Hesitated for a moment: "Adult, or let's take the opportunity to leave. We killed a group of them and disguised their bodies as ours. Let the Berkeley family think that we were killed in war. Then we went to the northern town to ask for life, or It ’s okay for Zhanshan to be a robber! The family sent you to die. Are you really willing? We just offended a dude. The family wants to kill us! "

But we saw that Qian Weining slapped on the face of his heart: "Don't you remember the oath when I joined the Knights? Battle death is the best destination for you and me. The family can betray us, but we can't betray the Burning Knight Glory of the regiment! "

Heartfelt and said: "Adult, you are crying to say these words, it is so contagious!"

Qian Weining: "..."

At this time, Mego's back was tightly attached to the carriage, and he gasped violently and asked Ren Xiaosu: "You have been hiding strength all the time, right?"

Ren Xiaosu smiled and asked: "Your life is important, or the answer is important?"

Mego honestly replied: "Life is important!"


There are two chapters at night.

Thanks to the strong New Year cake 1 classmate to become the new league of this book, the boss atmosphere!

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