The First Order

Chapter 1146: Regain the stunt

The illegitimate child status of the wizard in the wizarding country is extremely low. One of the important reasons is that there are many wives and many children in the wizard, so there is no need to cherish it too much.

You think, if a person has only one child, then suddenly an illegitimate child emerges, he may still cherish it.

But if he has two hundred children, he can't do it anymore. Where else will he cherish? It is also normal to be used as a servant.

The blood-summoning technique is a witchcraft exclusive to the Tudor family, but it allows illegitimate children to be used in a lot of applications, and it is extremely useful for at least transmitting information.

At this time, the young man, as the head of intelligence of the Tudor family in the territory of Winston, finally waited for the opportunity to return to the family. How could he miss it?

Although returning to the family is still only a bounty hunter, the problem is that he can obtain a meditation map of high-level spells from now on, which is essential for every mage.

The reason why the Tudor family wanted to kill Mego so much was because his sweetheart had secretly sent his servants to give him money.

The Tudor family knew that the face could not deal with the girl after the incident, but after the execution of the servant, he dispatched Mago to Fort 178.

The original Tudor family thought that novice wizards such as Mego would surely die over the 178 fortress. As a result, Mego stood firm and returned to Yorkshire safely.

The middle-aged people said that the city of Ghent began to pay attention, so that the young people have realized that their Tudor family wants to kill a little wizard, has spread in the circle.

Seeing that the Tudor family had shot three times, and even the members of the Tudor Knights had not been able to kill a Mego, this was a great shame for the Tudor family.

Therefore, this Mego must be killed. If Mego successfully enters the city of Ghent, the Tudor family will be ridiculed by all wizard families.

Other families may only dare to laugh in private, but the Norman family will definitely mention this matter in public many times.

The Tudor family can even imagine that the Norman family would say something unpleasant.

When the city gate opened in the morning, the young man left the city of Winston with a servant. At this time, the young man no longer cares if the identity of the Winston family will be abnormal. As long as he kills Mego, he can detour to Ghent City and have no intersection with the Winston family.

After the knights left the city, they first went to a manor 30 kilometers outside the city, where they merged with the hidden Tudor family knights, and brought good ordnance, before going to the south, preparing to intercept the caravan directly on the road. .

At this time, Ren Xiaosu was lazily leaning on the carriage, whispering to Mego while the sheepman was away, "I will remind you first, the Tudor family must be angry now, so the next The siege must be more intense than before. "

Mego was surprised: "Just to kill me? As for this, this has already sent the Knights, will it be bigger than this battle?"

"Of course," Ren Xiaosu said you didn't know what I did, you have to know, I guess I want to run now.

After a moment of contemplation, Mei Ge suddenly said: "No, I always feel that they are not just here to kill me, what the **** are you doing?"

"Huh?" Ren Xiaosu said: "What does this have to do with me? Obviously you are eyebrowing with the fiancee of the Tudor family."

"Wait," Megago suspiciously said: "You asked me one day before, who in the entire wizarding country is unknown and unknown, there is a problem here, and it must be what happened, you will suddenly ask me Yes, and you did n’t look right at the Tudor head! "

Ren Xiaosu respected Mei Ge with awe: "Why did you suddenly resemble Kaiqiao?"

Mei Ge couldn't help crying: "What the **** are you doing?"

"Oh," Ren Xiaosu felt that it was good to let Mego know a little about it. At least let Mego know what he was going to face. He explained: "You have heard that you can summon people with blood Witchcraft around? "

Although Mego is a little wizard, he is still very diligent in his studies. He said: "This is the blood call of the Tudor family, and it is also one of the famed witchcrafts of their family."

"Well," Ren Xiaosu nodded: "I killed a little wizard, and the blood turned into a circle after the wizard died, summoning an old man ..."

Mego was shocked on the spot: "Do you want to tell me that the old man is a bit like the old man on the gold coin?"

"Well, it's so smart," Ren Xiaosu said: "It's a bit like it, but I don't think gold coins can fully express his charm ..."

"Shen Yun is a ghost," Mei Ge was almost scared to pee: "Go, let's go now, I know you must be in a good position over the 178 stronghold, I'll go there with you ..."

Ren Xiaosu pulled Mego, who was about to jump off, to comfort: "I'm afraid, there is me!"

Mei Ge was about to cry. He lowered his voice and shouted, "That's what Tudor is, the great wizard who has become famous for forty years!"

"Relax, such a freshman, I can't just poke his nostrils with a branch?" Ren Xiaosu said indifferently: "And, isn't this rich Weining them?"

"In front of the Tudor head, what are the hundreds of warriors of the Knights," Mega said without tears: "Let's run."

"Run what," Ren Xiaosu said solemnly: "I understand and tell you, when I get to Ghent City, the first thing is to calm down Dujiazhuang, rest assured, in the future you have the opportunity to visit the 178 fortress, you know me Where did the confidence come from? "

"What kind of ghost is Dujiazhuang ..." Mei Ge said helplessly.

"By the way, I ask you, is there any witchcraft that can make explosions or something remotely?" Ren Xiaosu wondered.

Megan said in shock: "Yes, the Norman family's bombing, the Winston family's lightning strike ... a lot."

Ren Xiaosu was interested: "Tell me about this air explosion technique."

"There is nothing to say here. It can create a very strong explosion a few hundred meters away, making the world elements in the target area very unstable," Mego said. "But this is a high-level witchcraft. , And it's a witchcraft exclusive to the Norman family in Ghent City, no one will. "

"You can meet now," Ren Xiaosu said seriously.

"What?" Mei Ge froze for a moment.

"I ask you, did we cooperate with each other yesterday?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"Teacher!" Mego felt it was unnecessary to deny it.

"Well, when you meet the enemy again, you pretend to chant a spell and leave the rest to me," Ren Xiaosu said.

"But I don't know the spells and meditation charts," Mega said.

Ren Xiaosu said meaningfully: "No one knows you won't."

He glanced at the thousands of grenades in the storage space, and he always felt that the efficiency of last night was too low, so he had to regain his shadow door and the unique skills of the grenade.


Chapter 4, Ask for monthly tickets! Almost caught up behind!

Goodnight everybody!

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