The First Order

Chapter 958: Battle escalation

"Fat, why on earth did we come to the battlefield in the Central Plains," Zhou Qi complained next to Luo Lan: "This is just two days after I returned to the southwest, and you were pulled out again. Our previous secret base After being destroyed by the Wangs and Anjing Temple, why did they rush to help them? "

"I didn't come here for the Wang family," Luo Lan said indifferently. "If Wang's power can be weakened, it is certainly a good thing. This enemy now sends someone to destroy our base, which is really idle. Panic. But I came here for Ren Xiaosu, you know? Friends! That's a friend! "

Zhou Qi swaggered: "It's like how deep the friendship is."

"Of course it is deep," Luo Lan said, "Did you forget how he saved us in the first place? I may not have the other advantages of Luo Lan, but this is definitely not just talking about the righteousness of the water. According to reports, Ren Xiaosu rescued me so many times. Now that he knows he is trapped in Zuo Yunshan, he doesn't ignore his reason. "

"It is enough for you to bring 2,000 nano-fighters," Zhou Qi said. "This nano-fighter is worth more than a missile, and I do n’t know what your brothers think. You're bullshit, isn't he afraid that Wang took this opportunity to arrest you? "

Luo Lan was unwilling: "I said you have to count money for everything. Can friendship be counted for money?"

"What counts without money?" Zhou Qi disdain: "In this world, only real money will not betray you, and look at friendship? You care about friendship so much, when you are in trouble, a few people will To save you? "

Luo Lan smiled cheerfully: "Whatever you do, it doesn't matter if you don't understand the importance of friendship, but you can rest assured that one day you will be in trouble, and I will save you even if I give up."

When Luo Lan finished this sentence, Zhou Qi suddenly became silent and stopped saying anything.

This strengthening regiment from the southwest has been marching for several days in a row. After Luo Lan learned that Ren Xiaosu was trapped in Zuo Yunshan, he immediately organized his troops.

Fortunately, the highway has been connected from the southwest to the northwest, and the expressway from the northwest to the Central Plains has facilitated their military trucks to quickly reach the battlefield.

At this point, they were only more than ten kilometers away from Zuo Yunshan. Luo Lan suddenly stopped slowly: "It's almost the distance, you should be able to contact them! Correspondent! Where is the correspondent? Contact me Zuo Yun The Sixth Combat Brigade of the Northwest Army in the mountains. "

Luo Lan had contacted the 178 fortress before coming, so he had a way to contact the troops in Zuo Yunshan.

At present, the communication equipment of the Sixth Combat Brigade is basically disabled, but at least the military communication radio station is still working to maintain communication with the Wangs.

The communication range of this kind of radio station is basically dozens of kilometers, so Luo Lan must be close to contact.

Luo Lan muttered, "At this time, Ren Xiaosu will be very surprised to learn that I am suddenly helping!"

When the call was answered, Luo Lan's loud voice shouted, "What about Ren Xiaosu? I asked your chief, Ren Xiaosu, and told him, I'm here to support you!"

After a short silence on the opposite side of the phone, Ren Xiaosu's confused voice came from inside: "Luo Fatty? Why are you here?"

"I'm here to save my friends. I'll leave you alone with my 2,000 nano soldiers ready to enter the battlefield, and tell me your battle plan, I'll organize an attack," Luo Lankang exclaimed.

Unlike Qingye's dislike of war, Luo Lan is a war madman. The two Qing's combat brigades he and Qingye had brought with him have always been Qing's main forces.

Therefore, when it comes to fighting, Luo Lan is excited.

To be honest, for more than a year, Luo Lan was very busy, but she hadn't participated in a few wars, and she was basically busy playing a poop.

It wasn't that he wanted to be a **** stick, it was Qing's need for such a person to do something unseen, and there were not many people who Qing absolutely could trust, and he could only do it.

At this moment, Wang Yun, who was listening to Ren Xiaosu's phone call, looked at p5092.

They also just said that the two thousand barbarians suddenly appeared in the northwest direction, which made them very worried about what happened in the war situation, and it turned out to be reinforcements!

荀 Yu Yu's perception will not be false, p5092 really did not think it would be a reinforcement!

Seeing that the ammunition on the defensive position was about to be exhausted, and watching the enemy increase their strength, p5092 looked calm and calm on the surface, but it was already anxious.

As a result, the rescue came?

Ren Xiaosu glanced at p5092: "How can they cooperate? We don't know much about the situation around the Expeditionary Army."

At this time, Luo Lan suddenly said, "Why don't I try a tentative attack first and see the truth and reality of the barbarian?"

However, p5092 suddenly answered the phone and said calmly, "No, you are not yet able to enter the battlefield. Although thank you very much for helping Zuo Yunshan, but judging by your strength, it will not have a great impact on the battle situation. First arrive near the Ningzhi River and wait for our next battle plan. "

It is good to have foreign aid, and the Nano Warriors are really strong, but if they are fighting directly with the Expeditionary Corps, the 2,000 Nano Warriors cannot be the key to determining victory or defeat, so they need to wait.

The arrival of reinforcements at this time can boost morale, but p5092 calmly analyzes all situations, or decides to let this southwest army stand by first.

Luo Lan across the phone smiled cheerfully: "Okay, we obey the order. Just now I glanced at the map. The Ningzhi River is 11 kilometers south of Zuoyun Mountain and 16 kilometers away. Arrive in minutes and contact you when you reach the designated location. "

p5092 said, "Thank you, and look forward to hearing from you."

"Take care."

After talking about Shuangyi and hung up the phone, p5092 took a deep breath and laughed: "As long as the Expeditionary Forces no longer come to aid, we have a glimmer of hope."

"Is there only a glimmer of hope?" Bai Ye, a small fat man yelled at Ye Yu, said, "Why do you still have to wait for death?"

"We are only a few thousand people and there are tens of thousands of people in the Expeditionary Corps. We have a glimmer of hope," p5092 said with a smile.

Wang Yun looked at the expression of p5092, and he found that he was really relaxed about this time. It seems that the arrival of Luo Lan and others gave p5092 some more confidence.

As a result, at this moment, a combat staffer suddenly ran in from outside: "Sir, position 3 had just been concealed and killed by a barbarian, and he broke through. Fortunately, he fought, or it was finished. The intensive firepower pushed the barbarian back, but their ammunition was already in a hurry, hoping to get fire support. "


Today there is only one chapter. This plot is nearing the end. Let ’s sort out the follow-up plot today.

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