The First Order

Chapter 960: Miracle

Just when Da Huyou was struggling to fight, Ren Xiaosu had just blocked a barbarian offensive on position 4 on the other side, and retreated to the rear for a short rest.

The ammunition supply finally arrived at the front line at this time.

What surprised Ren Xiaosu was that Zero came to position 4 and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

"It's okay," Zero said. "I calculated your ammunition. There should be very little left."

Ren Xiaosu smiled: "Are you saying that we are about to fail? If the defense position falls, these nano-robots you get will also be buried here."

"It doesn't matter," Zero said, as if he no longer worried that the nano-robot was not enough. It said, "I just kept thinking. Actually, the Central Plains war has nothing to do with Northwest China. Why do you stick to Zuo Yunshan, This is not in line with rational judgment. If you retreat to the northwest and wait for the Wang family and the tinder to be consumed, it is the most favorable decision for the northwest. "

"Maybe in your eyes, we are different forces divided, but in our opinion, the enemy at this time is only the barbarians in the north, whether they are Tinder, Wang or Northwest China, are all compatriots," said Ren Xiaosu. "Humans are Sensitive animals, after the barbarians came to the Central Plains, from the time they slaughtered the city, they were destined to stand up with them forever. "

"Why did the Qing people come here?" Zero asked.

"Because that's a friend," said Ren Xiaosu, "Although Luo Lan is not serious, he especially likes killing and setting fire, but he doesn't tell his friends."

"Are you friends? It's a very promising word. Are we friends now?" Zero asked.

Ren Xiaosu suddenly asked: "Do you think so?"

Shaking his head zero: "I don't know, your human beings' definition of friends is too complicated, but I see that you often define the relationship of friends by giving or not for others. From this concept, we should not count, because I don't Did nothing for you. "

Ren Xiaosu smiled: "In fact, sometimes it is not that complicated."

Suddenly, Zero said, "In my calculations, you did not carry out very fine ammunition control and management. Now you have only one remaining chance to win, and even Chengdu is not enough. Unless there is another miracle, you will not be able to do it. Mana turned the tide and there was too much living force in the expedition. "

"A miracle?" Ren Xiaosu stood up holding his bunker: "There is no shortage of miracles in the human world, and I believe that miracles will occur."


"Yu Yeyu," p5092 said, looking at the sand table in the command tent. "I was paying attention to you before, and are you still investigating?"

Wu Yeyu was no longer clean at this time. His face was stained with sweat and dust, and now he is more like a Northwest Army man than an outsider.

He replied: "Followed, but the number of barbarians there has never been over 10,000. Barbarians now look very aggressive, but the troop scheduling is very smooth."

In Ye Yeyu's perception, tens of thousands of barbarians were like rivers of flames converging in his mind, and the channels were always unblocked and there was no congestion. This shows that the other party has a very clever commander in control. all.

"It seems that the other party is also very clear that we still have killers," p5092 refers to the seven peaks: "So, during the march, the barbarian always maintained a clever rhythm to evenly distribute the forces entering the battlefield, even if we can push them down. The mountains here have only killed tens of thousands of people, and the impact on the entire situation is not enough to win. "

Now that the nano-fighters led by Luo Lan have reached the south of Zuo Yunshan, p5092 has not found the key point for victory, which makes him feel weak.

At this time, Ye Yeyu added: "I reminded the young marshal that someone sneaked into the sniper spot from the back of the mountain, but in fact the experimental body that appeared at that time was only one tenth, and there are still hundreds of experimental bodies gathered in us Behind them, I am afraid that once they lose, they will once again climb up the mountain and attack the defensive positions from behind us. "

This news undoubtedly made p5092's heart heavier and he asked Wang Yun: "Where is the young man now?"

"On the 4th position, the young coach just repelled a group of barbarians there," Wang Yun said, "there was just the ammunition replenishment there, so I was caught by the barbarian. You want the young coach to go Did you kill the experimental body behind us? But you need to understand that although the young marshal is strong, he is not a god. Now that he has been fighting for five hours, you can see that the firing frequency of the young marshal has slowed down. Can't stand it, how could a young man be exceptional? "

"Yeah," p5092 sighed, and even if Ren Xiaosu was still at its peak, I'm afraid I can't face hundreds of experimental subjects alone.

Previously, the experimental body that attacked Yang Xiaoquan was only transformed by humans in the Central Plains. According to Ren Xiaosu, there are many more transformed bodies that are more powerful, but they never appear.

If the strength of the experimental body is determined by its "lifetime", how powerful would it be if the master in the barbarian turned into a terrifying monster?

p5092 cannot let Ren Xiaosu take the risk.

He turned to Ji Ziang and said, "Ji Ziang, you may need your shot right away."

Ji Ziang stood upright: "Understand, I'll just wait for you to push down the 6 peaks."

"Not six," p5092 negates, "it's seven."

Ji Ziang apparently froze: "Seven?"

You know, the seventh peak is the one behind them. If this one also collapses, the entire defensive position will be buried under the mountain!

This is the method p5092 originally reserved for co-existence. Is it going to be used now?

p5092 said: "The last batch of ammunition has been shipped to the front line. The last batch that has just been transported to position 4 is the last batch. After that, all positions will be exposed to ammunition. It ’s going to be violent, and ammunition is being consumed faster than expected, so the position is about to fall. "

Ji Ziang looked at Wang Yun and found that the other side's expression did not appear surprised, so Wang Yun knew about it a long time ago.

"Go call the young marshal," p5092 said, "I need him to take some soldiers out of here with a steam train. This is not to flee, but to leave a spark for this unit."

Prior to this, p5092 knew that Ren Xiaosu had the ability to steam train, but could they go? As soon as they left, Wang's side took all the pressure immediately, so they couldn't go.

Now that p5092 has determined that it will be difficult for the defense position to return to the sky, it intends to use three-quarters of its force to hold the expeditionary army and give the remaining one-quarter of the soldiers some time to get on the train and leave.

Then he was ready to have Ji Ziang overthrow all the mountains, including the one behind them.

"Would you like to check it again, in case there are other cards in the young master's side," Ji Ziang said, "Maybe there are miracles!"

"A miracle?" P5092 smiled bitterly.

With a wry smile, an outside staff officer rushed in eagerly: "Ammunition at position 1 is finished, sir, what now?"

"That's it?" Wang Yun felt wrong. "I obviously have at least half an hour to finish it!"

The combat staff officer said bitterly: "The barbarian suddenly withdrew the soldiers in position 2 and concentrated on fire to attack position 1. There was no way. There could only be full force to suppress the fire. Now it seems that Mrs. Young killed After one of their officers, this allowed the barbarian to retreat temporarily, but if the barbarian comes up again, position 1 will probably be breached. "

p5092 said to Wang Yun: "Hurry up, find the young commander, let him rush to position 1, and tell him that the evacuation will begin now!"

Then, p5092 suddenly asked Ji Ziang: "Do you know if you want to destroy the seventh mountain, you need to stay here?"

Ji Ziang smiled: "Okay, I'm ready."

"Okay," p5092 nodded. "Put down the mountain near position 1 now, delay for some time, and go."

But at this moment, Ye Yeyu suddenly raised her head and yelled, "Wait, there is another life feature in the northwest."

p5092 waited for a moment and said, "Is there only one? Don't you shout so loudly ?!"

Ye Yeyu said excitedly: "Because I have never felt such a powerful life! Did you know that I have seen many, many extraordinary people, but I am afraid that the extraordinary people I have seen together are just like this person, Not even as good as this guy! "

Everyone was shocked by this statement. I am afraid that there are hundreds of extraordinary people who have met Ye Yeyu. So many people are not as good as one person? What level of master is this?


It ’s just that we have n’t waited for everyone to understand, and Ye Yeyu shouted again: "There are also new life features in the north. Tens of thousands of people, ordinary people, and thousands of powerful fire flames like barbarian masters. Quickly approach Zuo Yunshan! Wait, those thousands of powerful life flames are too fast, how could it be so fast? "

p5092 Silently for a while: "Are you looking for the young soldier's rescuer?"

Wang Yun smiled: "I'm willing to believe that the soldiers came."

After a while, Ren Xiaosu was still resting in position 4 while chatting and chatting with him.

While chatting, suddenly a wolf howling rose from the ground outside Zuo Mountain, as if a sharp sword suddenly tore the sky, Ren Xiaosu suddenly turned back to look at the mountain peak, and saw a huge silver giant wolf Standing on the peak, he looked down at the expeditionary army like a king.

Ren Xiaosu smiled at Zero: "Did you see it, a miracle happened."

After a while, it found the prairie troops and wolves from the north early, but before that it thought that these people came to the Central Plains and robbed them in the fire, but did not expect that the other party also came to Zuo Yunshan, and watch It looks like he came to Ren Xiaosu, and Ren Xiaosu knows who the people are.


One more chapter tonight

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