The First Order

Chapter 982: Turn over serfs and sing

Wanting to take over Los Angeles is actually a very complicated matter, but Ren Xiaosu's so-called takeover is not to completely occupy the entire city, but to obtain surveillance video and then close the city.

The surveillance video was taken to allow Wang Yun to analyze, and even what Xiao Su did not want to understand, but Wang Yun will definitely surprise him.

And the closure of the city is that Ren Xiaosu wants to prevent the lurking lurking lurking in Luo City. He cannot let these people run away.

There is a gate, and there is a Tianluodi net under the cloth of Zhou Yingxue outside the city. As long as someone dares to climb the city wall and go out, it must be a dead end.

This time, it was probably the biggest one by Ren Xiaosu.

At this time, the 71 people who were lurking in Luo City had reported to Zhou Yingxue, and then this group of people directly entered the order department and controlled the order department.

The director of the Los Angeles Order Department is a distant relative of the Xu family. He had received a report that a large number of people had come to the Department of Order, but it was not serious.

However, through surveillance videos at several intersections, he discovered that this group of people carried guns.

When he realized what Zhou Yingxue and others were going to do, he immediately made all his men go to the gun store to get weapons.

Then, when they got the long guns and short cannons, they found that they faced the enemy with eight outer armors ...

At the moment when facing eight armored armors, the Secretary of the Order had a deep sense of powerlessness. This kind of weapon with ineffective firearms was not what they could counter against. One person was not enough. These eight armored killers.

After Wang Yuchi and others took control of the situation, Zhou Yingxue came in with a big swing, and the expensive cheongsam and jewellery looked unusually expensive.

Wang Yuchi looked at Zhou Yingxue: "Sister, what to do next."

At this moment, eight students wearing outer armor looked at Zhou Yingxue, which made Zhou Yingxue very happy, as if she instantly became a great figure in the underground world. The eight brothers beside her were all her thugs ...

This kind of scene immediately made Zhou Yingxue feel like some of the world's main characters ...

Just when I hoped that the media was at the door, the grandmother saw that Yang Xiaorong was also there. She didn't even say a word, and now when she comes to a stranger, she finally raises her eyebrows and sings.

Zhou Yingxue looked at Wang Yuchi and others with a smile. Before, it really wasn't for nothing to cook for these younger brothers, to take care of their daily lives. In the future, if anyone wanted to mess with her, she wouldn't have to do it herself, so let Wang Yuchi and them help them solve the problem.

Like the master, whoever creates the problem will solve it!

Zhou Yingxue sat in the Department of Order with a big wave and said to the Director of the Department of Order: "We have taken over the Department of Order from now on, is there any problem?"

The Secretary of the Order smiled bitterly: "I just gave people a job, and it didn't count."

"Then kill you, then find someone to talk?" Zhou Yingxue looked curiously.

The director of the order department immediately said, "You can do whatever you want with this order department."

Zhou Yingxue immediately smiled kindly: "Okay, I am also working for my master. He just killed so many people in Los Angeles. Should you see the order department? Do n’t do small moves, or you will die. .Let the people in the order department get me the surveillance video of the whole city streets. We just avenge it on Father Jiang, and we will leave after revenge. "

Said, Zhou Yingxue left two students and twenty Qing's people, then turned around and ran to the guard station.

Surprisingly, the defense troops did not have any resistance at all, and instead took the initiative to welcome Zhou Yingxue into them.

Zhou Yingxue curiously looked at the officer of the Luocheng Weiying Army: "Don't you resist?"

Auntie thought to herself, isn't it too fulfilling?

I saw the officer of the Luocheng Guards Army bitterly smiling: "The documents from Qinghe let us cooperate fully, and to be honest, we also want to avenge Master Jiang. If you can find out who did it, it would be too All right."

"Well," Zhou Yingxue felt a little strange. As the host of Luocheng, Qinghe Group should have stood up to defend the sovereignty first, but now it looks like how the other party is willingly handing over power?

"Go, go directly to Qinghe Headquarters." Zhou Yingxue didn't even enter the gates of the Weihe troops, but left two students and twenty Qingshi men to supervise the Weihe troops to seal the city, and then went straight to the Qinghe headquarters. And go.

At the entrance of Qinghe Building, all security personnel were waiting downstairs. Zhou Yingxue skimmed them and walked in, taking the elevator directly to the top floor.

In the office on the top floor, only Xu Zhi was left.

Earlier, Qinghe's helm was always a knight Xu Ke, but later, after Xu Ke and Xu Zhi made a clear connection, he also pursued his knight dream. Today Qinghe can be said to be the former chairman of the Qinghe University Student Union In control.

Xu Zhi stood in the office silently watching the arrival of the big girl, and now I see this girl who let her dreams go. I don't know what to say.

Instead, Zhou Yingxue slumped on the office sofa and said, "Where are your knights of Qinghe? I don't see them in such a big incident?"

Xu Zhi thought for a while and answered, "They are not attributable to Qinghe, and now they are all free people. When Chief Editor Jiang Xu was involved, they helped the refugees and Tinder troops to retreat on the front line of Tinder. The Great Wall was very tragic. They Several people were also injured. Later, when the refugees organized a southward retreat, they encountered experimental ambushes, but fortunately, there were no major problems. By now, they should have received the news and are rushing back. "

Zhou Yingxue said, "It turned out to help the refugees. I heard that you ordered the guards to cooperate with us. Why?"

"Because we all want to take revenge on Mr. Jiang Xu," Xu Zhi said, "the Luocheng guards went to support the northern front and deployed too many troops. In fact, there is only one empty shell left here, and it cannot stop you. . "

Zhou Yingxue nodded: "Smart people, sensible, OK, since you cooperate so well, you don't need me to do it, just rest."

After talking about Zhou Yingxue, he went downstairs. Xu Zhi hesitated for a long time and asked suddenly: "After I find the culprit who killed Mr. Jiang Xu, can I talk to you."

Zhou Yingxue walked into the elevator, then turned around and looked at Xu Zhi who was standing outside the elevator: "Children, I have to ask my master about this kind of thing, but I am too lazy to ask, because I don't think there is anything to talk to you about, too Weak. "

The elevator door was closed, and Xu Zhi stood outside the elevator without feeling lost.


Two more chapters tonight

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