"Do I agree to go home?" Gu Beicheng dropped the remote control and leaned against the bed. "Come and sleep with me!"

"I'm not that kind of woman!" Xia Yinian was flustered and angry, and a small face suddenly turned red.

He let her sleep with him! What does he think of her!

To find a woman, there are many outside, but she is not. She doesn't sell... Body!

"What kind of woman are you?" Gu Beicheng didn't pay any attention to her anger, took the magazine and read it at will.

"Anyway, I don't sell!" Xia Yinian pulled down the door again, but he couldn't pull it at all.

damn! The remote control is on the bedside table, but he is not far away. Can you go and get it?

Then he looked down at his clothes, a man's shirt, which was empty.

If you go out like this, you don't know what you will encounter on the road.

Last time I was lucky to go home smoothly. This time, no one can guarantee.

Women wear men's shirts. It's too loose... Dang!

"Where are my clothes?" she asked, just unwilling to go.

"Let the servant wash it." the man on the bed replied casually.

servant? So, it's not just the two of them here. Where the hell is this? His home?

Xia Yinian suddenly patted the door: "open the door! It's on fire! Open the door! Help!"

Nobody cares.

Her throat had been choked by thick smoke before. It was hard to feel. After calling for a while, sang Zi suddenly seemed to smoke.

"Do you need water?" Gu Beicheng frowned at her increasingly hoarse voice.

Xia Yinian probably knows that this is his place. No one will pay attention to what he calls.

Staring back at him, she said angrily, "open the door, I want to go home!"

"Come and drink some water and moisten your voice." Gu Beicheng's words are still light and clear, and clearly don't take her wishes to heart.

Xia Yinian is really thirsty, mainly because his voice is very uncomfortable.

After staring at him, she decided to protect her voice first.

So he went over, picked up the cup on the tea table, took the water and drank it.

On the other side of the bed, Gu Beicheng's light magnetic voice is still pleasant: "drink more, otherwise it will be bad to hear at night."

At night?

Xia Yinian was stunned and couldn't react.

After she reacted, a mouthful of water she had just swallowed got stuck in her throat and almost choked herself to death.

She finally swallowed the warm water. She clenched her fist and blushed with anger: "Gu Beicheng! You... You are shameless!"

"It seems that your abusive vocabulary is so small." Gu Beicheng dropped the magazine, got out of bed and walked to her.

Xia Yinian hurriedly retreated in fear.

blamed! This bastard doesn't even wear a bathrobe. He only has a pair of underwear!

The muscular Hun chamber is not covered by a trace. The strong and slender inverted triangle body is perfect, with a strong and thin waist and incomparably good proportion of big and long legs.

And, at the lower abdomen, you can see that the strong abdominal muscles are hidden at the end... The mermaid line under the pants

Xia Yinian knows he shouldn't watch it, but this bastard's figure is really good! The line of sight is always unconsciously attracted to the past.

When she realized that she was fascinated, Gu Beicheng's tall body had come to her.

Xia Yinian suddenly regained his mind. He was so frightened that he hurried back and banged on the desk!

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