Just saw Li Wudao standing in place as steady as Mount Tai, and pointed forward, it was Ma San's fist.

"It's just looking for death." When many people saw this scene, they all felt that Li Wudao was crazy.

Use your fingers to fight the fist, who gives him the confidence?

"This time it is estimated that it will be smashed into a meatloaf!" Zenrou pursed her cherry little mouth, a little regretful.

Zhao Lei's pupils contracted suddenly, he never expected that when Ma San and Liuyun and Xue Shenyi started just now, they didn't use their full strength at all.

Without using all his strength, he can defeat all his people, what does he Zhao Lei take to fight with Ma San?

"Click—" In

the next second, everyone heard a sound of bones shattering.

That starts with the fist, continues to the arm, and spreads from the arm to the body...


Even if Ma San is a tough guy, he still can't help but let out a miserable cry.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Ma San fall to the ground in pain, his body like a puddle of mud.

Looking at Li Wudao again, it was a light wind, there was nothing at all, and this disparity was obvious.

"You....... You abolished my thirteenth taibao! Ma San's face was full of resentment.

The finger just now was not as simple as teaching Ma San, not only scrapping Ma San's arm, but also scrapping Ma San's hard qigong that had been practicing hard for more than 20 years.

"If you want revenge, just look for me!" Li Wudao didn't take Num San to heart at all.

After saying that, he turned around and left, and Jia Yundao quickly followed.

In the underground world, Li Wudao became famous in a battle, and with a snap of his fingers, he abolished the peak master of foreign martial arts-Ma San, and broke Ma San's horizontal training thirteen taibao.

From this, it can be judged that Li Wudao's own strength has at least reached the Grandmaster realm.

You know, how old is Li Wudao now.

It is said that by now, the youngest grandmaster is also over forty years old, while Li Wudao is only nineteen years old and is known as the young grandmaster.

"What did you say?"

On the way back, Jia Yundao received a phone call, and his face changed greatly.

"What's wrong?" Li Wudao asked casually.

"Old Zhao....... Old Zhao spat out blood, I'm afraid it won't work. "Jia Yundao has some six gods and no masters.

As soon as the words fell, Jia Yundao seemed to have thought of something, and quickly said: "Mr. Li, he Zhao Shanhe is a reckless man, and he accidentally offended you, but you look at my face, save him this time, is it okay?" As

Li Wudao said earlier, Xue Shenyi used acupuncture to stimulate Zhao Shanhe's potential, which is equivalent to treating the symptoms but not the root cause, which is equivalent to overdrawing Zhao Shanhe's vitality.

Therefore, Li Wudao once concluded that Zhao Shanhe would not live long and something would inevitably happen.

Sure enough, everything came true.

Of course, Jia Yundao was convinced of Li Wudao's medical skills, and in Jia Yundao's heart, he even thought that Li Wudao was probably a peerless person.

He believed that only Li Wudao's hand could save Zhao Shanhe's life.

"For the sake of medicinal herbs, I can go and take a look." Li Wudao finally nodded.

The medicinal materials that Li Wudao mentioned were naturally the medicinal materials that Zhao Shanhe had collected at the beginning.

At that time, Zhao Shanhe was able to give all the medicinal materials to Li Wudao, and Li Wudao still appreciated this.

However, Zhao Lei and Zhao Xiaoxue thought that Li Wudao obviously had no skills, but he defrauded him of medicinal materials worth tens of millions, so they remembered to hate Li Wudao.

Therefore, it will appear, Zhao Lei sent people to teach Li Wudao a lesson.

"How so?" Zhao Lei also received a notice, hearing that his father was critically ill, Zhao Lei almost panicked.

Zhao Lei knew in his heart that the reason why the Zhao family could become the largest family in Zhanggang City, to put it bluntly, was mainly the old man.

If the old man dies, then the Zhao family will inevitably decline, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Doctor Xue..." Zhao Lei's first reaction was to find Doctor Xue.

In his opinion, only Xue Shenyi could save his father.

As a result, he was stunned to find that Xue Shen Doctor, who was still standing beside him just now, was gone.

"Wang Baegg!" Zhao Lei was not stupid, at this time, how could he not understand, he was furious.

Xue Shenyi is not stupid, he was stimulating Zhao Shanhe's potential, but after the potential is stimulated, some people can live for a few years, and some people can live for more than ten years.

It's just that there is a characteristic that once something goes wrong, then it can't be stimulated a second time.

How could Doctor Xue Shen think that Zhao Shanhe's situation was so special, and he had only lived for a few days after his potential stimulation, then something would happen.

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