The First Store System

Chapter 1007: New Customer!

Chapter 1007: New Customer!

Time flew by, and Lina decided to leave the store after making the purchase.

The battle with the Spectral Spider was the toughest fight she had ever faced, but in the end, she proved to be the better party and succeeded in taming the creature.

Lina bought the Supreme Store Card to complete the payment, becoming one of the few card owners.

Lina wanted to check Panagea for herself, but she also wanted to share the news of the child with their father, so she decided to come back tomorrow.

After Lina left, the store returned to silence as there weren't that many customers in the store except for Aakesh. There were only seven, and they were meditating in the waiting corner to pass the time before the first group exited.

Time flew by, and it had been an hour since the store opened.

The forty-eight spots for the first group had already been filled in the morning, while the second group also had all its spots filled a moment ago.

Aakesh closed his eyes to continue his relaxation session, but only a few seconds passed when Aakesh heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside the store.

Aakesh opened his eyes and looked in the gate's direction, finding an unfamiliar face standing at the door with a pondering face. Similar to the majority of the customers, it was also a Thorron.


"Should I go inside?" Weiver mumbled since he wasn't sure of his decision to enter the store.

Weiver was the person that told Ransh and his group of friends about the Element Stone. He also helped them absorb it since the more time the stone stayed in public, the more dangerous the situation would become for the children.

Weiver also wanted the stone for himself, but after testing, he found that he couldn't take it. He would need to cut the hands of the children, but he was neither that cruel to harm his friend's son, and he was also afraid of the store owner.

The store owner was already famous in Seventeenth Street for his notoriety, and who knew if it was a trap set by the owner to kill some more and still remain civil in the eyes of the leaders. After all, the story of him killing Garon and his underlings because they acted against his store had become known to everyone on Seventeenth Street.

"Since I've come here, let's enter," Weiver gritted his teeth and stepped inside.

The next moment, the view in front of him changed. Weiver's face was slightly pale after he felt that he was entering the mouth of some beast.

But since Weiver was already here, he took a deep breath to calm himself down and looked around the store. His eyes then fell on the notorious blue-skinned store owner, looking at him with an expressionless face.

Aakesh wasn't a bad-looking guy, and his dark blue skin added to his charm, making him even more mysterious, so there were rarely people that felt terrified by looking at his face.

Weiver took a deep breath and then approached the store owner. When he looked around, he could feel a sense of novelty from around the store, but his knowledge wasn't that deep to be aware of things, so he gave up on it.

Weiver was a greedy individual, but he also knew his limits, and that was also the reason, he had survived till now with rarely making any enemies.

"Hello, store owner," Weiver greeted Aakesh with there being a slight tremble in his voice.<novelnext></novelnext>


"Store owner, why did you give Element Stones to the group of children? If someone with a wrong mindset saw it, wouldn't that put them in danger?" Weiver gritted his teeth and asked.

Weiver wasn't that concerned about the group of children, but he asked because he wanted to know what was going through this killer's mind.

"Don't put your nose in things that have nothing to do with you," Aakesh directly replied, seeing through the man's intentions of asking the question.

"Store owner, tell me about the store products?" Weiver asked after calming down and forgetting about the Element Stone and the children immediately. It was as if it was some other person who asked the question.


Aakesh randomly gave the stones to the children as gifts, but that didn't mean he didn't prepare for the situation where they could be put in danger.

First, the stones could only be absorbed by the children it was attached to, and second, if anyone tried to harm the children, the stones would release a wave of invisible energy, destroying the attacker.

But since Weiver had nothing to do with those children, Aakesh didn't explain it to him.


"The store currently sells five products in total…"

"... First-grade lesser soul healing pill: The pill can heal minor soul injuries up to peak Divine Being. It would only work for Divine Lords when taken in large numbers. It cost 25 lesser Sacred stones…"

Aakesh introduced all five products to Weiver.

Weiver had a smiling face as he found a product that he needed but wasn't able to afford it.

"Store owner, I want one lesser soul healing pill," Weiver requested Aakesh, and he began to take out the required amount from the pouch tied to his waist.

Aakesh nodded and stood up from his chair. Soon after, he came with the requested pill in his hands.

Weiver counted the amount again, and after finding that it was perfect, he pushed the stones toward Aakesh while Aakesh handed the pill to Weiver.

"Thank you, store owner!" Weiver thanked Aakesh as he put the pill in his pouch. There was already a special filament surrounding it, so Weiver didn't need to worry about the medicinal effect leaking.

Weiver then turned around and left the store as he was in a hurry to feed the pill to his father, who had been in a coma due to a soul injury for a long time.

Soul healing pills were available on the market, but they were expensive, and their effects weren't that high compared to the price.

Twenty-five lesser Sacred stones were no less than a steep amount for Weiver, but for some reason, his intuition told him to trust the store and buy the pill, so he followed the feeling and purchased it.

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