The First Store System

Chapter 1060 Long-Awaited Revenge!

Chapter 1060: Long-Awaited Revenge!

Since the store owner returned to the Sacred Dimension and left the store to Jonnah in the Primal Dimension, centuries have passed.

The store tended to more than a trillion customers every day, making it the most popular attraction in the Primal Dimension. Cultivators ranging from the first level to the highest level graced the store, and it treated everyone equally.

In its more than a millennia of existence, the store had changed the destinies of many figures spread across the Primal Dimension, disrupting the power structure prevalent there before the store's emergence.

Before the store's appearance, humans were only a mid-tier race, but the presence of the store in human territory propelled the humans to become one of the top races, with the ranks of several peak Immortals in the Bisan Empire.

The store's customers also included void beasts and more than two-thirds of the Immortals spread across the Primal Dimension. One such out of those trillions of customers was a female, Carla.

Carla was only a girl when she found the store. At that time, she was running from her enemies, and at the same time, she wanted revenge for what happened to her parents and the Empire.

Carla wanted to avenge the fall of Avith and take them back to their former glory.


Carla had now been the store's customer for more than a millennium. When she came, she was only a Tao Manifestation level cultivator and only 26 years old. But now, more than 1400 years later, she was a peak Heavenly Monarch, and the traces of age could be seen in her unique eyes.

"Mother, do you want to do this?" Farracky asked his mother, clearly not in favor of Carla initiating a war on her enemies at that time.

Carla's eyes held disappointment when she looked at her eldest son. She then looked at her other children. They had the same reaction as Farracky when she announced her intentions to finally avenge the deaths of her family and the Empire.

Carla's eyes lit up when she saw her youngest son. He had the same excitement as she had for finally being able to complete her revenge.

"Truloc, tell me what you think?" Carla asked her youngest son.
Farracky frowned when he saw his mother asking for answers from the youngest when he clearly was the eldest child and the next in line to the top position after Carla. But he stayed silent since he didn't want to offend his mother.

Carla noticed her son's actions but ignored them and focused on her youngest son.

Truloc became stumped by her mother's sudden question. But he took a deep breath and responded, "Maa, I think you should do it. We need to avenge Grandpa and Grandma."

A smile spread across Carla's face when she heard the answer. She then called him. Truloc nodded and went forward, reaching his mother.

"Why do you think I gave birth to your siblings and you?" Carla suddenly asked Truloc.

"Because… you love us?" Truloc was confused by the sudden question, but he still answered.


Carla bluntly responded, shocking all the children. But without giving them too much time to absorb the news, she added, "I gave birth to you because I am the last blood of the royal family of Avith. When I will reinstall my Empire, I want another line of Avith to rule and spread their glory to the world."

Farracky didn't seem surprised by his mother's answer, but hearing it directly from her mouth was still uncomfortable.

"To reinstall the Empire, I will need to destroy my enemies. Since only you supported my decision to start the war, I proclaim you to be the first Emperor of the new Avith Empire," Carla announced, shocking the children and other people in the room.

Farracky's expression turned ugly. He wanted to say something, but before he could, a wave of pressure hit him and forced him to kneel.

"Show your allegiance to the new ruler!" Carla's tone was majestic as she ordered.

Farracky wanted to say something, but the pressure attacking him suddenly grew, exploding veins on his face.

Farracky gritted his teeth, bore the pain, and announced his allegiance to Truloc, vowing by the name of his cultivation.


Crash! Crash! Crash!

"Damn it! How could she do this to me?" Farracky cursed in anger and destroyed the things in his residence.

"Calm yourself," Farracky's wife pleaded, seeing her husband in such a condition.

"How can I calm down? That woman took everything that should have belonged to me and handed it on a platter to that bastard child of hers," Farracky growled.

Truloc and Farracky had different fathers. In fact, most of Carla's children had different fathers.

"Why don't you request that she take some more time to think over her decision?" The wife suggested.

"You don't know her. She is a damn stubborn woman," Farracky complained and broke another expensive table in the room.

"Are you angry, my son?" Suddenly, the familiar voice rang in the room, shocking Farracky and his wife.

Farracky turned around and found his mother standing at the door. When he saw her, the memory of his humiliation moments ago flashed in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Farracky asked, with not even a little bit of respect in his tone.

Farracky's wife stepped forward and stood side by side with her husband, showing her stance if there were to be a fight.

Carla didn't seem to care about the tone in her son's voice. Her steps were casual as she entered the room and sat on the only perfectly-fine chair.

"Since you are my firstborn, I will forgive you for cursing me and calling your brother a bastard. Now, come and sit here." Carla's tone was gentle like any mother's, and she tapped on the other side of the sofa, calling him to sit.

Farracky was filled with rage, but he still knew that if he dared to refuse his mother at that moment, the consequences would be too dire for him to face.

Farracky sat down, and Carla waved her hands. The next moment, an invisible energy appeared and pushed his wife out of the room.


The door of the room closed, and Carla stated, "Now, let's be honest with each other!"


A/N: The second chapter would come later in the day, and I will also upload a third chapter to make up for the one less chapter a few days ago.

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