The First Store System

1150 The Sixth Product(4)

Chapter 1150: The Sixth Product(4)

"Store owner, tell me about the store products," Grimlac requested Aakesh.

Grimlac had come to the store after hearing a rumor about it from an intelligence organization he had gone to. Grimlac was a peak True God, in dire need of resources to get a breakthrough to the Lesser God, so he would go to intelligence organizations to learn about recently gained events. During one such trip, he found out about the store, and here he was to check it.

"The store currently sells five products. They are, pills, weapons, beasts, cultivation arts, and Panagea…

… these are the five products." Aakesh introduced all five products and their basic details.

Similar to other customers, Grimlac became interested in Panagea and asked about it.

"... you can't enter Panagea for now; you will need to wait," Aakesh answered the questions Grimlac had, and at the end, he also informed him about the lack of spots while pointing at the thousands of people waiting at the waiting corner for their turn in Panagea.


Since Grimlac couldn't enter Panagea, he decided to give the Beast Summoner Device a try. Once Aakesh had satisfied all his doubts, Grimlac thanked Aakesh and then proceeded toward the beast room.

When Grimlac entered the room, his eyes fell on the long line in front of the pillar, waiting for their turn. At the start of the line, Grimlac could see a woman filled with excitement on her face while she was looking at her card,

Not long after Grimlac entered the room, the woman turned around and left the room, muttering in her native language. Grimalc didn't understand what the woman said, but from her expression, it was clear that those weren't bad words.

While waiting in line for his turn, Grimlac looked at the murals spread across the wall. He felt awed by looking at those creatures, and time passed for him.

Grimlac's turn finally arrived and he stood in front of the pillar with several people behind him.

His eyes fell on the nine beasts in nine sections on the screen. He had seen all nine beasts on the mural, so he nodded.

Grimlac then took a deep breath and pressed the switch. The next moment, the square light began to rotate at an unprecedented speed, and soon five seconds later, a beast familiar to Grimlac appeared on the screen.

Grimlac had chosen targeted summons for Divine Transformation beasts since his wealth didn't allow him to go for beasts with quality higher than Supreme for Divine Being or Divine Lord level.

Not long after the rotation came to an end, a card appeared out of nowhere and flew into his hands. Grimlac was already familiar with the beast, so when he read the details, he wasn't very surprised. It wasn't what he wanted, so Grimlac placed the card into the return compartment and pressed the switch, beginning the second round of summon.

Time flew by.

Grimlac took a deep breath and pressed the switch. It was the last summoning try he had decided to commit since anymore, and he would have to pay in higher Sacred stones.

'5' appeared on top of the screen while the square light began to rotate at a rapid rate.

Five seconds passed in a flash, and a beast unfamiliar to Grimlac appeared on the screen. Grimlac's expression fluctuated toward excitement, but he soon calmed down and grabbed the card that flew to him.

[Name: Dearan

Type: Beast

Race: Mutant

Quality: Legendary

Element: Wood

Cultivation: Early Divine Transformation

Characteristics: Blossoming Blessing

Details: Dearan blesses allies with the power of nature, enhancing their strength, speed, and endurance.


Petal Storm: The Dearan creates a fierce storm of razor-sharp petals, shredding everything in its path and dealing heavy damage to enemies. 

Thorn Barrier: The Dearan creates a barrier of thorns, protecting itself and its allies from incoming attacks and reflecting some of the damage back to its opponents. 

Flower Dance: The Dearan summons a field of blooming flowers, boosting the morale of itself and its allies and restoring their health and energy. 

Nature's Wrath: The Dearan calls upon the power of nature, unleashing a devastating quake that damages and stuns enemies.

Card Description: The Dearan is a formidable creature. Its attribute of wood makes it a terrifying opponent in battle. This card can be used to summon a powerful monster onto the battlefield, capable of dealing massive damage to its opponent. Use it wisely, and watch your opponents fall before the might of the Dearan. 

Price: Seven thousand higher Sacred stones.]

The upper half of the card contained the beast's illustration. The Dearan was a tall and slender creature. Her body was covered in delicate and colorful petals that seemed to shift in hue and intensity based on her mood. Her arms were long and graceful, while her fingers had delicate, pointed tips that could extend into razor-sharp thorns when needed. Her hair was made up of delicate, wispy tendrils that floated around her head like a halo, and her bright green eyes glowed with a warm light.

Grimlac liked what he read on the card, so he decided to make the purchase. Its price was steep, but its supporting skills added to the cost, so Grimlac had no qualms about the purchase.


"Store owner, please initiate the taming battle," Grimlac requested Aakesh, pushing the card toward Aakesh.

Aakesh took the card, completed the usual process, and returned it to Grimlac.


"Your sale is complete; the Dearan is yours to summon," Aakesh informed Grimlac after getting alert of successful payment from the system.

"Thank you, store owner!" Grimlac thanked Aakesh.

There were still many hours left before his turn arrived in Panagea, but since Grimlac didn't want to give up on that, he decided to look at the training area.

Since the sale of the Dearan cost him a good amount of money, Grimlac chose for Difficult level training area, paying for ten hours since he was ten hours away from getting his turn in Panagea.


As Grimlac left, the system's alerts started ringing in Aakesh's ears.


A/N: Tomorrow I might miss the day since I will be attending my college reunion party. I will try to write the chapters, but if I fail I am sorry in advance.

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