The First Store System

Chapter 1265 A New Day For The Store(12)

Chapter 1265: A New Day for the Store(12)

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Aakesh had only closed his eyes to relax a few seconds earlier when he was woken by the sound of footsteps approaching the store.

He turned in that direction, and he found an unfamiliar face coming toward the store.

Just a step before the stairs, the man stopped, looking at the store with a solemn look.

Aakesh patiently waited for the man to enter when he sensed someone approaching him. He turned around and found it was Aapan, followed by Grim.

Beasts below ultimate quality could be purchased without the help of the store owner, but since Grim had no card and that store card belonged to Aapan, the sale needed to take place with Aakesh.


Theodre stood in front of the store, looking at the building with a solemn expression.

Theodre belonged to the Fardir, a race in the Demon group.

Fardir wasn't a top race but it was extremely popular across the Sacred Dimension. It had to do with the founder of the race, who was a Sacred Creator level cultivator.

Having a Sacred Creator level cultivator made a race belong to the top tier, but it was not the case for Fardir. The reason for that was the average cultivation of the race. 

The average cultivation of Fardirs was Lesser God, with the second highest level in the race being a Supreme God level cultivator.

It wasn't that the ruler of the Fardirs was some extremely talented cultivator who broke the talent chain of the race and steppes into the Sacred Creator level. It was due to a fortunate event.

Before that event, the ruler was a peak Supreme God level cultivator, but after that event, his cultivation grew at an outrageous rate, making the ruler reach the Sacred Creator level in the span of several years.

That time wasn't enough to even grow one level in cultivation for the majority of the talented people, but in that time, the ruler reached the Sacred Creator level.

It wasn't a positive breakthrough since the ruler's strength was still at peak Supreme God level. Even a Sacred King could defeat the ruler in a one-on-one battle. But the ruler still had the inner world of the Sacred Creator, so no Sacred King dared to challenge and meet their death.

Theodre was the son of the ruler of Fardirs and hence he was the second most powerful figure in the race.

Even though Fardirs didn't have powerful cultivators like other races controlled by Sacred Creators, Theodre's father's presence had given the Fardirs a positive and comfortable boost.

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Despite that, none had succeeded in breaching the Supreme God level and stepping into the Sacred King level. Theodre was already several billion years old, so he had also lost hope of growing his cultivation anymore.

Since the lives of the inhabitants of the Sacred Dimension were eternal, Theodre was fine with his life the way it was going.

His father's inner world was a continuous source of revenue, filling the coffers of the race, and making him live the way he wanted without having to understand anything.

But something happened two days ago that shook Theodre's life.

Two days ago,

Theodre was playing with a group of girls in his room when his father suddenly summoned him. Theodre respected his father immensely since everything he had was due to his father. He immediately dressed up and went to meet his father.

Theodre's face turned pale as soon as he entered the room. There were already two more people other than his father present in the room.

His father was in a terrible condition, to say the least. Fardirs were known for their bulky physique and bulging stomach, but what was lying on the bed was the opposite of that.

Bones could be seen through naked eyes as if someone had covered the skeleton with a blanket made of skin. Theodre immediately rushed to his father, who looked like he could die anytime.

For the world, the father had gone through a fortunate event, but for the man, it was a curse and a terrible one at that.

Theodre requested his father to reveal what happened during that event, but instead of a word response, he got a violent reaction from his father as if his request had made some unpleasant memory flash through the man's head.

It wasn't Theodore's first time requesting his father to tell him about the event, but the father would always reply with a smile.

The next moment, Theodre's eyes turned moist as he finally noticed the pain hidden in that smile of his father whenever he would request the story.

"Forgive me for being so self-centered that I never noticed what you were going through even though it was in front of him," Theodre knelt and apologized as he broke down.I think you should take a look at

Theodre's mother died when he was young during one of her ruin hunts. His father loved her so much that he never married another one or even had any other children.

His father had always been standing as his support since even before he was the ruler.

The man on the bed looked on the verge of death but his eyes were still filled with energy. His eyes turned moist as he saw his son crying like a baby on the ground.

The man wanted to extend his hand and touch his son, but his body had become so weak that any movement from him would break him. It was the case of a strong spirit but a weak physique.


Theodre looked at the store with a solemn expression on his face. He had come here on his father's order.

His father wasn't going to die any time soon but he could no longer move. It was terrible news for Theodre since the man was his father and also the race would start to go on a down spiral once others found out about his father's condition.

It wasn't easy to come on top, but it only took a small push to throw someone downward.

The curse would keep affecting his father, slowly eating his body. Once his body was eaten and only the spirit was left, then the soul would face the same fate as the body, resulting in death one day.

Theodre had come to the store after his father paid a lot of money to divine something that could change Theodre's fortune.

The father wasn't worried about his death, but what worried him more was what would happen to Theodre once he died. Being the son of a dead  Sacred Creator and only having a cultivation of the Supreme God was equivalent to death.

Theodre would be hunted till he was alive for the wealth left by his dead father.

The father didn't want such fate to befall on his son so he spent a large swathe of his wealth to take the help of a Sacred Creator level diviner.

That had brought Theodre to the store. His solemn expression was due to the wealth his father had spent on him.

Theodre was spoiled by his father, making him arrogant and stubborn. But as soon as he saw his father in that condition, everything seemed to vanish in thin air. He had returned to his usual self as a disciplined son who would even throw himself into a well of lava if his father ordered.

That past self was the only reason he came to the store since how could he not know what motive his father had behind hiring the diviner?

"Father, I will heal you," Theodre vowed, and then he took a step forward, reaching the outside stairs.

Theodre no longer looked solemn, but there was a fire of determination burning in his eyes.

When his father did all that, he hoped for his son to grow to a stage where he would no longer need to worry about his safety. He never expected his son to become so motivated that his goal was only to heal him.


"Store owner, I want to complete the purchase," Grim requested with a wide smile.

Aakesh looked at the card he had received from Grim, and the next moment, the price details appeared in his head.

"You need to pay one hundred fifty… Sacred stones," Aakesh expressionlessly informed of the price, returning the beast card.

Grim respectfully looked at the founder. The next moment, a mechanical alert similar to the last time when Aapan wanted to complete the purchase rang in his head.

There was additional information, telling him about the payment not being for a product bought by him.

After Aapan gave the go-ahead to the alert for the payment, an alert informing of the successful payment rang in Aakesh's head.

"The beast is yours," Aakesh expressionlessly informed.

Grim wanted to jump in joy like a child but he controlled himself and calmly thanked Aakesh while smiling.

At that time, Theodre finally stepped inside the store.


A/N: Sorry, only one chapter.

Tomorrow, I will upload three chapters.

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