The First Store System

Chapter 1300 Elia’s Experience(18)

Chapter 1300: Elia's Experience(18)

Elia walked to the counter for the True God level cultivators since she was one. In her eyes, no row existed except for the bottom row since she only cared for attacking type skills.

The store owner had told her that she would need to think of the element before reaching for the shelf desired by her, and she would pull out a skill of that level.

Elia decided to start with the strength element skill since she had been using these types of skills over the past few centuries.

Thinking of the element, Elia reached out to the last shelf in the bottom row, representing the God level. Since she didn't lack money, she didn't think twice before immediately going for the highest level.

When she pulled her hand out, there was a skill card in her hand. One-third of the card contained the illustration of the scene at the activation of the skill, while the bottom two-thirds contained its details.

Elia had not taken much interest in how the skill looked when activated, so she immediately focused on the details.

Her expression remained the same throughout the reading, and at the end, she returned the skill card, pulling a new one out.

Time flew by, and finally, at her seventeenth attempt, she finally found a skill she could buy if she had great compatibility with it.

[Name: Giant's Wrath

Type: Attack

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to Peak True God

Effect: Unleashes the unstoppable fury of a giant, obliterating all in its path

Description: The user taps into the elemental essence of strength, summoning the boundless power of a giant. This skill enables the user to embody the unstoppable force of a giant, unleashing a devastating onslaught of overwhelming strength upon the battlefield.
The activation of the skill demands profound mastery over the element of strength and precise control over the giant's power. Long usage of the skill will require a period of recovery after the activation.

Price: Eight thousand higher Sacred stones.]

After reading the details of the skill, it was time to experience it since she wanted to know what element she was most compatible with before initiating her purchase.

It was a time-consuming process, but Elia was fine with it. She then turned around and walked toward the line standing in front of the semi-pillar.

After a wait of a few minutes, Elia reached the device. After she placed the card in the card compartment, she found herself in a different environment.

Elia stood in a battle arena with her opponent, ready to attack. The size comparison between her and the opponent was like comparing an ant with an elephant.

Her body reacted and activated the skill [Giant's Wrath]. The next moment, a dreamy light surrounded her.

Not long after that, a projection of a giant appeared behind her. The projection then exploded into light particles and began melting into Elia.

Elia's eyes were emotionless as her body slowly began to expand, taking the shape of the projection behind her.

Her expanding speed was quicker than what a being could see with the naked eye. In no time, her stature had reached half that of her opponent, and it was still growing.

As Elia was growing in size, her eyes were slowly turning red. The expansion finally came to a stop, and at that time, Elia was a few meters bigger than her opponent.

Roar!I think you should take a look at

The next moment, Elia roared and jumped. Her gigantic body seemed to defy gravity, as she was still as quick as she was earlier.

Elia had never been stronger than she was at that time, but her eyes stayed as emotionless as ever. She could feel an unprecedented strength in her body, and she punched.

It was as if the space was glass; it cracked open. Just the force released from the punch alone was enough to destabilize the opponent.

When the punch finally hit the opponent, a gory scene presented itself in the arena, with blood and brain matter spreading everywhere. Some of that fell on Elia's face as well.

Elia's giant body acted on its own and licked the blood clean across her lips while her consciousness watched the scene with no fluctuation in her emotion.

Despite the opponent's death, Elia's body didn't stop and kept punching the corpse. There was a reason for adding 'Wrath' to the skill's name. It was a berserk transformation.

When even the blood had disintegrated due to the repeated powerful punches and their terrible force, Elia stopped. Her consciousness then returned to the store.

Her eyes immediately went to the screen on the device. The next moment, the screen lit up, and content appeared on it.

[Skill: Giant's Wrath

Level: God

Cultivator: Early to Peak True God

Compatibility: 68%

Training Time: Seventy-eight Years.]

The content was directly engraved in her head, so she left the queue and returned to the counter.

Even though her compatibility with the skill wasn't bad, she wanted to test her compatibility with many elements and then choose what skills to buy. At the end of the day, she could only buy one God-level attacking type skill, and she wanted the best.

The next element in her mind after the strength was fire since she used to be a fire user before things took a tragic turn in her life. Thinking of the element, Elia reached out to the last shelf in the bottom row.

When she pulled her hand out, there was a skill card in her hand. She immediately focused on the content of the card. As luck would have it, she got a skill to her liking on the first attempt itself.

[Name: Cataclysmic Fire

Type: Attack

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to Peak True God

Effect: Unleashes an all-consuming fire of cataclysmic proportions

Description: The user taps into the elemental essence of fire, summoning an all-consuming inferno of cataclysmic proportions. This skill channels the untamed fury of a raging firestorm, wreaking havoc on the battlefield and incinerating everything in its path.

The activation of the skill requires exceptional mastery of the element of fire and precise control over its intensity. The strain on the user's energy and cultivation can be substantial for prolonged usage of the skill.

Price: Seven thousand four hundred ninety-nine higher Sacred stones.]

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