The First Store System

1344 (3) Second Store Upgrade Quest(12)

Chapter 1344: Second Store Upgrade Quest(12)

Sirish had the same expression of excitement as he chose the same options as last time. The next moment, he found himself in a different environment.

The temperature was weird as there was the sun at its peak, but there was a chilly wind blowing across the area.

The opponent also appeared not far from him with the same expression of cruelty.

Time flew by, and three hours passed in the blink of an eye. The time flow rate inside the Primordial level of the training area was twenty times higher, so Sirish still had seventeen more hours left.

The past three hours had been no less than mental torture for Sirish, as in his bid to attack first rather than defend, he had failed to survive the first strike and had been getting killed instantly.

Even though Sirish had stopped counting how many times he had died, but evrytime he would appear in the white space, he would only grow more excited. It wasn't that he was becoming masochistic and liked the feeling of getting cut in two. He clearly saw himself reaching that state and even surpassing it.

The only disappointment he had was that he would only be able to enjoy the training for twenty hours a year.


The bell rang, announcing the start of the first battle in the tenth hour.

The battleground was a vast grassland, and the sky was slightly orange as the sun was getting close to setting.

Sirish and his opponent stood at a distance of a few miles from each other. The sound of the bell hadn't even subsided, and the opponent made his move.

Forcing some energy into his foot, he pounced, catching Sirish in the billionth of a second. The attack was the same as ever, but when the attack seemed to have succeeded like the past countless battles, Sirish slashed back.


The next moment, the sound of a metallic clash rang in the area, breaking the deafening silence. The opponent still had force left to unleash, so he attacked.

The clash seemed to have taken everything from Sirish, so he was no longer able to do anything and was cut cleanly into two symmetrical vertical pieces from head to toe.

Sirish wasn't there to see the scene and had already returned to the white space. There was a wide smile spread across his face since it was the first time he had succeeded in unleashing an attack. Even though it failed to hit the opponent, and the opponent brought the sword in time to defend against it, he had still seen an improvement from the past.

Time flew by, and hours passed in the blink of an eye.



As soon as the bell rang, the two opponents charged, and their swords clashed with each other. To be precise, the enemy was the quicker of the two, but he defended against the attack as Sirish unleashed everything in that attack.

Sirish didn't just stand there to get cut again and pulled back. Whatever energy remained in his body, he transferred into his hand and then slashed again.

Soon, the twentieth hour passed and the system forced him out of the training area.

The transparent, golden barrier around Sirish broke down, and light returned to his eyes. His eyes contained longing since he wanted to continue in the training area for more time.

But the next moment, the longing for the training was replaced by the joy of his gains. Sirish found a new knowledge appearing in his mind that was engraved permanently.


While Sirish was relishing in the joy of his gains, Laney opened her eyes.

It was time for her to complete her revenge since her exit was approaching, and only around two hours were left before she would be forced out of Panagea.

The man had calmed down at that time and was also sitting in a meditative posture. He was still bound by an invisible chain that restricted him from moving away from the tree or releasing a skill.

Even though Laney didn't want to kill the man, that didn't mean she trusted him to leave him free.

The man also opened his eyes when he heard the sound of Laney standing up. He had completely calmed down, and there was no longer anger toward Laney in his eyes.

"Please free me," The man requested.

Laney nodded and snapped her fingers. The next moment, the invisible chain restricting him disappeared and returned to the bracelet in her right hand.

The man stretched himself, ready to battle the beast. But before that, he gently put his wife's hand into the space ring.

Laney didn't say anything when she saw the scene and instead walked forward. She was cautious and prepared for any attack from the man, but nothing of that sort happened, and the man followed her.

After walking for a while, Laney and the man reached the lair, where they lost so many members. The man's eyes turned red, but he controlled himself and didn't lose himself in rage.

"What do you want me to do?" The man asked Laney since she was the stronger of the two, and if there was a little hope of revenge, Laney was that chance.

"I want you to act as bait," Laney directly stated her strategy.

The man didn't feel much of a surprise or feel bad about Laney asking him to become bait. The beast was strong and couldn't be defeated in a frontal fight.

"I am ready," The man responded, taking Laney by surprise.

She had expected a little struggle from the man in response to her statement, but the immediate acceptance made Laney feel uncomfortable.

"If only I were stronger, they would still be alive," Laney murmured under her breath with a disappointed expression.

Things could have gone differently, but the time for what if had long passed. The group leader and five members were already dead. Now the only thing she could do to avenge them was to kill the beast.

Laney then told the man what he needed to do. The man simply listened to her and didn't voice his opinion, agreeing with whatever Laney decided.

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