The First Store System

1351 Second Store Upgrade Quest(19)

Chapter 1351: Second Store Upgrade Quest(19)

The beast ignored Laney and looked at the sky, howling indignantly. It was only the start, as one beast after another began to howl, creating a loud sound.

Laney's ears had begun to bleed from the sound. She tried to cover her ears with her hand or even energy, but nothing seemed to slow down the effects of the sound.

The next moment, a shocking scene played out in front of Laney. The mountains began to float while the beast started to explode in a blue-blooded cloud. Laney was also on one of the mountains, so she was also floating alongside it.

Laney didn't even think of jumping, as the floatation wasn't straightforward but affected the space. When Laney tried to look down, she found a space storm where the mountain was on the ground.

Things have long gone out of Laney's control, so she could only hope to survive the situation and leave. The next moment, the mountain turned still, no longer floating up.

Laney's eyes almost jumped out of their sockets as she saw a city appear in front of her. It had appeared suddenly and only became visible to her once the mountain stopped.

The city was grand, to say the least. Laney had never seen anything like the city in front of her.

Before Laney could get over the shock and calm down, an invisible force acted on her. Following that, Laney found herself being pushed toward the city.

No matter how Laney tried, her body was outside her control, and soon after, she got pulled inside the city.

The force was so strong that Laney felt like someone was tearing her apart. A wave of comfortable energy passed over her when the pulling sensation disappeared.

Laney looked above and saw a clear blue sky with white clouds and beautiful birds flying. At that moment, she felt someone tugging at her. She looked behind her and saw a young boy smiling at her.

Laney almost screamed in fright when she saw the boy. The boy looked ugly, to say the least. His head was bald with saggy skin like an old man, while his teeth were black and several of them were missing.

To be precise, the boy looked more like an old man than a young boy. The boy noticed the expression change in Laney when she turned around.

The next moment, an expression of unfriendliness passed in his eyes, and he turned around to leave.

Instead of feeling disappointed, Laney felt relieved. She was sensing danger from the person.

The relieved expression on Laney's face suddenly froze as the boy came back. But he wasn't alone any longer, and there was an army of people behind him.

Even though the boy was one of the ugliest living things Laney had seen, she had to compliment him when she noticed the others behind him. They were even worse.

Laney immediately turned around to run, but there was another army of hideous creatures coming toward her.


Suddenly, a cold voice rang in the area. Laney felt cold seeping into her bones as she shuddered, but the situation with the army of people was even more terrible.

A layer of ice had engulfed every creature, and soon after, they were broken, disappearing into the air.

The boy who had tugged Laney at the beginning was the only survivor of the ordeal. His eyes were filled with anger, making Laney feel a slight fear, but she found that she wasn't the target of the glare.

Following the direction in which the creature was looking, Laney looked up and saw a bird floating in the air. It stood in the air as if there were an invisible surface beneath its feet.

The bird was white like unsullied snow, and its piercing blue eyes emanated a chill. Its appearance was the complete opposite. If the young boy looked hideously ugly, then the bird had a stunningly majestic appearance.

If eyes could kill, the boy would have killed the bird countless times. In the end, the boy had no choice but to sigh in anger and then leave.

As the boy was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and looked at Laney. The next moment, Laney felt a burning pain on the back of her hand.

She looked at the burning spot and found a pattern engraved there while her skin was charred.

The bird in the sky suddenly opened its mouth and released a blue fog. The blue fog engulfed Laney, and the burning pain disappeared. But the pattern was still there without any hint of disappearance.

"That is a tracking mark. He has targeted you as his enemy."

The bird noticed Laney alternately looking at the pattern and then at itself, so it informed her.

"But I didn't do anything," Laney complained. The hideous creature was stronger than even the strongest beast she met while looking for a suitable Destrun mountain. How could she triumph over the grotesque creature if she was unable to do so there?

"Don't act innocent. He wanted to welcome you to the city, but you looked at him with disgust," The bird immediately made Laney aware of her mistake.

The bird didn't wait for Laney's response, and it flew away, leaving Laney standing there. She couldn't help but feel guilty upon hearing the bird.

No one would like to be treated with disgust, especially when the other party is stronger. At that moment, Laney suddenly remembered that the boy was here to welcome her.

Why would he welcome her to this city? She wanted to ask, but there was no one who would answer.

To find out the cause, Laney walked forward. The area where she was was an open area with no structure or any living being in sight on the ground.

After walking for a while, Laney finally came across a third living being. Laney wanted to ask her, but before she could, the figure spat on the ground and shooed her away.

Laney's eyes became awkward and angry, but she controlled herself and no longer disturbed the woman. She then walked ahead, and living beings became common, as did different structures.

The grand city Laney had seen from the mountain revealed the tip of its grandeur.

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