The First Store System

Chapter 1547: Ancient Glorious City(18)

Chapter 1547: Ancient Glorious City(18)

Time was like a stream that kept a steady flow unless someone caused an obstruction.

Around a year had passed since the city in the sky appeared in Thorr City, and the store owner helped the city survive a disaster.

The sunset arrived in Thorr and its nearby cities, resulting in a cover of darkness engulfing the cities.

A few minutes later, Aakesh, Lily, and Khaval were left alone in the store.

"Let's go!"

Aakesh commented, and following that, the three of them left the store. Their destination being the portal to the city in the sky.

After one month, the three decided to enter the city once a week, and that day was the set day. Like Aakesh, Lily, and Khaval, they had their buildings, so they could exit and enter anytime they wanted.

There was a line of people outside the portal, wanting to enter. The city in the sky had shown its value since many people turned wealthy overnight.

The luckiest one was Ashley, the daughter of Asher. She gained a valuable resource that caused a tricky situation in the city. But the store's presence deterred those with dangerous thoughts, and Ashely sold that item to George, the prince of the Sun Elves, for a vast amount of money. It further stabilized Asher's position as the leader of the Vurrons.

The guards stationed around the portal had gotten used to the weekly entry of Aakesh and his two pets, so they were already prepared for that. As soon as he arrived, one of the guards immediately closed the entry for others.

No one dared to complain after seeing Aakesh receive such treatment. Aakesh also didn't care. He paid 150 ordinary Sacred stones and then proceeded to enter the portal, followed by Lily and Khaval.

Since Lily and Khaval would appear in different places, they didn't stay on Aakesh's head.


He understood that his betting choice was the challenge. If he won, he would get a reward. If he failed, he would face a dangerous situation.

Neither of the two opponents was a dark horse. They had fully established their names in the arena, and even the number of fans seemed equal.

"Show me their battle records," Aakesh expressionlessly asked the woman.

"Sir, you need to quickly make your decision, the battle will begin in five seconds."

The woman hurried Aakesh while giving him the battle records for the two participants.

If it were a challenge with a chance of survival, there would be a way to find the right choice. But if it were a challenge like the theater where failure/death was inevitable, then things would be difficult.

Aakesh's infinite intelligence followed him in the challenge, so she compared all the battles of the two opponents at once, utilizing his multi-tasking capability.

At first, the situation didn't show any hope since both participants showed the same kind of skillset, showing the situation as more of a draw.

Since there were no odds for a draw, there couldn't be a result like that.

Aakesh's eyes suddenly lightened up after he saw one of the earliest battles of Arulan. He then looked at the busty woman and informed her of his decision.

"Sir, are you certain you want to bet 100 billion supreme Sacred stones on Amil?" The woman asked to confirm since the amount betted by the esteemed personality was several times higher than the highest even betting amount.

Aakesh's heart skipped a beat since he finally understood the danger. He had a feeling that if his bet failed, he would be required to pay the stated sum to survive.

While thinking, Aakesh didn't hesitate and nodded, confirming his bet.

Only three seconds were left after that for the battle to begin. The woman immediately took out a token and handed it to Aakesh.

On top of it was written the betting amount, while on the back was the fighter Aakesh had bet upon.

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