The First Store System

Chapter 191 - Outrageous Prices

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Chapter 191: Outrageous Prices

"Hey, store owner, what are the prices of the training arena?"

While Aakesh was relaxing on his chair, he suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice.

He didn't have to turn around as the woman who asked that came forward.

She was the same person whose attack almost reached a level above her actual cultivation level a moment earlier.

"Hey, system, you never told me about it," Aakesh asked, even he didn't know the cost.

[Host, the system had already informed you yesterday, but since you were busy, you ignored it.]

The system responded in its mechanical voice.

Aakesh didn't have to ask for it as the next moment, the alerts regarding the training arena costs reappeared in his mind.

After learning the details himself, Aakesh told the woman. She couldn't help but get shocked after hearing the prices.

The training arena of each pillar had six levels.

They were: trivial, normal, moderate, difficult, Immortal, Gods & Demons.

The trivial being the easiest, and Gods & Demons being the hardest difficulty.

Since the weapon in itself had levels, each level of weapon had these six levels of training, except common grade since the store didn't sell those.

For the rare grade weapons, the trivial difficulty cost an inferior Primal stone, but the Gods & Demons difficulty became 1000 inferior Primal stones.

These were the prices for only an hour of training.

These were still affordable, but the higher the level of the weapon, the outrageous the prices.

For a weapon of an Immortal grade, the trivial difficulty cost 100 supreme Primal stones, and with each grade higher difficulty up to difficult level, the cost grew by ten times, meaning it cost 100,000 supreme Primal stones just for a single hour.

The cost for the Immortal difficulty jumped by 100 times, and it cost 10,000,000 supreme Primal stones for only an hour.

But, for the Gods & Demons, the cost jump would be even outrageous for the top organizations of the Primal dimension.

It jumped by 100,000 times, making the cost of a single hour training of Immortal grade weapons in Gods & Demons level difficulty, one trillion supreme Primal stones for a single hour training.

Even the top organizations of the Primal dimension would need to think hundreds of times before deciding to join it.

The woman's mouth didn't close after hearing the price for a long time.

Finally, after a few minutes passed, she calmed down and looked at Aakesh as if he was insane to even talk about this.

She had a king-grade weapon in her hand, and if she wanted to take the Gods & Demons level training, she needed to splurge 100 supreme Primal stones for an hour, which was equivalent to an hour of training in the trivial difficulty in the Immortal grade weapon.

Aakesh ignored her since he was conversing with the system about the outrageous prices in his head.

"Hey, system, why are you randomly throwing numbers of Primal stones here?" Aakesh curiously asked.  A trillion Primal stones and that of the supreme category was something that would make people run away from the store.

[Host, the system always charges the price equal to the value of the product.]

The system responded in its emotionless voice.

"I knew that, but do you think these people understand," Aakesh responded.

[Host, you don't need to worry about that. When people received the benefits of training in the Gods & Demons level difficulty, they would even think that the store is charging less than it's providing.]

The system responded and told Aakesh to let it be the decision of customers whether they feel it's costly or not.

Aakesh stopped asking questions as the woman, standing shell-shocked in the store, finally came around and asked Aakesh a question.

"Store owner, don't you think 100 supreme Primal stones for Gods & Demons level difficulty is way too much for the king level weapons?" The woman asked as she was still very far from the level of Immortals.

"The store doesn't charge more money than the worth of the product," Aakesh expressionlessly responded and told her what the system always tells him.

A look of struggle appeared on the woman's face after hearing Aakesh. Since bargaining was not possible in this case, she couldn't make her decision based on the rule board. One hundred supreme Primal stones were almost 70% of her life savings, so it wasn't something she could waste on a whim.

As for training in other levels, this thought never came to her mind since there wasn't any point in having savings if you can't afford the best.

Aakesh knew this wasn't enough, so he added, "You don't need to worry about your Primal stones going to waste. The store has a policy of hundred times compensation if my products fail to do what they're supposed to do."

As if the policy of hundred times compensation broke the last straw of struggle she had, she finally arrived at her decision.

"Store owner, one hour, King grade bow, and Gods & Demons level difficulty," She asked and took out 100 supreme Primal stones from her space ring.

The look of struggle on her face reappeared as she noticed that she would lose this much from her savings, but the next moment, she took a deep breath and extended her hands, carrying the pouch using every ounce of will she had.

Aakesh waved his hands, and the Primal stones disappeared. Only the pouch remained in her hands.

The next moment, a smile spread across her face as the struggle she had been feeling disappeared right after Aakesh took the Primal stones.

She then inhaled and exhaled long breaths quite a few times to calm her mind since she couldn't waste her expensive training due to her mind.

"You don't need to worry about the stresses or frustrations you have in your mind. The moment you enter the training area, your mind will be at the calmest point, and you will remember nothing other than training in that hour..."

Aakesh explained to her about one of the many great features of the Gods & Demons level of training.

The women nodded and left for the weapons room.

There was still a crowd gathered around the slab, and they were testing the power of their strikes.

She found the pillar that denoted the bow and arrow and took a step in that direction.

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