The First Store System

Chapter 194 - The Limit

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Chapter 194: The Limit

As Aakesh waited for the customers, he wasn't aware of what was happening inside the weapons room.

Around a hundred customers had already come and left since there weren't enough virtual portals. The next group of fifty customers were already inside the store and were waiting for their turn.

While he was relaxing, a girl who had been waiting for her turn in the weapons room for the past hour came to him.

"Store owner," She called to him.

Aakesh expressionlessly glanced at her and asked for her purpose.

She then told about her interest in the Gods & Demons level training area for the king-grade weapons. Aakesh nodded and asked for 100 supreme Primal stones.

The girl nodded and handed him the required amount. Unlike Marie, she belonged to an affluent family that had several Immortals in their midst, so 100 supreme Primal stones weren't a big amount for her.

Aakesh waved his hands, and the next moment, the Primal stones disappeared. He then told her to enter her training area.

"It seems it's going to be popular," Aakesh murmured after the girl left for the training area. Since it had been an hour after the first customer entered and only a few minutes after another customer arrived to purchase, that meant it proved to be a fruitful purchase for the first girl.

The easiest way for him to complete the quest's training hours requirement was to sell 1,000 Gods & Demons training hours, but the system had set a limit of one customer per year for that level of difficulty, so Aakesh needed 1,000 customers in six months which didn't look difficult.

But the store had higher-level cultivators, and the prices were outrageous for them even if it was worth it. Customers needed to have that kind of amount to even gain the benefit.

He could also hope to get 10,000 Immortal training hours first, but there was a limit of a customer per month in this situation.

Now that he thinks about it, only the first four levels of difficulty could help him complete the quest. Unlike the other two levels, there was no limit on the number of training hours the customer could purchase for the first four levels, and the price was cheap too, so 100,000 training hours in these four difficulties looked easier than less number of hours in other two.

Since thinking about it wouldn't do much, Aakesh stopped thinking about it and decided to leave it upon the time. He could interfere with fate and time to have enough customers to complete the quest in only a few hours, but the system won't allow it, so he let it flow naturally.

Time flew by, and twenty minutes passed.

Marie came up to him during these twenty minutes and talked about the training area. She had already used 70% of her life savings for a single hour of training, so she didn't have much, but she was even willing to take the debt with high-interest rates if she could enter that training area again.

She even tried to ask Aakesh for giving her a loan, but Aakesh flatly refused her. Since she currently had one of the virtual portals in the next group for her, she talked to Aakesh about it. She decided to leave the store for some time to ask for some money, but she didn't have to as Aakesh explained the limit of one training hour per customer per year.

The decision to put a limit on the training area, which could create an unlimited amount of resources for Aakesh, sounded unfathomable and stupid to her. But she didn't want to offend Aakesh, so she stayed silent and returned to the weapons room.

Aakesh had no idea what Marie thought, so he didn't care. Even if he knew it, he still wouldn't have cared since the limit of one hour per year was for the health of the customer.

The training in the training area happened spiritually, which automatically helped in the growth of the spirit. But the same wasn't the case for the physique. It stayed the same.

Since Marie had a breakthrough, her physique would be able to face the sudden growth of spirit if she entered again, but not everyone would have a breakthrough after their training hour. So the system put a limit of a single training hour per year.

After Marie left, not a single customer entered the store until now.

Aakesh was relaxing in his chair when he sensed teleportations inside the store.

He opened his eyes and saw the group of Elves emerging one by one.

Even though people had seen their real faces during the last event, they still came with masks on their faces.

As Lenna entered the store, there was an atmosphere of excitement surrounding her. She looked at Aakesh, and a smile spread across her face behind the mask.

"Store owner, do you remember our deal?" She asked, with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

Aakesh expressionlessly nodded.

"Can you let us meet them too?" Elasha nervously asked. The other two members in the group also tensed and looked at Aakesh for his answer.

"No, I only made a deal with her," Aakesh expressionlessly refused.

The group's shoulders slumped down in disappointment after hearing the straight refusal.

"Can I change places with my grandmother?" Lenna suddenly asked Aakesh, seeing her disappointed grandmother.

"You don't need to do that. You can tell me their appearance, and it would be like we saw them from our own eyes," Elasha gently responded, hearing her granddaughter willing to change her place.

Lenna's mother and father also nodded their heads in agreement with Elasha.

How could they take such an opportunity from her just because they wouldn't be able to join her?

"I would be fine, grandma. It would be my gift to you for always caring about me," Lenna responded as a smile spread across her face.

"There's no point in it. You earned it, and you should be the only one to enjoy it," Elasha responded.

"I wasn't going to allow the exchange in the first place," Aakesh suddenly added, breaking the gentle atmosphere between the Elven family.

"Hmph," Ivanar scoffed in response to Aakesh ruining the emotional moment of their family.

"Let's go!" Aakesh ignored him and ordered Lenna.. He snapped his fingers, and the next moment, they both disappeared from the store.

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