The First Store System

Chapter 205 - The Watcher

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Chapter 205: The Watcher

Despite knowing the cheat Aakesh would have, the system still suggested this class to him.

The class Watcher wasn't only one of the strongest classes in the Panagea; it was also one of the laidback ones. A class like this was perfectly suited for someone like Aakesh since the system didn't want Aakesh to settle with a lower level of class, and it also didn't want him to interfere in the events around the Panagea by taking primary classes.

As for Aakesh gaining this class, it wouldn't affect major events around the Panagea, so it was alright even if Aakesh gained it.

The next moment, the memory related to the town and the war appeared in his mind.

He was currently in a town called Bristol. It was a town exclusive for humans, while the neighboring town, Roszke, was exclusive for Beastmen.

Since both the towns had creatures belonging to different races, the relations between both couldn't be any worse.

Humans considered the beastmen as failed hybrids and felt disgusted by them, while the beastmen thought humans to be a low-level race, so they considered themselves superior.

How can the relations between Bristol and Roszke stay peaceful after the citizens had so many differences against each other? Due to this, there would be battles among them from time to time.

Even though the hatred between both the towns was enough to be willing to burn each other to the ground, the heads of both towns knew how stupid it was.

There was no point in trying to create peace as in the past, many citizens from both the towns had tried it, and it failed every time after only a few days. Keeping this in mind, both the heads decided to organize a battle between 100 warriors from each side every three years so that the town doesn't face many casualties and the citizens get to channel their hate.

The current round was also going to be like this, but yesterday, the town head found his son, granddaughter, and daughter-in-law dead in cruel circumstances. Every evidence of the murder pointed at Roszke. At first, the town head tried not to act impulsively, but the citizens of the town wanted revenge, so he had no choice but to announce a war on Roszke.

The war had already started early this morning, and the people in the market were here to buy weapons and armor for them. Since the town consisted of only ordinary mortals, there was no hint of potions, pills, or skills here. They would fight as any ordinary being does.

"How stupid," Aakesh mumbled after learning the story of the war. 

How can they create so much hatred for each other Just because they didn't like each other? Even though it was a quest, he knew how much people hated someone who looked different than them, so he stopped thinking about it.

Now, he needed to select ten people on his intuition who could survive the war to the end.

He could either randomly select ten people and join the war himself from the start to keep them safe, or he could pick ten strong people and only join the war when any one of them feels like dying.

Aakesh didn't have to think before making this decision. He decided to randomly pick ten humans and then help them win the war in a few hours.

He wasn't going to waste time first picking the candidates and then watching over them until the war ended. He had to leave Panagea an hour before morning. He had called Brinda to get her coronation present, and he needed to make it.

Since he was giving the present, he couldn't just give anything. He would make the best of the treasure for Brinda since the store status depended upon it.

After making his decision, he didn't wait and extended his hands. The next moment, ten silver blobs of lights emerged out of nowhere.

"Him, him, her, him, her..., her!"

He pointed at the first ten people he could see. The next moment, the silver blob of light flew from his hands and entered the ten candidates Aakesh had picked. The candidates were unaware that they had gained a fortune even without knowing. Now, it doesn't matter what situation the war takes. They would still survive in the end.

Out of the ten candidates, Aakesh had chosen, six were females, while four were male. Out of the six females, one was already pregnant.

Since the lady was pregnant, she wasn't going to participate in the war. But now that Aakesh had chosen her, she would somehow get entangled in the war.

Aakesh didn't care whether the lady was pregnant or not. His quest was that none of the ten candidates should die. What did it matter to him whether they were old, child, or injured?

As expected, after Aakesh chose the pregnant lady, the next moment, an announcement rang inside the whole town.

"All people except the old, children and injured are ordered to participate in the war! Anyone who dares to hide would get executed by fire!"

The lady's face turned pale after hearing that she had to participate in the war. Aakesh wasn't there to see her expression. He had already left in the direction of the war.

Since he had decided to join the war, the quest would automatically become difficult.

The next moment, a bell rang seventeen times which signified the highest level of danger, the extinction level.

The next moment, another announcement rang inside the town.

"Any person who can fight is hereby ordered to join the war, irrespective of their current situation! Anyone who dares to hide in this situation would be termed as an enemy and will get executed by a thousand cuts!"

The execution by thousand cuts was the cruelest form of execution Bristol had. Even the beastmen who the humans hated from their core never faces this kind of execution inside the town.

In this execution method, the executioner would create a thousand small cuts on the body of the condemned person. The cuts will be left this way until they heal. After they heal, the executioner would recreate a thousand cuts, and the process would continue until the condemned person died from the blood loss.

As expected after hearing the new announcement every citizen's face turned pale from horror. Aakesh also heard the announcement, but he didn't care and rushed to the battlefield.


A/N: Many of the readers may feel Aakesh is some kind of a villain because everything that the town would now face would be because of him.. For those readers, I would only like to say that he isn't a human and the concept of morality doesn't exist for him.

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