The First Store System

Chapter 293 - Auction(2)

Chapter 293: Auction(2)


The next moment, the sound of the stage creaking rang in the arena as the golden key weighed too much. Fortunately, the army chief had already prepared for it, so the stage only creaked, but the few meters thick concrete base below the wooden platform helped it handle the weight.

The crowd also heard the creaking sound, but they ignored it as their eyes were focused on the golden key lying on the stage.

Even though the key looked ordinary except for its golden splendor, the people in the crowd couldn't take their eyes off of it. Even the army chief had the same response, but since being in an army had taught him discipline, he calmed himself down after the setback of a few seconds.

Lewis then noticed the faces of the crowd, only to see their eyes red with greed. Being in an army for almost his entire life had taught him how to judge people. 

Lewis could see the urge to steal the key from several eyes. He even noticed a few people in the crowd were on the verge of standing up and rushing here.

Lewis snorted, seeing their actions, and released a bit of his pressure. As if a bucket of cold water were poured on the faces of the people in the crowd when suddenly an intense pressure arrived on them.

Since he didn't want to hurt anyone, he took the pressure back. But for the reason he had released, it had already gotten done. Those who had the urge to steal the key had now horrified looks on their faces since Lewis had targeted them personally, while the others had gotten caught due to Lewis's control not being very good.

"The first product will be the golden key for today's auction," Lewis announced once more.

"Here are the details of the golden key," Lewis commented as the next moment, a blue screen containing the details of the golden key and the position of the Townhead appeared, floating in the air.

It wasn't done by Lewis but by Aakesh. Since only Aakesh could currently pick up the golden key, but he had also refused to take the position of the Townhead so he had a pseudo-ownership of the key. In this way of ownership, he wouldn't get any benefits from it, but he would still be the owner of the key.

[Item: The Key of Succession,

Grade: Epic,

Owner: None,

Ability: It allows the adventurer/inhabitant to gain control over a territory,

Territory: Wolfden.

Advantages of being the Townhead:

(I) Direct Increase of levels to Level 50,

(II) Tax collected from the citizen,

(III) Complete control over the army,

(IV) Full control over the resources of the town.


(I) Life linked with the town: The town is the primary, while the Townhead is the secondary in the link.]

On the blue screen, it was the similar information Aakesh had gotten. Despite the fonts in the window being small, every person sitting in the crowd or VIP room was able to clearly see them.

Lewis didn't need to read the screen as he had already heard from his daughter everything.

Lewis gave the crowd some time for reading the details and silently waited on the stage.

Many in the crowd didn't understand the disadvantage, so they asked Lewis about it. Lewis, in response, explained to them that if the town died, the Townhead would die too, but if the Townhead died, the town would still have the ability to survive just like this time.

Hearing the disadvantage didn't phase anyone, as only the first advantage of reaching Level 50 directly was enough for them to own the key.

Time flew by, and a few minutes passed. Lewis thought that the crowd has gotten enough time to understand the advantages and disadvantages of owning the key, so it was time for him to announce the way the auction for the golden key will be held.

"Cough! Since you've already learned the advantages and disadvantages, I'm sure you have already decided what to do," Lewis commented in a voice loud enough for everyone present in the arena to hear.

"Owning the golden key isn't easy, for it decides its owner, not me and you," Lewis threw the truth bomb at people.



Shocked voices rang in the arena after hearing about the sudden piece of information.

"Silence!" Lewis didn't care what the crowd felt at this moment, so he ordered and released his pressure.

The crowd didn't dare to argue with Lewis since he could kill them with a single slap, so they obediently fell silent and waited for Lewis to continue.

"Since there's a test for being the owner of the golden key, and there is a chance that the highest bidder would fail the test, so the bidding for the golden key would be done in a different way," Lewis continued his announcement.

The people in the crowd had a myriad of questions at this moment, but they didn't dare to anger Lewis, so they stayed silent and continued listening to the army chief.

"Everyone who wants to attempt at owning the golden key would need to place a single bid of their own choice."

"The minimum amount you need to bid is 100,000 low soul stones. The bidding will decide your sequence for the attempt at picking up the golden key."

"Only the winner would need to pay the amount they had bid, while those who had bid but failed to pick up the golden key would only need to pay the minimum amount of the bid, 100,000 low soul stones."

"There's no level limit, so anyone can bid for the key. But remember, the minimum amount you need to pay is 100,000 low soul stones even if you failed to pick the golden key up," Lewis concluded his announcement.

He then fell silent and gave the crowd the time to process this information while he thought about how many low soul stones the adventurer would earn from this.

One hundred thousand low soul stones weren't a big amount, but what if thousands of people paid it for the bidding.. These 100,000 low soul stones weren't a big amount for even many middle-class families, let alone the wealthy families in Wolfden.

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