Except for the Void beasts across the dimensions, and the Deva that created him, no one found out about the death of Oregon.

After Kores died, courtesy of the pressure released by the square card, the card suddenly separated into eleven shards of random size and shape, just like they were before its creation.

One quadrilateral-shaped shard suddenly dissolved into light particles. It then melted into the other ten card parts, floating not far from it.

The next moment, the shards of the card started growing larger in size and had a few changes in their shape. Not long after, the process ended.




The next moment, eight shards flew in the same direction, while the last two parts flew in different paths.


“It’s here,” Oxen muttered with a grave expression since his portion of the square card had just returned to him.

“Deva, please give us the strength to further persists and do for what you created us,” Oxen prayed in his heart as he put the card in his pocket space.

Now that the portion of the card had returned, Oxen and the other surviving Void beast couldn’t use the square card anymore if the situation were to take a turn for the worse. Now they only had themselves to fight and rescue the dimension until they survived and exited the portal.


“I can’t die here. I still have many things to do,” A figure cried in pain as she was lying on the ground, with a deep gash spread across her upper body, starting from her neck.

“Somebody, save me,” She cried out for help, but in response to her plea, only a burst of playful laughter filled with cruelty rang in the area.

“Ah, seeing you struggle like this is just…just…” A voice rang in the area. The creature felt so much pleasure, seeing the figure in front of it struggling so much so that it couldn’t even complete its sentence.

The young woman crying in pain didn’t understand what the creature had said since it was the first time she had come across this language.

“Please, somebody, save me,” The young woman asked for help again. Her voice was lowering since her life was leaving in front of her eyes.

The young woman wasn’t the only one facing scenes like this. There were thousands of people like her.

Until this point, more than a million inhabitants of the Primal dimension, belonging to different races, ranging from Tao Manifestation(or equivalent power level in other cultivation systems) to Heavenly Monarch(Immortals), had entered the portal.

Out of these, more than a million cultivators, not even a hundred figures, had survived the assault up to this point, making the death rate higher than even dangerous grounds. Since rarely did the cultivators come across each other due to spawning in random areas and the vast size of the continent, those who survived weren’t aware of the survival rates.

Out of the around a hundred surviving cultivators, ninety percent of them had survived due to their luck of spawning in weaker areas.

Not every creature on the Conspiracy continent had the strength of an Immortal or higher than that, so the Immortals, who spawned in weaker areas due to their great fortunes, survived the ordeals.

One of the lucky cultivators was Gordon, who was a customer of Aakesh’s store and was also a friend of George(the prince of the Pocoso Empire).

After entering the portal, he spawned in an unfamiliar environment, where he clashed with a creature he had never seen before.

Gordon was a peak Tao Palace level cultivator and had entered the portal in the event of good luck to have a breakthrough to Immortal, found his first battle in an opponent, several times weaker than him.

The opponent was only equivalent to early Tao Manifestation, so in just a single hit, Gordon won and freed all the restrictions on him.

As he moved further, the strength of his opponent grew, but even then, the most powerful opponent he came across was equivalent to late Tao Palace.

Despite being several times more powerful than his opponent, Gordon failed to learn any new piece of information. He neither recognized the race of any creature he came across nor did he have any idea of the language they spoke, resulting in a complete blackout of the knowledge about the world he was in for him.


“Hehe, die,” Carlos laughed and kicked the face of the beast lying below his feet.

Carlos didn’t live in Visteerna but was in the Anga continent due to some purpose for the organization he belonged to when he suddenly came across the sudden disappearance of the Mysterious peak.

Carlos didn’t have an ordinary identity, but he was the son of one of the high-ranking elders of the second strongest organization of the Primal dimension, so he had many expensive treasures with him.

When he entered the portal, his luck turned out to be good as the first opponent he came across was the central ruler, and that too was the weakest of the more than 18 million central rulers on the Conspiracy continent.

Carlos followed the mage system, so he was peak Demigod with a pseudo-divine embryo, while his opponent was around late Immortal.

The challenge turned out to be easier than Carlos had thought, as, with just the force released by his punch, his opponent gave up.

At first, Carlos didn’t comprehend what the creature wanted to imply since he neither recognized its race nor could he understand its language.

Fortunately for the central ruler, it knew different languages spoken across the Primal and other dimensions.

Carlos finally found one language he knew because it was the language the royal family of the organization he belonged to spoke.

(A/N: In this book, the spiritual conversation can only occur when both the parties know the language since I’ve never understood how someone could communicate with others without knowing their language in other novels?)

“Where is this?” Carlos asked after finally finding a language both could understand.

“This is the Conspiracy continent…,” The central ruler then told Carlos everything it knew about this continent.

The more Carlos learned, the more shocked he became. After learning about the strength difference, he thanked his luck to teleport him here, but not in some areas with those strong central rulers.

“Thank heavens, I teleported here,” Carlos thanked his fortune for teleporting here after learning the strength difference between the other central rulers.

“This is all you know?” Carlos asked the central ruler when it stopped speaking any further.

“Yes… yes,” The central ruler responded with a tremble in its voice. Carlos was too strong for it to even think of fighting back. The fear had seeped so deep in its heart that it even gave up thoughts of escaping even though it could fly into the air and Carlos couldn’t, saving itself from any fight. The psychological pressure won over the logic of the mind due to the vast power difference.

“How do I leave this place?” Carlos asked. He was arrogant but not stupid enough to stay in this place even after learning about the vast power gap between him and the other central rulers.

Carlos didn’t know whether the creature was speaking the truth or not since many beings could lie and still not give any mental reaction. But he still decided to trust it since if he went ahead and the ruler’s words turned out to be a reality, it was he who was going to lose his life, not the central ruler.

“I don’t know-”

“I remembered, there is a way,” At first, the creature responded with its inability to answer, but its sentence came to a sudden stop, and it added.

Carlos didn’t speak anything in response to the central ruler. His eyes turned cold, and an intense invisible pressure suddenly attacked it.

The central ruler’s face turned pale, and it stumbled down to the ground due to the sudden attack by the pressure.


“Hehe, die,” Carlos laughed like a maniac with a cruel grin spread across his face. He then kicked the creature and continued until it died.

Carlos had no choice but to trust the words of the central ruler since, despite torturing(mental and physical) it for hours, it gave the same answer for the ways to let Carlos leave.

Carlos then killed the central ruler, so even if he turned out to be wrong in following what the central ruler’s said, he still would’ve taken his revenge.


Carlos was standing at the center of the primary domain. He could sense a space point here after all the restrictions on him had disappeared.

“You can only leave this area by entering the ruler’s territory. Since I don’t know where she lives, there is only a single way to reach there, and that is the space point in the center of my territory. We have keys, so we can directly reach there, but for you, I don’t know what would happen, but it’s the only way to reach the ruler,” Carlos muttered what he had heard from the central ruler he had just killed a moment earlier.

Carlos then took a deep breath and touched the space point. The next moment, the space cracked open, and a portal appeared. Carlos had no idea what was behind the portal, but since it was the only way to escape, he had no choice but to take a step forward.


A/N: Carlos is going to play a major role in this arc, hence a chapter for him.

There would be only one chapter today. Sorry, the chapters are getting late and aren’t on the schedule. My office work has been continuously taking more time. Sorry for the trouble! I would try my best to return to the previous schedule. Thanks for supporting me and the book!

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