Carlos stood up after the guilt attacking him disappeared. His eyes were red with rage for having to go through this.

Carlos didn’t forget his vow to hunt down the stall owner, so he turned around and proceeded in the direction of the market.

Time flew by.

A month later, he finally reached the market. In the last sixteen years, he had spent here, he had killed more than two million people and had traveled to several corners of this city.

The city spanned around twenty million miles, so it took him around a month to return to the market since he still had restrictions on him. He couldn’t use his full power.

“Oh, you’re here,” A smile spread across the stall owner’s face as he noticed Carlos coming toward him.

Hearing the stall owner’s words, Carlos felt lava flowing into his body, turning his eyes redder.

“Don’t look at me like that. I’m extremely shy,” The stall owner seemed unfazed by Carlos’s rage and joked, attempting to hide his face.

“Here are your million beating hearts,” Carlos ignored the stall owner’s joke and started taking out the hearts. His voice was hoarse. It was taking everything from him not to fly in rage and attack the stall owner at that moment.

Carlos knew he had to wait. First, he needed to get the 1st Gradient Lotus, and then he could fight the stall owner.

The stall owner’s eyes shined with joy and excitement, witnessing a million beating hearts. He almost drooled.

“1st Gradient Lotus is yours,” The stall owner hurriedly said as he looked at the hearts with red eyes.

Carlos waited for the stall owner to hand him the lotus, but the stall owner ignored Carlos as he couldn’t take his eyes away from the hearts.

The next moment, Carlos bent down and grabbed the 1st Gradient Lotus.

The 1st Gradient Lotus had seven petals, unlike a lotus, which has eighteen petals, but still, the petals were adjusted so that it looked like a lotus.

It wasn’t a natural-born lotus, but an artificial one made up of exotic materials unheard of in the Primal dimension.

The moment Carlos grabbed the lotus, he found the time had frozen, everything had become silent, and there was nothing but darkness around him. Only the sound of his heart beating remained.





The sound of his heart beating only got louder. Carlos felt as if his heart would explode if he didn’t let go of the lotus from his hands.

But at the same time, when Carlos thought of letting go of the lotus, his intuition warned him that if he did so, he would never be able to leave here.

Carlos gritted his teeth and persisted.

His veins started rupturing on their own, while his heart reversed the flow of the blood, resulting in Carlos crashing down to the ground, but he was still conscious. He greeted his teeth and persisted. He didn’t let go of the lotus.

Time flew by.

Almost all his veins had ruptured as Carlos lay there in a pool made of his own blood.

He groaned in pain but didn’t let go of the lotus since giving it up at this point would mean that all this pain he felt was for nothing.

‘I should let go of it. So what if I stay here my entire life. I would be alive and not dead,’ A thought emerged in Carlos’s head as his eyelids turned heavy and his mind was slowly losing consciousness.

“NO! I CAN’T DO THAT!” Carlos roared in anger in response.

Time flew by.

‘So, this is the end,’ Carlos thought as he couldn’t continue anymore. His eyelids were too heavy for him, and his mind had given up.


Carlos roared again. As if the roar was magical, the lotus in Carlos’s hand suddenly started shining. Carlos wasn’t there to see it as he lost his consciousness the moment it began shining.

The splendor of the lotus started growing at an unprecedented rate. The world fell silent again, and only the light released by the lotus remained.

In no time, it covered the entirety of Carlos. The light was transparent, so if anyone were to be there, they could see that Carlos was healing at a visible rate.

Time flew by.

“AM I ALIVE?” Carlos yelled in surprise as he opened his eyes, bringing the attention of the crowd in the market toward him. They looked at Carlos with pity as if they had forgotten about the massacre he had committed on them over the last sixteen years.

Carlos ignored their pitiful glances as he faced the surprise of his life.

He sensed that not only all the restrictions on him had disappeared, but he had also grown stronger. He could see that his skin had grown even redder, while a fourth leg had appeared.

He then created a mirror and couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise as he noticed that out of the six eyes, his two uppermost eyes had golden pupils, unlike before when all his pupils were red.

‘Am I a God?’ Carlos thought in surprise since these were the features of the Dororo that ascended to the Sacred dimension.

‘No, that can’t be,’ Carlos rejected his thought process since his strength hadn’t grown by that much. He was only a little stronger than before.

Carlos didn’t know that the 1st Gradient Lotus had only one effect on others. It could purify the bloodline.

Inside this world, the ruler not only had created challenges for those who entered it. There were also rewards for the winner who completed the challenge. The 1st Gradient Lotus was one such prize for completing this round.

Carlos then suddenly remembered something as he hurriedly looked to his left.

“DAMN IT!” The next moment, he cursed in anger. All the joy he had felt for the sudden gain disappeared. The stall owner had disappeared, with the hearts and his stall.

Carlos then punched the ground in anger, sending shockwaves over thousands of miles since there were no restrictions on him anymore.

Carlos then stood up and left the market in search of the stall owner since he had vowed to kill him.

“Eh!” Carlos exclaimed in surprise as he noticed a large gate with several patterns standing in front of him. He was here earlier, and there was no such gate, so Carlos curiously and cautiously pushed it open.

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