“Dirty beast, after what you did with John, your fate is going to be very difficult,” One of the Dark Elves that hadn’t faced a severe injury gloatingly told the Dragon.

The group of seven people was the third-ranked hunting group of Kajiya, the Dark Elven city.

Even though the group members came together, not all of them were friends. John was the weakest of the group, but with the courtesy of his father, George, he had gotten a spot in it.


“WHAT DID YOU SAY?” George angrily asked. He had just gotten the news that his only son, John, had died in a battle.

Kajiya was the capital city in the Kingdom of Dark Elves. It wasn’t one of the Kingdoms, but the only one. Fourteen thousand years ago, Louise, a Dark Elf, had conquered the entirety of the world and unified it into a single Kingdom of the Dark Elves.

The fact that Kajiya was the capital city of the Kingdom; it showed the grandness of Kajiya.

In the grand Kajiya, George wasn’t some random figure but one of the most influential people.

George was in control of the market of the entire Kingdom, making him the second most influential person after the royal family in the Kingdom.

George wasn’t just a businessman, but he was also one of the only two Dukes in the existence of the Kingdom.

When Louise had begun his campaign to conquer the world, George’s ancestor was his first follower and also the one with the most rewards in the battle. Due to it, after becoming the King, Louise granted George’s ancestor the control of the market and a hereditary Duke’s noble position.

“Sir, Mr. John has died in the battle with the Dragon,” The figure tremblingly repeated. It was a female, but it wasn’t a Dark Elf. Instead, it was a member of the Moonlight Elf race.

“Is the Dragon alive or dead?” George asked as he calmed down.

“Alive, sir. He is in prison,” The figure responded. Her fear was evident on her face.

Hearing that the Dragon was alive and in prison, a cruel smile spread across George’s face as he wanted revenge.

“You can go,” George told the woman, who was shaking in fear.

“Thank you, sir!” The female heaved a sigh of relief, thanked George, and turned around to leave.


The female had only taken a step when she heard George’s voice, stopping her. Her face turned pale since she knew what was going to happen to her.

Time flew by.

It has been three years since Talia arrived in this world. She was finally aware of what was her purpose in this world.

Talia was a hybrid that belonged to the Dark Elves and the Dragon.

The Dragon was her father, while the Dark Elf was her mother.

The Dragon had another identity. It was the descendant of the previous ruler of this world.

When Louise had conquered the world, the Dragon’s ancestor was his biggest challenge.

With the help of his followers and armies, Louise succeeded in killing the Dragon. But it had its descendants, which could prove his and his descendant’s most formidable hurdle in a stable throne, so he killed as many Dragons as possible, resulting in their numbers dwindling to a measly amount.

The Dragons escaped to a hidden place and never came out. It all changed when only one alive Dragon remained. He was Gordon, Talia’s future father.

Gordon had no choice but to enter the outer world. Since Gordon was a Dragon, he could change its appearance, but unfortunately for him, he could only hide his horns for a few hours in a day.

While on his travel, he met a lone Dark Elf who was traveling like him. It was a female, and he quickly became friends with her.

Gordon would meet her when his horns were hidden since, in the rule of the Dark Elves, the Dragons had become the vilest and most hated creature in the world. If someone succeeded in killing a Dragon, they would be treated as a hero across the world.

Gordon feared his only friend’s reaction if she found out about Gordon being a Dragon, so his secret remained hidden for several years.

Time flew by.

Gordon fell in love with the Dark Elf, and similar was the case for the Elf.

Both of them confided their feelings to each other, but none of them knew about their secrets.

Loraine, the Dark Elf, decided to reveal her secret to Gordon since he had become the most important person in her life.

Loraine’s secret was that she was a princess of the royal family of the Dark Elves.

Hearing Loraine’s secret, Gordon stopped talking to her since the royal family of the Dark Elves was the reason behind the misery of the Dragons, and Gordon being the last one alive.

Gordon thought he would be able to forget Loraine, but since she was the second person other than his dead family, who he loved, so despite the distance, their love only grew stronger.

Gordon decided to apologize for leaving Loraine midway and decided to tell her about himself, hoping that she wouldn’t hate him as other people of this world did.

What Gordon feared didn’t come true. Despite finding out that the person she loved the most in the world was a Dragon, the vilest creature, Loraine’s love for him didn’t decrease.

Time flew by.

Loraine knew her family would never accept her relations with the Dragon, so she eloped with him.

They then married and gave birth to a beautiful girl after trying a lot since the reproduction between two different races wasn’t easy.

Their blissful life finally came to an end as the royal family finally found them.

Both Gordon and Loraine knew they couldn’t let the Dark Elves find out about Talia since she had the blood of a Dragon as well as the royal family of the Dark Elves.

Loraine died to protect Talia from her own brother’s hands, while Gordon escaped with her.


“So, I need to become the new ruler of this land,” Talia mumbled as her purpose was to conquer this world if she wanted to leave from here.

Talia’s father in this world had also died due to excessive torture, so Talia was on her own to fulfill the requirement.

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