Irrespective of who had entered the world to reach the ruler’s continent and where they were, everyone felt the sudden world shaking.

It was as if the apocalypse had arrived. Every living creation other than the individuals who had entered the world started exploding, creating an incomparably large blood cloud.

The deaths were only the start as land started disintegrating. The sky fell down.

The process didn’t continue for long as the individuals found themselves in a void as everything had gotten destroyed in the sudden apocalypse.

The individuals had confused and grave expressions on their faces as they had no idea what had happened.

All the individuals were the cream of the top as they had survived by passing countless challenges not only in this world but also on the Conspiracy continent.

Suddenly they sensed a movement in the void. The next moment, the individual’s faces turned horrified as it wasn’t the void that was moving, but it was them that were getting pulled by an incredulous force to somewhere.

A few attempted to fight back, only to notice that they were nothing but an ant in the presence of that incredulous force. No matter what they tried, their ordeal didn’t change.

While a few let that force pull them as they understood how much weak they were and took it as another of the challenge forced on them by the world.

Shocked and surprised expressions covered all the individual’s faces as they finally saw another individual in the void. The reason for such reaction was that they were familiar figures, not strangers like in the world.

One of the individuals had just opened their mouth to speak to someone they recognized, but suddenly, out of nowhere, a portal emerged and sucked all of them at the same time.











The loud sound of crashes continuously rang in Aakesh’s ears as he stepped out of the portal.

Aakesh didn’t even have the time to check on his surroundings with his eyes before he sensed familiar figures.

Since Aakesh wasn’t sure whether there would be restrictions on him or not when he stepped out of the portal, so Aakesh had deployed his divine sense around him. Even if there were restrictions, Aakesh would still be able to find what would be a few meters around him.

Aakesh’s worries turned out to be wrong as there were no restrictions on him at all. His divine sense showed everything that was in its range.

A smile spread across Aakesh’s face as he saw Lily, who was currently using the skill Mahima and was several meters in size.

“Aakesh!” Lily, who had just crashed to the ground, also sensed the familiar figure. Her eyes turned excited as she called out to him.

Lily had spent the similar amount of time Aakesh had in the world since the time flow rate was the same for everyone, irrespective of what challenges they faced inside it.

Aakesh turned out to look at her as she charged toward him. At the same time, Lily activated Anima and reduced her size to what was comfortable to sit on Aakesh’s head.


Talia couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief as she felt the heaviness of the past century in her heart disappearing. The reason for it was the sighting of Oxen.

From the moment her bloodline had informed her of one of the Void beasts dying, she had been hoping that it wasn’t Oxen. Now that she could see Oxen alive, the heaviness disappeared.

Even though the Oxen in front of her was bloodied as he must have been in a tough battle when the world had suddenly started shaking, since the Void beast’s recovery rate was strong, she didn’t have to worry about his wounds.

At the same time, an extreme feeling of shame and disgust attacked her for even feeling relief that Oxen wasn’t dead. There were only twenty-two of her group in total, and out of that, only eleven were present in the Primal dimension. Now that Oregon had gone to death’s embrace, only ten Void beasts were alive.

Talia wasn’t the only one to feel such as Oxen also felt the same after finding out that the dead Void beast was Oregon, not Talia.

In their feeling shame and disgust toward themselves, the duo didn’t even dare to look each other in the eyes and stood rooted at the same spot.


Carlos’s expressionless face finally had a change as he found himself in a new environment with other familiar figures. Since Carlos had a great family background, he recognized several of the top figures of the Primal dimension around him.

The next moment, his face turned vacant as if he had lost something very precious to him.

Unaware, a drop of tear streamed down his cheeks. It wasn’t water but blood. To be precise, it was a drop filled with the precious essence of his bloodline.

Carlos’s face turned pale, and light finally returned to his face.


Carlos fell down to the ground by his knee as he finally remembered what he had lost.

He had lost his vow of killing the stall owner, as most probably, he was now standing on the continent. The vow had hardened his heart and made him persevere through tasks after tasks to grow strong.

Even though he got valuable treasures and grew stronger in place of fulfilling the requirements put by the stall owner, every item lost its value when he had to kill everything precious to him time after time.

Carlos knew it was an illusion, and he didn’t torture his mother or kill his grandson, but the effect of the world attacked his psyche in believing that he did to his loved ones, yet at the same time believing it was an illusion. It was the cruelest mental torture forced on him.Â

Carlos sometimes even attempted to kill himself and end this once and for all. But at that time, the vow had acted as his support to why he needed to get stronger.

How could he not feel aggravated and lost after losing the thing that supported him all these decades?

Unaware, drops of tears started streaming down his cheeks. In no time, the ground below him turned into a small pool.

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