“Did you not like it?” The man smilingly asked after seeing no change of expression on Aakesh’s face after he gave the sword.

It was a Mythical grade sword. It was on the lower end, but it still cost more than hundreds of millions of intermediate soul stones if it sold for money in the first place.

“It’s fine,” Aakesh expressionlessly responded. He then stood up from the chair. Since he had already completed the quest, there was no point to sit here, and it was now time for him to leave. He still had many XPs to earn for the day, so he wouldn’t make a loss.

“Oh, you are leaving,” The man smilingly said. There was no way to know whether it was a question or a comment from the way the man said it.

Aakesh only nodded and left the room.

The man didn’t move his eyes away until Aakesh left the room.

As soon as Aakesh left, the man had a change in his expression. The smile turned into a cold face as he still looked at the door.

“What is it, father?” The man’s daughter asked as she had no idea about what the drop of the liquid was, and she could sense her father’s attitude change toward Aakesh after receiving it.

“Its blood,” The man replied. His face turned solemn as he looked at the orange-gold drop.

“Blood? But I don’t sense even a sliver of lifeforce from it,” The daughter asked with confusion evident on her face.

“It isn’t the blood of a living person,” The man replied as he moved his finger to touch the drop peacefully placed in the box.

After hearing her father, the daughter became even more confused.

“How could a non-living person has blood?” She couldn’t help but ask as she had never heard of this situation. There were weird things like many creatures not having blood flowing through their veins, but she had never heard of a circumstance where a non-living person had blood.

The man stayed silent as he forced all his concentration on the drop of the blood.

He solemnly and steadily moved his finger.

When the tip of his finger was not even an mm away from the blood drop, a pressure suddenly attacked him.

The man felt his entire body shaking at an unprecedented rate. The man wanted to move his finger away since if it continued, all his internal body parts would turn into a mesh of flesh.

Unfortunately for the man, his fingers didn’t even budge, and the pressure continued shaking his body.

“What happened?” The daughter rushed, seeing the sudden change in her father’s reaction.

From her point of view, her father had suddenly stopped when his finger was about to touch the mysterious blood drop.

The daughter could sense that there was something wrong with her father. When she reached him, she gently grabbed her father’s shoulder and transferred her energy.

The daughter transferring her energy was like closing the dam as the pressure shaking the man’s internal body disappeared.

The man had sweats all over his body as he came around. A hint of fear appeared in his eyes as he looked at the blood drop again.

His expression turned to thankfulness when he turned around and looked at his daughter looking at him with concern on her face.

“I am alright,” The man replied as he moved his finger away from the blood drop.

“What had happened?” The daughter asked as she heaved a sigh of relief after seeing her father being alright.

“I was just getting ahead of myself,” The man replied with a wry smile on his face.

The daughter looked in surprise at her father, and then the blood drop. A hint of curiosity and dread passed through her heart as she remembered the look of fear her father had on his face when she had grabbed his shoulder.

“Whose blood is it?” The daughter couldn’t help but ask as her curiosity got the better of the dread she felt in her heart.

“The blood of the element!” The man replied. His voice had gotten louder as he himself didn’t believe in what he said, but the blood drop and the pressure were the proof that it wasn’t an illusion.

“The bl…blood of ele-element!” The daughter’s voice was even louder as she exclaimed in shock after what she heard from her father.

“Yes, it’s a Divine grade material,” The man responded as he calmed down. He was the lord of the Razor sea. Such an agitated attitude didn’t suit someone of his stature.

“DIVINE GRADE!” The daughter loudly exclaimed as a shock she had never felt before attacked her. She couldn’t help but glue her eyes to the blood drop placed in the box.

The man could only release a wry smile as he expected such reactions from his daughter after hearing about the extraordinariness of the blood drop.

Even he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the adventurer giving him the box. If not for the adventurer being there, he would’ve made the same reaction as his daughter.


“Are elements alive?” The daughter asked after calming down.

“No. If elements were alive, wouldn’t they be the mightiest characters and every cultivator be at their mercy,” The man responded.

The girl nodded as she had the same response in her head after hearing that it was the blood of an element.

“Than, why it’s called the blood of the element?” She asked. “Or is it just a name?” She asked since many things have names that meant something else, but their function was different.

“I don’t know that. I only know that this is called ‘Blood of the Element’,” The man responded as he himself was not aware of why it was called such.

It was a Divine grade material, which was only a level higher than the Mythical grade, but their value differed in the similar way the heaven differed from the earth.

“Why did the adventurer give it if it’s a Divine grade material?” The daughter suddenly asked as she couldn’t make sense of how someone who wasn’t even a Mythical-grade lifeform not only refused a Divine grade material but also handed it over.

If the adventurer instead sold it, he could have made a fortune, so his decision didn’t make sense in the eyes of the duo of the daughter and father.

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