Clearwalker city was around three hundred thousand miles away from where Aakesh was, so it took him an hour to reach there.

His journey wasn’t without results, as he came across several creatures varying from Level 80+ to 200+. If Aakesh were to travel only and not kill or do anything else, he would have reached the city in less than ten minutes.

The killing wasn’t without any results, as killing a single Level 100 being presented him with one XP, and Aakesh at least killed several million of them at once as he came across the colony of such creatures.

In just an hour, Aakesh earned more than thirty million XPs by killing the creatures.

Adding the million XP Aakesh earned from the quest offered by the lord of the Razor sea, Aakesh earned thirty-four million, eight hundred sixty-two thousand, four hundred seventy-eight XPs. It wasn’t as much as what Aakesh earned from a day, but since he had already made a schedule of giving one hour to his class, irrespective of the loss or profit, Aakesh decided to go ahead. If Aakesh earned well from the class Watcher today, his day might break even or even gain some XPs. Otherwise, it would be a loss for him.

Since Aakesh had crossed Level 100, he had lost his privilege of not getting checked and registered.

Aakesh joined the queue of people entering the city, and in no time, three guards, with the weakest being Level 250+, welcomed him.

“Adventurer, state your purpose!” The guard expressionlessly asked as he coldly stared at Aakesh. He and the other guards had weapons ready in their hands. One wrong move and they would hit Aakesh’s head, throat, and heart, respectively, with the intent to kill.

“Quests,” Aakesh expressionlessly responded and took out three thousand intermediate soul stones from his space ring.

“Don’t go to the places you aren’t supposed to,” The guard coldly told Aakesh as he took the stones from him.

The guard then whispered something to the woman sitting behind the glass on the counter and handed her the three thousand intermediate soul stones.

Not long after, the woman at the counter handed a paper like material to the guard.

The guard then handed it to Aakesh. There was nothing but three days permit written on the paper.

Aakesh took the paper as the guards opened the door for him. The guard, who asked questions to Aakesh, got busy as there were other people waiting for their entry, while the other two guards didn’t move their eyes away until Aakesh disappeared from their sight.

“Hey, system, how much time is remaining before the sunrise?” Aakesh asked the system in his head.

[Host, one hour, seventeen minutes, and forty-eight seconds!]

Aakesh nodded after hearing the system’s response in his head.

Since there were still several minutes left before the one hour he would give to his class Watcher, Aakesh decided to search for quests he could do tomorrow.

Every city in Panagea had a quest hall. It had a specific purpose of taking and giving missions and nothing else.

In only several seconds, Aakesh reached the quest hall as it was only a few hundred miles away from the entrance to the city.


[Adventurer, the lord of the Razor sea needs your help!

Adventurer, after you completed the quest and found the source of the rebellion, the lord of the Razor sea became impressed with your progress.

Since he had a good impression of you, the lord of the Razor sea decided to give you another quest.

The lord of the Razor sea wants you to help him destroy a settlement of Mer-Elves.

Their leader is Level 243, so be careful when fighting them.

Complete the quest, and (ten to the power two hundred and thirty) XPs would be yours to get!]

[Do you want to accept the quest?



Aakesh couldn’t help but get surprised as he read the quest window in front of him.

Even a child could see that there was something wrong with the quest. The reward for the mission was too outrageous to even think of, let alone see it.

‘Does he wants to create a good relationship with me?’ Aakesh thought as only it could be the reason behind such a generous reward for the quest.

As for why Aakesh didn’t believe that it was a trap?

It was because the lord of the Razor sea was Level 300+. If he wanted to capture Aakesh, he could’ve done it after handing Aakesh his rewards for completing the quest.

The difference between Level 300+ and Aakesh was just like the difference between a peak Immortal and a person who hadn’t even started cultivating, so Aakesh was an easy target in front of the man.

Aakesh still didn’t accept the quest right away as it was a mission specific to him. Now that he had read it, he could accept it anytime he wanted.

No matter how much Aakesh trusted his intuition, he couldn’t just go to a being with an unprecedented power gap with him without making adequate preparations.

Time flew by.

After only one hour remained until the sunrise on the Anga continent, Aakesh activated the skill Universal Eye and Fortune Eye to find someone who could help him gain some XPs and help the day end in profit and not a loss.

Since Aakesh now had abundant energy, he need not worry about consumption when the skill, Fortune Eye, was active.

One second passed, two seconds passed, three seconds passed, and just like that, one hour had passed.

Since it was now time for the sun to rise on the Anga continent and open the store, Aakesh left Panagea and appeared in the store.

The day had ended as a loss for Aakesh as the class Watcher didn’t help him gain much. At the end of the hour, Aakesh had gained only a few thousand XPs from the events.

After appearing in the portal room, Aakesh exited it, went to his room, freshened himself by taking a bath, then wore the same slightly yellow dhoti, came down to the store, and finally opened the door, announcing a new day for the store.

As usual, a large crowd of a few million customers welcomed Aakesh’s sight.

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