The Chimera first decided to check the training area, and after that, it would see about the Panagea.

“Store owner, I want the Gods & Demons level training area for the Immortal-grade weapon,” The Chimera requested Aakesh.

“You need to pay one trillion supreme Primal stones,” Aakesh nodded and expressionlessly told the man the cost he needed to pay if he wanted to enter the training area.

The Chimera nodded, and not long after, a mountain filled with shining stones appeared in the store.

There were currently several million people meditating in the store and were waiting for their turn to arrive in Panagea. Several of them opened their eyes and looked at the mountain, but soon they closed their eyes since it wasn’t the first time they had seen a scene like this. Every day, there would be customers rich enough to pay for the Gods & Demons level training area.

Aakesh waved his hands, and not long after, the mountain of Primal stones disappeared from the store.

Aakesh didn’t make the Chimera go ahead straight away, but only after the system had informed him that the amount was complete did he tell him about the entry process for the training area.

The Chimera thanked Aakesh and went toward the weapons room while Aakesh closed his eyes and began another of his relaxation session.

The Chimera didn’t use a weapon or had any interest in it as its eagle claws were sharp enough to rip apart the toughest of the metals, while the other hand was heavy enough to turn mountains into dust.

After entering the weapons room, the Chimera went to the pillar, signifying the sword straight away, ignoring several people covered in golden lights across the more than one hundred columns. Most of the opponents the Chimera had faced since its birth had been sword users, so having trained with them wouldn’t be a waste of time but very fruitful for it.

Aakesh had already told it the process of how to enter, so the Chimera straight away lightly tapped one of its nail-like fingers on the needle. The next moment, a pricking pain attacked Aakesh, but as quick as it had come, it had also disappeared at the same rate.

The Chimera couldn’t help but fearfully look at the needle. After it pricked its nail-like fingers as if it was nothing, the Chimera believed that even if the Chimera used the toughest of his defenses, it would have the same result in the end.

It then took a deep breath, but before it could even complete it, its body turned blank, and soon a golden light engulfed the entirety of it.

The Chimera looked around in surprise and awe as it suddenly found itself in a new environment, without it even being able to know or resist.

The Chimera didn’t get much time to think about it as a window asking for it to choose its opponent for the training appeared in its head not long after.

Its mother, Erica, had two enemies. One was the Hygars, and the other was the Asuras. The Chimera had already grown more powerful than even the mightiest Hygar, so they were no challenge for him. As for the Asuras, even imagining defeating them was no less than blasphemy toward the strong, but since they were the enemies of Erica, it would fight them.

Unfortunately for it, there were no opponents from the Asura race to choose from in the selection window.

The Chimera then thought of choosing the race from which the blue-skinned store owner was since even he sent chills down its spine from his expressionless stare. The Chimera’s search turned out to be for naught again as it didn’t come across any species resembling the store owner. There were several races that had blue skins, but only one of them was humanoid, and even then, it had white hair with a single eye and one horn half the size of its face.

The Chimera then started thinking of another opponent to choose from, and not long after, the choice emerged in its heart.

The Chimera then chose the first Void beasts it came across on the selection menu.

After the Chimera chose its opponent, the option to select the environment appeared in its mind.

The Chimera didn’t have to think much as it chose an aerial battle with no surface in sight.

The next moment, the view in front of the Chimera changed as it found the ground beneath its feet descending. In no time, the surface sank into the darkness, but for some reason, the Chimera stood at that point.

Suddenly a blinding light a few million miles away from the Chimera emerged. When the light disappeared, a creature spanning over several hundreds of thousands of miles appeared.

If the Void beasts and Aakesh were here, they would have recognized the creature. It was none other than Oregon, who unfortunately became one of the casualties of the arrival of the portal several decades ago.

The Chimera got ready for its battle right away as a killing intent strong enough to shudder him attacked the Chimera.

The Chimera hadn’t even blinked its eyes when its face froze, while its eyelids drooped down with only half the pupil visible.

The next moment, the Chimera found itself back in the area and the selection menu in its head.

The Chimera’s back turned wet from sweat as it still didn’t know how it had died. Soon its face turned cold as the system affected it and made its mind calm like a rock.

Time flew by.

It was only the start of the massacre that was to come. Even knowing how it died proved to be an undoable task for the Chimera, let alone surviving the first strike.

Since the time flow rate between the store and the training area was 1:1,000, the number of deaths would feel endless for the Chimera.

In only the sixty-seventh hour of training and after dying for countless times, the Chimera finally saw how it was dying.

Every time, the Void beast would only wave the sword in its hand very lightly, and only the wave released from it was strong enough to sever the Chimera’s head.

Time flew by,

Finally, the thousand hours passed, and the Chimera finally exited the hellish training area.

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