The First Store System

Chapter 650: The Mightiest Force Of The Humans(1)

Aakesh has been busy attending to the customers who were purchasing cultivation arts.

The sale of cultivation arts only by the store owner had its disadvantages as if any new customer were to arrive in the store; they would have to wait in the queue since the store owner would be busy with other customers.

Such a situation arrived as a new customer entered the store, while there was a large queue waiting in front of the store owner.

The man recognized the blue-skinned man as the store owner since he had come here at the suggestion of his daughter.

The man’s name was Lin Ren, and he had an extraordinary identity.

There were eleven continents on Visteerna, out of which ten had countless populations living on it. Kashi was uninhabited due to it being a sacred place, where there were rumors of a Deva living.

Out of the ten living continents, if Anga was the last, the Vajji continent was the mightiest of all.

On the Vajji continent, there were around ten Empires, out of which one Empire belonged to the Humans. Lin Ren was none other than the Emperor of that Empire.

The Empire’s name was the Xirin Empire. The Xirin Empire was the mightiest force the Humans had in the Primal dimension, and it was the only reason that Humans were considered a mid-tier force in the Primal dimension.

Since it was the Human’s top ranking force, the Xirin Empire had a set of rules different from other Empires. Unlike other Empires, it wasn’t a dynastical force. A type of republic instead, with the highest power held by the ruler rather than a group of people.

Every hundred years, the ruler of the Empire would go through a challenge set by the founder of the Empire.

The founder of the Xirin Empire was none other than Arjuna, the son of the man who gained the Tao cultivation system and became one of the very few to stand in the presence of a Deva.

In his time, Arjuna was the mightiest warrior of the Primal dimension, but he couldn’t just stay here for eternity. He also knew about the strength of his race, so when the time for his ascendance arrived, Arjuna founded an Empire right at the center of the Vajji continent.

Arjuna understood that once he left, the land would get conquered by other Empires, so he set a defensive field around a hundred trillion miles of area, out of which a few hundred billion miles was a highly-resource rich area and that became the capital of the Xirin Empire.

When Arjuna was there, the Xirin Empire had almost ninety percent of the Vajji continent under its control. But once he ascended, only the area where the defensive field was set by Arjuna remained under its control. Many have tried to breach that area and gain control of the capital, but none has succeeded.

Only Void Beasts had the capability to break the defensive field. But since they were not allowed to take any action unless it harmed the balance of the Primal dimension, the Xirin Empire’s defensive field would stay active and protect the Empire for eternity.

Since Arjuna belonged to the Human race, he understood the treachery and greed the Human heart held. He knew how for short-term gain, the majority of Humans could throw away everything. Arjuna didn’t want the Empire he founded to go this way due to the greed of his future descendants, so instead of handing power to his eldest son, he set a rule for taking over the throne.

Arjuna set a few rules to select the ruler. Since he knew humans could be biased and bought, he instead created a sentient throne without any emotions, Every hundred years, the throne would select the Emperor.

If the Emperor wanted to stay at the top position after hundred years, they would face an even more difficult challenge, and if they passed that, they could stay at that position.

Since the founding of the Xirin Empire, Lin Ren had become the first person to stay in the position of Emperor a consecutive hundred times, so he had been ruling the Xirin Empire for the last ten thousand years. His rule has been nothing but prosperous and good for the Empire. Some of the citizens even consider Lin Ren to be the incarnation of Arjuna, who had returned to take humanity to its peak once again.

Being in the top position of the Human race for so many years hasn’t corrupted Lin Ren, and hence the throne never forced him to leave. But the same couldn’t be said for his children.

Lin Ren had lived for around a million years, so he married several women and had tens of thousands of sons and daughters. The number of his descendants had already equaled the population of a small world. Since the population was so large, the number of toxic fruits also reached a large number.

Being the descendants of an Emperor had corrupted the mind of Lin Ren’s descendants. The next challenge was about to happen in a few years, so the descendants had decided to throw the rules under the bus and kill other challengers for the throne.

Lin Ren didn’t want that to happen as he knew the consequences of going against the rules set by Arjuna. But he also couldn’t lose his descendants as they were his blood, so Lin Ren had no choice but to think of something else.

To solve the troubling situation, Lin Ren had decided to leave the throne and prepare one of his descendants for the top position.

Fortunately for Lin Ren, he had several top-notch talented descendants, but at the same time, all of them had gotten corrupted, so none of them would be able to win the challenge set by the throne.

Lin Ren also had a daughter, and she could win the challenge when it came to her moral psyche, but unfortunately, she didn’t have the talent to win. The throne did not only want ethics in the challenger but also talent since the Emperor would represent the top post of the throne creator’s race in the Primal dimension.

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