The First Store System

Chapter 675: The Day in the Store(2)

The customer left after buying his cultivation art, but Aakesh didn’t get free. As soon as the man stepped out of the queue, there was already another person standing in front of Aakesh, asking to buy the cultivation art he selected.

Time flew by, and a few more hours had passed.

Two-thirds of the day for the store was over, but it looked as busy as it had looked early morning or in the day.

In fact, if Aakesh were to count the number of customers inside the store, he would find their numbers to be more than there were in the morning.

Today was the first day when the store had more than two hundred million customers for the first time.<sub>.</sub>

Aakesh knew from that day that it wouldn’t be long before the more than two hundred million virtual portals got filled with customers, and then customers would have to wait in the store’s hall for their turn to arrive.

Aakesh stopped thinking about it as his free time of several times less than one second was over since another customer took the place of the earlier one.

“Store owner, I want these five cultivation arts,” The customer requested, as there was a virtual book floating next to her, while there were five pages in her hands.

The virtual book belonged to the common-grade cultivation art. Aakesh only took a glance at it, and soon, all the primary details related to the cultivation art appeared in his hands.

There were four more cultivation arts the woman wanted to buy, but Aakesh didn’t have to look at the pages he had just gotten from the woman.<sub></sub>

As the primary details of the common-grade cultivation art appeared in Aakesh’s head, there was a new piece of information, this time in his head.

The information was not open, but Aakesh had to think to open it. Aakesh thought so, and not long after, the primary details of the four other cultivation art appeared in Aakesh’s head.

The five cultivation arts the woman had chosen belonged to the same type. But they belonged to different grades, starting from the common grade to the Immortal grade.

The woman was an Immortal-level cultivator, with her belonging to the Prana cultivation system, and she was an intermediate Dharma Monarch. Her name was Johanna.

Johanna wasn’t a new entry to the store, but she was an old customer and had become regular after the sudden disappearance of the Mysterious peak five decades ago. Since then, she had become a regular to the store and was also one of the ardent supporters of the request that wanted Aakesh to open another branch of his store in the center of the Anga continent.<sub></sub>

Unfortunately for the customers, Aakesh had no interest in moving his store to any place else, so the store was still continuing its existence in the extreme southern part of the Anga continent.

Johanna had been searching for a cultivation art that she wanted since the day the store introduced them. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t find any that she liked enough to leave the current one she used.

Johanna had a sentimental value attached to the cultivation art since she had found it in a ruin, while she was on one of her journeys after fighting several challenging and cruel battles. Johanna trusted the store and its products enough to think of changing her cultivation art, but unfortunately, she couldn’t gather enough courage to like any and buy it.

She had been dilly-dallying her purchase for the last few days and would leave the cultivation arts room after looking at only a few cultivation arts.

Like usual, Johanna gathered courage and entered the art room to look for cultivation art. But as time passed, the situation repeated itself, and she decided to leave for the day and enter tomorrow again to look for new cultivation arts.

As she thought that she looked at the cultivation art she had just grabbed out since putting it back in even without taking a look at it would be a humiliation to the store and offensive to the store owner, according to her thoughts.

Unaware of what Johanna’s actions were to bring, she looked at the cultivation art and read its details.

The next moment, a bang sounded in her head as she felt her soul attempting to escape from her body. Not long after, an urge to purchase the cultivation art appeared in her head like never before.

Even Johanna didn’t know what was happening to her since she had never felt such extreme urges. She wanted to buy the cultivation art for her, but at the same time, she couldn’t gather the courage to buy it and replace it with her current cultivation art.

Johanna needed to think of ways to make the urge go away.

‘There is no point in buying a cultivation art now since I have already come so late. Changing the cultivation art at this point in cultivation would bring more harm to me than growth,’ The next moment, a thought complying with what Johanna wanted to hear appeared in her heart.

‘What if I start again?’ The thought hadn’t even subsided when another thought, answering the dilemma she had just thought of appeared in her heart.

Even Johanna couldn’t help but suck a cold breath of air as she never expected her to think like this. She had come here after a lot of struggles, losing so much. But now just for a cultivation art, she was willing to start over.

When Johanna took the look at the blue screen floating next to the cultivation art’s page again, she understood why she was willing to throw away everything just so she could cultivate using the Art of Doom.

[Name: Art of Doom,

Grade: Immortal,

Details: The Art of Doom employs the knowledge of Chaos and destruction to help the user cultivate,

Specialty: Users of the Art of Doom are known to be superior to other cultivation arts users. The rate of ascendance is ninety-nine percent for the user of this art.]

Johanna couldn’t take her eyes off the specialty. In the last few days, she had read tens of cultivation arts in total, but she hadn’t come across a single art that had a specialty section attached to it.

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