The First Store System

Chapter 689: Enjoying the Battle(End)

Aakesh slowly by slowly increased the strength as well as quickness of his attack.

The maximum strength Aakesh usually used in the fourth round of battle was thirteen percent.

When Aakesh’s strength reached nine percent, it finally started creating pressure on the Armadoran.

At that point, Aakesh reduced the rate at which he increased his strength. Earlier it was half percent with every attack, but from now on, the rate became one-fourth increase in percent.

Aakesh wanted the Armadoran to attack him, and his plan was going well.

When his attack strength reached 9.75 percent, the Armadoran started dodging attacks instead of taking hits on its body. The Armadoran did it subconsciously, as after every successful dodge, it would begin uttering nonsense about why it did it.<sub>.</sub>

When Aakesh’s attack strength reached twelve percent, it became tough for the Armadoran to dodge it without getting slight hits imprinted on its body.

Aakesh further reduced the rate at which he increased his strength. Now he increased one-tenth of his strength with every strike.

Aakesh finally reached his usual percentage of strength in the fourth stage of the battle, but after looking at the condition of the Armadoran, Aakesh could see that this battle was an exception.

The Armadoran had been subconsciously dodging attacks coming its way. Unfortunately for aakesh, it never attempted to attack again. Aakesh thought his plan to force the Armadoran out of its shell was going well, but he was wrong.

The Armadoran had become conscious of its attack, so it tried everything not to attack Aakesh.

When Aakesh’s strength reached 13.8 percent, it finally became too challenging for the Armadoran not to get a severe injury with every hit. If not for its poison resistance and the lack of potency in the poison in the current stages, the Armadoran would have long died of poisoning.<sub></sub>

When Aakesh attacked it the next time, the unexpected situation happened again as the Armadoran’s eyes turned blank while it punched the cloth coming toward it.

Aakesh waved his grip to bring back the cloth when another unexpected thing happened. The Armadoran took the initiative to attack this time as it grabbed the cloth and flew with it toward Aakesh.

Aakesh couldn’t help but smile as it was the first attack coming his way for the day. He increased his strength with another one-tenth of a percent and waved the cloth.

The next moment, the Armadoran crashed to the ground several meters backward. Colors returned to its eyes, but before it could understand what had happened, an attack came its way and crushed it into a pulp, creating a gory scene.


The Armadoran got revived again as it regained its consciousness after dying for four consecutive times.<sub></sub>

The next moment, it couldn’t exclaim in horror as the last scenes of the previous battle appeared in its mind.

“Strange creature, forgive me for trying to attack you,” The Armadoran looked at Aakesh and apologized for trying to attack him. Aakesh couldn’t help but shake his head and readied himself to face this mental torture for the time till the fifth battle began.

“Is someone controlling my actions?” The Armadoran couldn’t ask itself with a face full of horror as trying to attack someone was too much for it to believe.

Aakesh had also thought this, but the system had been very clear about the creatures in the virtual training having their own personalities, and the system did nothing to control them.

The system had added only two rules for the lives and nothing else. Except for not being able to go against those two rules, everything the creatures did in the virtual training was out of their will.

It was the subconscious telling the Armadoran to fight back since it was undying and would revive even after death.

The Armadoran had a fear of death in their subconscious. It was to an extent where they wouldn’t fight back when they were actually dying. Only the female Armadorans were able to somewhat push the fear back when the lives of their children and family were at stake since the love of family was greater than anything.

The males, on the other hand, were completely opposite. They didn’t understand the concept of familial love, so much so that the majority of the male Armadorans wouldn’t even mate with the same female twice.

As the Armadoran was able to revive after every death, the fear of death was somehow getting pushed back, but the concept was still very far from the creature, so it was only subconsciously able to fight back.

Aakesh grew excited as he could see that the creature had scope in fighting, so he decided to slowly push the Armadoran in the battle and hope for it to start consciously attacking him.

Time flew by.

Aakesh’s efforts came to fruition in the ninth stage as the creature started consciously attacking him, but it seemed that the creature completely lost the fear of death as it began fighting crazily.

These kinds of battles were no fun for Aakesh since killing a crazy opponent was as easy as killing some weakling in a battle for Aakesh.

To make the creature start fear again, he gave the beating of its life to the creature.

After that round, the creature became too cautious for its good. Aakesh found this to be a waste of time, so he gave it another round of beating. At the same time, Aakesh also taught it the ways to have a fight.

The creature finally learned in the fifteenth stage, and Aakesh finally had an enjoyable battle.

The battle went on for several minutes, and in the end, Aakesh came to the top position. Even the Armadoran began loving battle as it couldn’t help but enjoy the scene of it hitting Aakesh and then dodging his attacks.

Finally, the sixteenth round came. Aakesh had been consecutively losing this stage for the past months.

The streak continued this time as well. Aakesh taught the creature well, as he himself lost in the end.

Aakesh didn’t mind the loss as he actually enjoyed the battle with the Armadoran. The same was the case for the Armadoran as it asked for Aakesh to come regularly to have battles with it.

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