The First Store System

Chapter 694: A New Day with New Customers(1)

Tormod could nothing but look helplessly as Glenn suddenly exploded into a blood mist. The sound released from the blast was enough to make Tormod feel a threat to his life.

For some reason, despite guards being in close proximity to Glenn when he exploded, none of the guards faced any injury. It was as if it was nothing but a shower, as the blood was the only proof left to show that a living being had exploded into a blood cloud.


[You have only three micro-seconds left to make your decision!]

[Do you want to bind the system to yourself?]

[Two micro-seconds left!]

As Glenn was crazily laughing at Tormod, the familiar mechanical voice suddenly rang in his head.

Glenn stopped whatever he was doing, and when only one micro-second was left before the system would exit his mind, he made his decision. It was correct that if Glenn had a choice, he would never think of binding himself to the system if it came with such tragedies. But at the same time, one more thing was true for him.

It had already been around an Epoch since Glenn had been stuck in this prison, facing countless tortures with not even a respite of a moment. He was an Immortal, so one Epoch or several Epochs in his life was no big deal to him. But at the same time, his cultivation had gotten stuck at one level for so long since Glenn had run out of whatever talent and potential Glenn had before the tragedy fell on him. Now he was only a man who could never grow further.<sub>-ɴ(0ᴠᴇ)ʟ.</sub>

If the Divine beings didn’t have the ability to revive their cultivation, making them impossible to cripple for the enemy, Glenn would have already become one.

Glenn made the decision as it was the only way to give himself a chance to take revenge for what happened to him and Clair. The next moment, he replied yes in his heart, and soon, a flurry of announcements started ringing in his head.

[Congratulations, Host, for binding to the @#[email protected][email protected]! System!]

[The system is preparing the route of escape for the Host.]


[The opponent is too strong for the system to create an opportunity for the Host to escape.]

[Thinking of other ways to save the Host!]

[Error, no way found!]

[The system activating the plan B!]<sub></sub>

[Plan B: When the Host’s life is in danger and the system and Host have no ways to save themselves, the system would activate the self-destruct switch set in the Host when they got bounded to the system.]

[After the self-destruct, the Host would reincarnate randomly in the Multiverse.

Hint: The birth destination could only be lower than the inhabitant’s original dimension.

Chances left for reincarnation: 3/3.]

[The system preparing the plan B. It would activate in nine nanoseconds.]

[The plan is ready to activate!]

[The system calculating the payment for activating plan B.]

[Error, the system is unable to find any option since the Host neither has a strong spirit nor physique to offer anything to the system.]

[The system deciding the payment!]<sub></sub>


[For activating plan B, the Host needs to feed half his spirit to the system for the next three thousand years.

Host, do you accept the payment?]

After hearing so many alerts ringing in his head, anyone would have found their head splitting from pain. But it was not the case for Glenn. He had faced so many tortures and so much pain that it was just like a drop in the ocean.

Glenn didn’t even care what the system said. When he heard the last question, without wasting any time, he said yes. He didn’t even think of checking the price he needed to pay.

It didn’t matter to him since even if his life were at stake, he would have done it if it meant he could have his and Clair’s revenge on Tormod.

[Host, plan B is ready to activate any time!]

Glenn, who had been laughing and crying crazily, suddenly stopped his actions. He then looked at the roof and threatened Tormod with a voice loud enough to shake the planet.

The next moment, his eyes caught the sight of Tormod after countless years. At that time, all the feelings of pain he had forced into his heart pushed forward and started coming out like a tide. But before Glenn could shout his cries, he heard the ticking clock of the system coming to an end. The next moment, he lost his consciousness. The last thing appearing in his head was the scene of him coming across Clair for the first time.

Glenn had lost his unconsciousness and didn’t know what was happening, but the system was active, and continuous alerts were ringing in his ears.

[Finding a suitable place for the Host to reincarnate and safely grow.]

[Error, no safe place found in the Sacred dimension for the Host.]

[Host, do you want to reincarnate in the Primal dimension?]

[Since the Host is in no condition to answer, the system reincarnating him in the Primal dimension.]

[Searching for a suitable place for the Host!]

[Found 1,345,735,863,417,735,971,986…, suitable places for the Host!]

[Optimizing the search!]

,ᴄᴏm [Found three hundred and seventy-four suitable places in close proximity of other Yantra race members!]

[Optiming further!]

[Found three suitable places where the Host would be safest!]

[Selected: The Bisan Kingdom, Anga continent in Visteerna; Planet Gordiq in the Gatuq Universe; Planet Tutab in the Gutep Universe.]

[Host, do you want the system to connect with the closest Yantra race member?]

[Since the Host is in no condition to answer, the system choosing not to connect and hide its presence from the other Yantra race members.]

[Commencing Dimensional travel in three seconds.]


Sixteen years had passed since Glenn reincarnated into the Bisan Kingdom with parts of his memory wiped out. No matter what he tried, he couldn’t remember. Instead, he started forgetting additional pieces of memory with time. In the end, he didn’t know anything other than the fact that he was a reincarnator.

Glenn knew the reason behind it. It was the system’s payment for activating plan B. Glenn’s growth wasn’t fast enough to accommodate the loss of half his spirit to the system.

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