The First Store System

Chapter 703: A New Day with New Customers(10)

Philips’s happiness knew no bounds after getting a positive affirmation from Aakesh. He wanted to jump in excitement, but he controlled himself.

The store selling Immortal grade cultivation arts didn’t mean that he would be able to find a cultivation art better than the one he currently used. If the store had it, then there would be enough time for him to dance in excitement, but if the store didn’t have one, the excitement wouldn’t last long, and he would also lose his body in the end.

The next moment, the smile disappeared, and his face turned tense. The previous situation looked like child’s play in comparison to what Philips currently felt.

“Store owner, can I get a cultivation art better than the on…one…one I am currently us…using?” Philips asked. At first, his voice was clear, and it was only mixed with some tension. But at the end, his voice had started stuttering as he couldn’t get a no as an answer.

Aakesh didn’t answer straight away and took a glance at Philips. The next moment, Philips felt as if he was standing naked in front of Aakesh.

All the energy nodes in Philips’s body appeared in Aakesh’s sight. Aakesh also witnessed the wisp of soul peacefully lying in Philips’s consciousness. After seeing it, Aakesh understood the reason behind Philips wanting to have a change of cultivation art.

If not for the wisp of the soul, the cultivation art used by Philips was actually top quality. Even the store would only have some cultivation arts surpassing that quality.

If Aakesh wanted, he would have ended the trouble for Philips as Aakesh could destroy the wisp of the Soul just from his aura alone, while Philips’s consciousness wouldn’t face any damage. Unfortunately for Philips, Aakesh had no interest in it. Aakesh was a store owner. If he helped Philips remove the danger of the wisp, he would lose a customer that bought an expensive cultivation art from the store. It was the last thing he wanted since there was also a mission going on. Every sale was beneficial to him.

“Yes, the store sells a few cultivation arts with better quality than yours,” Aakesh expressionlessly responded. At that moment, Philips couldn’t control himself and jumped in jubilation. He had finally gotten the result of his long search. Even though it took a long time, Philips still got it before his body got taken over. So he didn’t have any problem with a wait of a few centuries.

“Can you suggest some to me?” Philips respectfully asked Aakesh. The excitement he had after entering the store returned to his face since he now didn’t have to worry about his body getting taken over.

“No,” Aakesh expressionlessly replied.

The smile on Philips’s face suddenly froze as he never expected to hear no this time. Aakesh didn’t let Philips wait to get an explanation for his answer since the answer also came under the purview of him being the store owner.

“You need to find the respective cultivation art on your own. I wouldn’t help you,” Aakesh replied while pointing at the cultivation arts room.

“Store owner, how many cultivation arts does the store sell?” Philips couldn’t help but ask after hearing Aakesh’s answer. He knew asking the number of the cultivation art sold by the system didn’t make much sense since even selling ten Immortal grade cultivation arts was already a big deal.

The next moment, Philips’s mouth and eyes flew wide open after hearing that the store sold an ocean of Immortal grade cultivation arts. His surprise got even more prominent when Aakesh further added that the store sold every cultivation art that has ever existed in the Primal dimension.

“Senior, does the family not make a fuss about you selling their cultivation arts without asking them?” Philips respectfully asked Aakesh. He started referring to Aakesh as senior as he only found this title that showed his deep respect toward him.

Aakesh didn’t answer this time as the question had nothing to do with the store products, and he didn’t like Philips enough to answer a question unrelated to store products.

Philips got his answer and didn’t ask the same question again. He instead thanked Aakesh and left the queue for the cultivation arts room since he still had to find a cultivation art for him.

After Philips left, another customer took his place and repeated a familiar statement Aakesh had already heard for tens of millions of times in the last few days.

When Aakesh had gotten the cultivation arts as the product for the store, Aakesh had asked the system about the issue of having even secret cultivation arts related to the families in the Primal dimension. Aakesh didn’t worry about their counterattack since even if he were only to stand and let countless peak Immortals with pseudo divine physique attack him, he still wouldn’t receive a scratch. His strength had already grown enough for him not to fear anyone in the Primal dimension.

The system was always fair in its transactions, so it had bought the cultivation arts directly from its founder. Those who were dead didn’t get to sell the cultivation arts, as in the eyes of the system, no one had ownership of those cultivation arts.

It was also the reason people didn’t make any fuss if some customer saw their family cultivation art that was hidden from the entire Primal dimension. They subconsciously knew that there was nothing wrong with the store selling the cultivation arts, and they had already lost ownership.

There was also one other issue. The number of cultivation arts had reached such a large number that someone seeing a familiar cultivation art had a minuscule probability.


Philips entered the cultivation arts room after leaving the queue. A light never seen before shined in his eyes as he straight away focused on the Immortal grade shelf.

Philips didn’t wait as he took a step forward and reached the shelf. A girl with an irritated expression was continuously taking out cultivation arts and then was putting them back inside not long after not far from him.

Philips wanted to ask her if there was something wrong with her, but he controlled himself. His intuition warned him that he would be in grave danger if he disturbed the girl.

At the same time, the girl was only average looking, so he stopped thinking about her and got busy searching for a cultivation art for him.


A/N: Hello, readers!

Many of you may have been thinking about many new characters’ introductions in the past ten or so chapters. We are very close to the store ascending to the Sacred dimension. Before that, I want to introduce a few characters that might play some role in the Sacred dimension. At the same time, and in the following several chapters, the past characters who hadn’t made entrance would also return since we would go for one big time skip before ascending.

Thanks for supporting the book! Please share your views about these introductions of new characters. If you aren’t liking it, then please do comment.

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