The First Store System

Chapter 732: The Store Upgrading Quest(End)

There were three benefits provided by Aakesh if the Gupta family honorable(The family head’s lips twitching) accepted the outcome.

Except for the Immortal grade cultivation art of their liking, the family head didn’t understand the other two benefits provided by Aakesh, so when he looked at Aakesh and saw the confident smile, the family head turned even more curious.

The family head was going to ask when he suddenly sensed the paper between his fingers gone, and it was snatched by the Guhyaka sitting next to him.

Out of all the seventeen Guhyakas, the family head wasn’t the strongest, but it was his eldest son, who was sitting next to him. The eldest son was also the one to gather the courage to rebel against Aakesh’s bet.

The family head couldn’t smile wryly, but he didn’t rebuke his son since all the seventeen Guhyakas were agitated, and his family members were already angry with him for even asking for the benefits.

The eldest son had the same response after seeing ‘honorably’ in the first line itself. His breathing got ragged from anger, but he controlled himself from not pouncing at Aakesh since he already knew the result if he attempted it.

Aakesh didn’t interfere in the family matters of the Gupta family and let things happen.

Some time later, all the seventeen Guhyakas in the room became aware of what benefits Aakesh was going to give to them.

Similar to the family head, all of them only understood one in the list while having no idea what the other two implied.

“Sir, what do you mean by adding honorably in the line?” The eldest son was the one easily prone to frustration and anger, so he respectfully asked Aakesh. His eyes stared dagger at Aakesh while his tone continued being respectful in the same way he talked to his father.

“It means the Gupta family accepts the outcome of the bet,” Aakesh smilingly answered, ignoring the sarcasm in the Guhyaka’s question.

Unlike Aakesh, who did not react to Guhyaka’s responses, Lily was angry. She had already made up her mind to kill the eldest son if the quest somehow failed in the end.

Aakesh knew the things going on in Lily’s head, but he didn’t stop her since Aakesh was sure of the quest being successful with the Gupta family.

“Sir, don’t mind him,” The family head knew things would go for worse if he let his eldest son talk, so he apologized.

Aakesh was an Immortal, and there was a dignity attached to it. The highest level in the Gupta family was intermediate Soul Formation, which wasn’t even a speck of dust in comparison to the power level of an Immortal.

At the same time, the family head had also seen the way the guards had started to treat him after studying the weapons. It was true that they couldn’t be disloyal to their employer until the end of their contract, but no one knew what would happen after that to get into the good books of Aakesh for the weapons.

“Sir, what do virtual portal and training area means?” The family head asked.

Aakesh didn’t care about the things going inside the head of the family head or the son, so he ignored them and only focused on his purpose.

“Your family will get ten virtual products after you accept the outcome of the bet. The virtual portal is similar to a travel portal. But unlike that helping you travel to someplace in the Primal dimension, it would help you travel to a world full of opportunities…,” Aakesh introduced the detail of the virtual portal and Panagea to the seventeen Guhyakas.

Panagea was the most popular product of the store, and it was also the one that could help the Guhyakas out of their tragic lives.

There, they could grow stronger and fight. After increasing their power level in Panagea, they could buy it and raise their cultivation in the Primal dimension, increasing their lifespan as well. They could all do that without any fear of death. Many Guhyakas couldn’t even cultivate in the first place, so even they would be capable in Panagea. They only have to clear the first quest and buy their power level after coming outside.

Panagea was the one product that could help Aakesh complete the quest earlier, but unfortunately, Aakesh couldn’t use it.

The quest specifically asked him to prove the superiority of the store’s products. Since except for Aakesh, no other sold anything even close to Panagea, he couldn’t use his most popular product here.

Aakesh then didn’t give the family any time to react and began explaining the details of the training area.

The Guhyakas in the room varied from Houtian to intermediate Soul Formation, so not everyone could easily understand what Aakesh was implying with his products here. Some took a few minutes, while some took several minutes to understand the same thing.

After around thirty minutes, all seventeen Guhyakas had understood what the virtual portal and training area meant.

Panagea alone wasn’t of any worth to most of the Guhyakas since, due to their short lifespans, they couldn’t learn fighting styles. Without knowing even simple fighting, it was impossible for the Guhyakas to complete the first quest. But the existence of the training area subverted that issue.

The family members could train themselves to fight in the training area. They would then enter Panagea and complete the quests and increase their levels.

The combination of the training area and virtual portals could rid of the problems the Guhyakas were facing. Aakesh didn’t forget to use these factors to make everyone out of these seventeen willing to accept the result.

The quest demanded that Aakesh make the business family relinquish their business and transfer their entire consumer base of the opposite party’s own volition. He couldn’t force them, so only when all the seventeen willingly wanted would the family head accept the outcome, and only after that, Aakesh would have fulfilled the requirement of completing his mission.

The seventeen Guhyakas were now truly enchanted with the benefits provided by Aakesh. But since it wasn’t a small decision, the family members started discussing things with each other.

Aakesh didn’t disturb the family members, while Lily had her eyes on the eldest son since his life was at stake here, depending on the outcome.

“Sir, we are willing to accept the outcome,” The eldest son, who was easily prone to his emotions, couldn’t control himself and shouted. All the other family members looked at him with shock since the discussion was still going on between the family members.

The family head only smiled wryly since he already knew the character of his son. Since he had been willing to accept the outcome of the bet from the start, he had no issue with repeating the same sentence.

It was only that earlier he had resigned to his fate, but now he was sincerely willing since the benefits provided by Aakesh were too much to let go of.

The family head’s answer set off a wave and broke the psychological barrier the other fifteen Guhyakas had in their mind, and soon, all of them answered. It was a unanimous yes.

Lily finally moved his eyes away from the eldest son, who was lost in some trance, unaware that his family had just saved his life.

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