The First Store System

Chapter 820: Beginning The Hunt!

Chapter 820: Beginning the Hunt!

Uncaring of what plans the men had, Aakesh proceeded without stopping.

"Non-demonkind, stop right there," One of the goons yelled in disgust as Aakesh was only several meters away from the building.

Aakesh stopped in his steps and looked at the man.

The man laughed after seeing the non-demon stopping, but his laughter came to a sudden halt as his body began shaking from fright when the man's sight matched the non-demon's eye.

The man wanted to yell out loud, but no voice came out of his mouth for some reason.

His entire body turned wet with sweat as he suddenly felt his surroundings changing at a quick pace.

The next moment, the man found himself standing in a place filled with darkness.

A ray of light streaked through the environment as a pair of eyes opened at a height that was supposed to be the sky.

The man felt chilled to his core as the pair of eyes were the same as the non-demon store owner.

There was complete indifference in those pair of eyes, as if nothing in the world could move them to feel an emotion.

The man couldn't help but have a gut feeling to check his hands. As he did, his eyes bulged out as, from the naked eye, he could see his hands aging.

The man looked at his other hands, and the same phenomenon repeated itself.

The Sacred Dimension had another name, The place of Immortality. No one could die of age in this place and hence its name.

People aged usually from childhood to old, but their bodily functions only got more robust with the flow of time. In fact, it was rare for an older person with wrinkles to be sighted since no one grew that old here.

But in front of his eyes, the man could feel his body function dimming. It all started with his hands. First, there were wrinkles, and then it began to shrink as if the muscles had dissolved. In no time, only a pair of bony hands were left. The skin started to dissolve after that, and only bones were left soon.

The man wanted to scream, but no words came out of his throat. He wanted to feel something, but the disintegrating of his hand bones didn't seem to feel anything.

The hands were only the start, as it was time for his legs to face the brunt.

Even though the man felt nothing, his mind had never been as tense as today. He wanted to look away, but as if something was attracting him, his eyes remained fixated on his legs.

'Please get me out of this nightmare,' The man pleaded in his heart, hoping for it all to be nothing but a deadly nightmare.

At the same time, the man decided to run when his mind and heart calmed down.

But then, the next moment, his face took a drastic turn for the worse. His body began to shake since his legs weren't able to handle the upper weight.

Until this time, the man had been forcing himself to believe he was in an illusion and everything was fine in reality.

But the sudden action of his body woke him out of his stupor. His struggles to scream and try to escape increased, but as if a newborn was struggling against a steel room, he failed even to budge.


Finally, a sound rang in the eerie silence. It was the sound of the man falling to the ground after the bones below his knee had disintegrated due to aging.


The man suddenly screamed in pain as a wave of pain appeared out of nowhere and attacked him. Even though the man felt his throat exploding because of his scream, he didn't utter a sound, it was all in his head.

There was suddenly a change of expression in the pair of eyes high above in the sky. The indifference turned to boredom, as if the eyes didn't want to be here anymore.

The man sensed some sudden changes as he could finally speak.

"Please, forgive me!" The man pleaded in a hoarse voice. His eyes were running through tears, while snot was coming out of his nose, creating a disgusting appearance.

The man didn't care for his appearance as he banged his head to the ground and continuously asked for forgiveness and release.

The man still hoped to live and felt no shame over his pleading to a non-demon.<sub> </sub>

Time continued to pass by as the man's voice turned hoarser while his head continued to bang on the ground.

The man suddenly felt something was wrong as his head had almost turned into a flat surface, but he wasn't stopping. He would die if this continued any longer due to his head turning into a paste.

The man wanted to stop, but his head continued to bang like someone else was controlling him. Another round of dread engulfed his heart as he struggled to stop himself while continuing to bear the pain of a headbang.

The man felt eternity had passed by while not even an instant had passed in the real world.

In the eyes of the others, one of the goons suddenly yelled at the non-demon. The non-demon in turn looked at the man.

And the next instant, the man turned into a blood pool of liquid, dying instantly, creating a scene around the area.

The leader who had just given the orders to his underlings to surround and beat the non-demon felt his heart chilled to the core.

In front of his eyes, one of his underlings had instantly turned into a blood pool, and he could do nothing to stop it. Forget stopping the man; he didn't even know what had happened. He saw the same scene and got to a similar conjecture as other people around the street.

A bad feeling emerged in his heart as he turned in the direction of the non-demon. A thought of escaping appeared in his heart, but before he could think much about it, the non-demon suddenly disappeared from his spot.

The leader suddenly sensed a danger, but before he could do anything to solve it, the non-demon appeared right in front of him.

The height difference between the duo was nothing to joke about, as the leader looked at least twice the size of the non-demon store owner.

But the next scene turned the worldview of many people that had nothing to do with the boss and the store. Favan was one of them.

When Favan told Aakesh about the plotting against his store, he thought the store owner would use his mysterious background to punish Garoun and his man.

Even in his dreams, Favan didn't think that the store owner would personally take action when he was only an early Divine Transformation level cultivator.

When Favan witnessed the scene of one goon turning into a blood pool with only a glance, his heart felt a satisfaction he hadn't felt in a long time.

The man was one of those who had kicked him while only being an early Divine Transformation level cultivator.

But what happened next almost made Favan stumble and cheer loudly. The store owner, who was not only half the size of the goons' leader and also had lower cultivation by two sub-levels, suddenly picked up the man as if he weighed nothing.


The leader wanted to escape the grasp of the non-demon over his neck, but the more he struggled, the tighter the grip became.

The man wanted to apologize immediately since he understood his boss had troubled someone he wasn't supposed to, but as he tried to speak, a cracking sound rang in the area.

The leader's surroundings turned dark, and without asking for forgiveness, he lost his life.

After killing the leader, Aakesh turned around to look at the underlings; many of them were trying to run.

Aakesh was not interested in chasing these bugs and wasting his time on unnecessary kills. The next moment, he released his aura at its full glory.

Those who were trying to run began to explode into a blood cloud as if something heavy had slapped them.

Many stopped running for fear of not turning into a blood cloud. Many in the crowd who had nothing to do with the scene in front of them had terrible faces as they also felt the brunt of the pressure.

The pressure remained heavy on them, but no bystander got hurt.

Suddenly, the sound of several footsteps rang in the area. Everyone turned around in that direction and found a group of fully armed soldiers coming from the other side.

Many innocent bystanders heaved a sigh of relief after seeing the soldiers. The pressure released by Aakesh began to affect the soldiers as well, but suddenly the man in the lead waved his hands, and the pressure disappeared like it was never there.


A/N: The book will return to its regular update from tomorrow. I will also announce the date and the goals for the mass release in November.

Keep supporting the book!

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