The First Store System

Chapter 825: Discussion Between The Generals(1)

"What have you done?" Frederick scowled as he looked at the non-demon on the other side of the conflict.

The fourth general didn't expect such s reaction from Frederick since his personality was evident to every living person on the seventeenth and nearby street.

Even though the fourth general had a higher cultivation level than the two, he didn't dare to act in front of Frederick the same way he did in front of the other four generals. Frederick had an outstanding talent as well as a known background. Every intelligent person knew that making an enemy of such a person wouldn't end well.

The fourth general then told Frederick everything that had happened there, starting from the appearance of the first group of soldiers.

Frederick's frown got bigger as he listened more. He couldn't help but curse his luck again as he understood the entire matter from the soldiers' point of view.

Frederick understood that the soldiers weren't wrong in their actions so far. But when Frederick remembered his elder warning, he felt the soldiers were at fault.

There was one fundamental law that governed the Multiverse. Rules were made by those who had bigger fists, while the same rules were broken by those with even larger fists.

Frederick didn't know the background of the non-demon, but from the solemn warning of his elder, he understood that it directly came from the city lord. The city lord was the person who had made the rules, so it would mean nothing if someone on his level broke them.

"Why does your face look terrible?" The fourth general asked as he saw the ugly face of his fellow general. At the same time, a bad feeling pervaded his heart. He couldn't help but look at the non-demon to gauge something from his expressions.

But the non-demon's face had maintained the expressionless face since the start. Even Frederick's arrival did nothing to change it. From how Frederick treated the case, it was evident that Frederick knew about the non-demon. But from how the non-demon was acting, it didn't seem like he knew Frederick.

Frederick knowing the non-demon, while the non-demon has no idea of Frederick, could only mean one thing when Frederick's cruel personality taken into consideration.

'The non-demon must come from a giant background.' The fourth general thought in his heart since this was the only reason he could find behind Frederick's abnormal behavior.

Frederick's face turned bitter when he heard the fourth general's question.

'Should I tell him?' Frederick asked in his heart since explaining the identity of the non-demon seemed to be the only way to solve the issue before anything drastic could happen.

Since Frederick made his decision, his voice rang into the heads of the five generals.

"Listen carefully. I will only tell it once. The non-demon in front of us doesn't come from an ordinary background."

The fourth general made a knowing expression since it was the conjecture he had understood. Unaware of the things going on in the fourth general's head, Frederick continued.

"I wanted a property deep into the seventeenth street, so a few days ago, I found that someone had bought it. I went to the administration to find who got guts to buy a property I have my eyes upon...." Frederick told everything to the five generals right from the start.<sub> </sub>

In the end, the generals had bitter faces. Even in their dreams, they had never expected to come across someone from such a great background.

At this time, the generals even forgot about the street dyed red from their fellow race members' blood.


Aakesh had been standing still, waiting for the decision of the soldiers. If Aakesh wanted, he would have left for the store, but he didn't do it.

Aakesh wanted the issue to end here and not to waste more time than required. And also, if he left for the store, he would be safe, but at the same time, he would become the city's enemy.

He could leave safely inside the store, but there was no point of a store's existence if no customer came. Once he became the enemy of the city, either he or the city rulers could exist. If both of them lived, he would have to stay in the store, while the city would prohibit anyone from entering the store.

In the Sacred dimension, the power gap between even one sub-levels was unimaginable for many to match, let alone cross one whole level or even higher.

If the city sent even one Divine Lord to act as the blockade between the store and the citizens, no one would dare to fight back against the city and become customers of his store.

At the same time, Aakesh could also take the initiative and destroy the city administration using the one offensive system's help he had. But Aakesh felt that using it was not worth the result.

It had only been two days since Aakesh and the store ascended. If he had to use the system's help even to solve such minor issues, then there was no value in his ascending.

As for why Aakesh didn't interrupt the discussion or ask them to hurry, he didn't think it was required at this stage.

What Aakesh had done today would result in him becoming a terrifying figure in the eyes of the citizens.

There were negligible chances that any customer would come to his store today after the scene. Since things were like this, Aakesh decided not to hurry the soldiers.

He also understood their point of view, so time was the best concession he could make for the soldiers.

If it were the Aakesh of the Primal dimension, he would have hurried to end this issue. But after remembering that his useless play with Punta provided him no benefit, and in the end, he was also found out to be the killer, Aakesh decided to calmly solve the issue unless the situation demanded violence.


"What should we do?" The first general to arrive on the scene asked. He could see the unhappy eyes of his fellow generals toward him.

'I was only doing my duty,' The first general cursed in his heart as he never expected a situation to play out like this. He didn't dare to utter his thoughts since he didn't want to make the already unhappy generals mad.

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