The First Store System

Chapter 834: A New Day For The Store(4)

Unaware of what was going on with the generals, Garos appeared in his room.

The room was several hundred square meters in size, yet it looked overcrowded. The room was filled with expensive female items laid around randomly.

A large bed that could easily accommodate several Vurrons like Garos simultaneously was in the room's center.

On the bed, a woman currently lay there sleeping. Her eyelids would move from time to time. Her entire body was covered in a sheet, except for her face and one of her hands.

Her hands were currently held by Garos. He gently held her hand as he was seated on the chair right next to the bed.

His heart felt unbearable pain whenever Elera's eyelids moved since it occurred due to pain.

There was a forty-eight hour cycle of day and night in Thorr city. In that time cycle, Elera would only stay conscious for around two hours. That time was also shrinking due to the illness becoming severe.

Garos spoke tremblingly, "Our son is dead. Dead," and tears followed his words.

"I am sorry for being a useless person," Garos cried as he laid his head on Elera's visible hands.

"It's all my punishment for what I did seven hundred thousand years ago," He cried even louder as he muttered.

Garos couldn't help but remember the atrocities he had committed before he met Elera.

Some time later, Garos' eyes turned red as he stopped crying. His face took a ruthless turn as he glanced at Elera in pain.

"I hate you!"

Garos spitefully muttered as he threw Elera's hands away.

"If not for you, I would have never become like this," Garos added as he pushed his hands toward Elera's throat.

When his hands were about to grab her throat, he suddenly took them back and stumbled two steps backward in shock.

The next moment, another round of tears began to fall as he regretted his actions. It wasn't the first time, Garos tried something like this.

Garos hated himself for being this weak as Elera was dying, and he could do nothing to save her. In his lowest moment, he would always attempt this. But then the memories he had spent with her would appear in his mind, and he would regret his actions.

Garo's voice became resolute as he turned around and left the room rather than approaching. "I will save you," he said.

When Garos left, a drop of tear streamed through Elera's left cheek. She not only heard about the news of her son's death but also saw her husband at his lowest.

'Forgive me!' No one knew better than Elera how much Garos had changed himself for her without saying a single word.<sub> </sub>

The only reason she was able to struggle to survive was solely due to Garos. If not for him, she would have long lost the will to live, and his body would have given up to the illness.

Unaware of the thoughts going on in his wife's head, Garos left the building with a plan forming in his head.

He heard from Sergen that his son's killer was someone from a great background. Since the non-demon wanted compensation, he would give him one.

Garos had tried everything on his own to save Elera, but he had failed every time due to his insignificant wealth.

Since Garos couldn't save his wife on his own, he would take others' help. He would offer himself as compensation.

If his slaving his life was the only chance of Elera's survival, he would gladly do it. Even Sergen offered Garos such a choice.

If he wanted wealth to save Elera, Sergen was willing to do it. But for it, he wanted Garos to hand his freedom over to Sergen. At the same time, he would leave Elera after it.

Garos would have willingly done it if someone else had offered such a proposal to Garos. But Garos would never do it if the other party was Sergen.

Once he became a slave to Sergen, he wouldn't be able to stop Sergen from acting against Elera. At the same time, he was sure that Sergen would use Garos to take action against Elera. Instead of having her end up in this predicament, Garos would prefer to see them both die.

Garos would sell himself to the non-demon and ask for Elera's treatment in return. If the non-demon refused, he would kill the non-demon. It would help him appease his son's soul in hell.

When Garos left his house, he left with a mission. He had already decided that he would return with the news of Elera's treatment, or he would not return at all.

Garos was confident that after killing the non-demon, the people behind the non-demon would act against him.

His face maintained a determined expression as he rushed in the store's direction.

After traveling for a few hours, Garos finally reached the seventeenth street. Garos first went to the place where his son used to act as a goon leader.

His eyes couldn't help but turn red as he sensed nothing that could prove Garoun once lived here. Garos trembled as he could see the street dyed red from his underlings.

'Just how much hatred you had for my son to completely erase his existence?' Garos frustratingly asked in his heart.

Garos stood at the spot for a few minutes as he recollected the memories of his son. Before Eleta fell ill, they would usually come here to meet him.

Elera tried everything to change the personality of her son, but she failed and instead alienated him from her. If Garos had his way, he would have locked Garoun for centuries to set him on the right path and not let him commit the same mistakes he did in the past. But Elera's motherly instincts turned his every attempt futile.

Garos eyes turned even more determined to do for what he had left his house. The non-demon was his son's killer, but he would rather save his wife than take revenge for his son. There was no limit to his love for Garoun, but his affections for Elera rendered whatever desire he had for vengeance against those who wronged Garoun futile.

Garos took a last look at the building and then proceeded in the direction of the store.

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