The First Store System

Chapter 862: A New Day For The Store(4)

Since Favan had entered Panagea before them, the general imprinted hi face in their memorie.

Favan didn't dare to keep eye contact with the general any longer a he moved hi eye away. Favan then hurriedly left the tore. Since Aakeh wa relaing with cloed eye, Favan didn't diturb him.

After Favan left, one of the three virtual portal became vacant. Ricky wa the firt in line, o he entered the portal room ince he had already paid thirty-five leer Sacred tone to Aakeh.

After entering the room, Ricky' eye fell on the three virtual portal placed inide the room. They were equal in ize, while there wa an equal ditance between them.

Two portal were grayed out, o Ricky didn't look at them. He intead looked at the portal, which looked like a ky filled with countle hiny tar.

Ricky wanted to ue hi divine ene to check the portal, but he controlled himelf a the preure releaed by the virtual portal wa already heavy and majetic. Ricky had no intention to force himelf into a terrible ituation due to hi curioity.

Ricky then touched the portal, and the net moment, a mighty uction force appeared and ucked him into a new world.


Ricky had a wondrou face a he looked around him. The trength he felt wa far below what it actually wa.

A Ricky looked around, hi face grew ecited a well a terrified. He found himelf in a city filled with Coprano.

Coprano wa a famou race in the Sacred dimenion due to it powerful trength. Coprano were creature that walked on i leg, and they had three pair of eye.

Each leg wa like a harp claw that could tear pace and time in itelf, while the three pair of red eye gave the creature an even more terrifying appearance.

A Ricky looked around, he could ene that he wa the weaket here. Even the mallet Coprano he could ee looked to be everal time tronger than him.

Ricky didn't feel wrong a No city wa a high-level city belonging to the Coprano Kingdom. It wan't the capital city, but it wa only econd to that.

Even though No wan't the capital city, it trength wan't any weaker than the capital. The reaon it couldn't become the capital wa the inhabitant of No City.

The inhabitant of No City didn't like any people other than their own race. Not liking wa a mall word, a there had been many intance of the Coprano hunting other race member who had lived here for more than five day.

The Coprano were a bunch of cruel, territorial creature. But ince their trength worked in their favor, no one dared to me with No City. In fact, there wa a rumor pread around here that the King of the Coprano Kingdom and hi family pent more time in No City than the capital city.

Ricky didn't know anything about thi tory, but he till had a bad feeling after appearing there. Ricky had read about the Coprano' behavior in the Sacred dimenion. If they were anything like that here, then Ricky wan't afe here.

A Ricky wa looking around, the Coprano were alo looking at him. Their epreion were the ame a what the Thorron had when Aakeh wa traveling in the city. But here, there wa an addition of avage in thoe eye.

Ricky felt chilled a he aw the avage epreion in thoe red eye. Ricky wa only curing hi bad luck when he uddenly got nudged by omeone from behind.

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After witneing the introduction to the world and the war, Ricky appeared back at the ame pot with a urpried epreion on hi face.

After watching the introduction, Ricky forgot about hi thought of Panagea being omeone' inner world. The creature and their trength he aw in the war were not poible for any Sacred dimenion' cultivator.

Soon, Ricky topped thinking about the war a a red creen had popped out in front of him with hi firt quet.

<novelbiin>Thi ite teal content from NOvel Bin.cOm !!!!! BOYCOTT it to upport the tranlator</novelbiin>

When Ricky read the quet, hi eye almot popped out in hock and fright.

[Adventurer, your entry into No city couldn't come at any better time.

Four day ago, a member of your race wa traveling through the city when ome Coprano child captured him.

A the Coprano don't let anyone other than their own race member tay in No city for more than five day...,]

Ricky cured hi luck once again, a he not only appeared in Coprano' territory, but the quet alo wanted him to fight Coprano and ave omeone of hi race.

Ricky immediately thought of not participating in the quet, but a time paed, hi heart calmed down. He focued on the quet creen.

It wa Coprano' child that had kidnapped the man, and Ricky alo had the ability of unlimited revival.

'Why am I being afraid?' Ricky thought in hi heart. Since he couldn't die here, there wa no point in fearing the Coprano' child.

It eemed Ricky thought more than he hould have and became overconfident about the quet. Since he couldn't die here, he decided to be open and ave hi fellow Vurron.

The quet' reward clearly tated that the more quickly he aved the Vurron, the better hi reward would become.

Ricky couldn't be any more wrong, a when he went to ave the Vurron, he got the beating of hi life.

It wa five Coprano children who kidnapped the Vurron. When Ricky reached there, he aw the bloody Vurron crying in pain while the other Coprano child enjoyed the cene.

(A/N: Coprano aren't evil. It' jut their peronality i cruel.)

<novelbiin>Thi ite teal content from NOvel Bin.cOm !!!!! BOYCOTT it to upport the tranlator</novelbiin>

When Ricky reached there, he grabbed the attention of all five children. After that, a beating and torture began a Ricky found himelf in complete control of thoe children.

Only when Ricky forcefully bit one of the children did they kill him.

Ricky had an ugly mile a he appeared in the revival area. He firt cured himelf for becoming o overconfident jut becaue he couldn't die here. Thirty econd paed like that.

Ricky hurriedly fled after repawning at the ame pot where he had died.

While Ricky wa truggling in Panagea, the i hour of Garo and Elera in Panagea were over, and the ytem forced them out.

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