The First Store System

Chapter 869: Reward!!!


[Host, congratulations on completing the mission objective: Sell product to ten customers!]

[Mission Reward: Activation of the other three products, successfully given!]

[Host, please check the specific destination for the products.]

The next moment, a blue light engulfed the entirety of the store. Aakesh could see the inside expanding at an unprecedented rate.

When the process ended, a counter appeared in the store's hall, and two new rooms also appeared.

Both the rooms had locked doors, but Aakesh could sense that he only needed to touch the doors, and they would automatically unlock.

Rather than approaching the doors immediately, Aakesh walked over to the newly-installed counter.

A single row of pills with five shelves had appeared, and right below each bracket, the detail of that pill was written.

Similar to the Primal dimension, the pills had three grades at each level, starting from the lowest level, titled 'lesser'.

The lesser-level pills affected cultivators in stages varying from early Divine Transformation to peak Divine Being. Some first-grade lesser pills with top-notch quality even worked for Divine Lord level cultivators.

All five newly emerged pills were of lesser level, but due to their top-notch quality, they could work for early and intermediate Divine Lords as well.

Aakesh didn't waste any time and began to read the details of the newly emerged pills.

First-grade lesser body healing pill: The pill can heal minor injuries up to peak Divine Being, while it would only work for Divine Lords if taken in large numbers. It costs 10 lesser Sacred stones.

First-grade lesser mental healing pill: The pill can heal minor mental traumas up to peak Divine Being. It would only work for Divine Lords when taken in large numbers. It cost 15 lesser Sacred stones.

First-grade lesser soul healing pill: The pill can heal minor soul injuries up to peak Divine Being. It would only work for Divine Lords when taken in large numbers. It cost 25 lesser Sacred stones.

First-grade lesser energy meditation pill: It helps the user in their meditation up to peak Divine Being. This pill didn't work for Divine Lords. It cost 10 lesser Sacred stones.

First-grade lesser energy purification pill: It helps the user purify the impurities mixed in their energy up to peak Divine Being. This pill doesn't work for Divine Lords. It cost 50 lesser Sacred stones.

Aakesh read the details of all five pills. The descriptions were the same as what he had gotten in the Primal dimension, except for the lesser energy purification pill.

There was a reason the system told Aakesh to cultivate using purer lesser Sacred stones.

The Sacred energy seeped everywhere and wasn't 100% pure. It was also the reason for the slow cultivation in the Sacred dimension, as the body needed to eliminate as many impurities as possible. It didn't matter in the early phases, but if the energy contained in the cultivator's body wasn't ninety percent pure, achieving the True God level was impossible.

The purification process was challenging, so the pill was also the most expensive of the bunch.

The lesser energy purification pill was also the item that was going to treat Elera. Maleros was a disease caused by an overload of energy.

As the pill began to purify the energy, it discarded impurities, reducing energy overload significantly. Once taken in sufficient numbers, only the pure energy would remain in Elera's body. It would result in her diagnosis.

But since it was only a lesser level pill, Elera would need to eat several of them, and it would also only purify energy up to eighty percent. It was already the best rate available on the market, as the best pharmacy in Thorr City only sold pills worth sixty percent purity. To go higher than that, the pill level would need to be higher, and the cost would also grow exponentially.

Aakesh's store was already selling lesser pills with eighty percent purity, so Aakesh could sense the storm the pill would cause in the future. Thorr City was only a low-level area in the Sacred dimension, with the vast majority of its population not even reaching Divine Being. It was the perfect place for the item to explode.

Aakesh then stopped thinking about it as he didn't need to waste his time over it unnecessarily.

He then turned around and looked at the two unlocked rooms.

The three rooms were in a straight line, and the closest was the portal room. Walking past that were the two rooms, one after another.

In the Sacred dimension, the space inside the store wasn't unlimited like in the Primal dimension. This phase of the store was set to grow from weak to strong, so as the store grew and Aakesh completed more quests, the space would expand as well.<novelnext> </novelnext>

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The unavailability of the space was the primary reason behind Aakesh not thinking of setting his annual event here, or it would have also been a great way for the store to promote itself.

"How boring!"

Lily commented, seated on Aakesh's head. Aakesh only smiled and ruffled her smooth fur. He walked past the portal room and stood in front of the first locked room.

Since Aakesh could feel that he only needed to touch the handle and the door would automatically unlock, he didn't waste any time and touched it.


A clicking sound rang in the area as the door opened backward, and soon after, they disappeared as if the door was Aakesh's imagination.

Aakesh entered the room and came across the familiar sight of pillars and weapon counters.

The interior was similar to what the store had in the Primal dimension, but as the space here wasn't unlimited, there were only five columns present in the room.

The columns were made in a way that they formed a circle, while the counters placed near the pillars acted as doors for entry.

Since there were only five pillars, the store could only sell five weapons. The five pillars were swords, spears, bows, sabers, and blades. These were the five most popular weapons in Thorr City and the area around it.

Only the spear and bow were different among the five, while three could get categorized into one category.

A similar classification system was prevalent for weapons as well as pills.

The lowest titled level of the weapon in the Sacred dimension was Lesser as well.

Unlike the three grades of pills, the weapon had four sub-levels. Ordinary, Medium, Top, Peak.

Cultivators at the Divine Transformation level could only use ordinary and medium-lesser level weapons, while cultivators at the Divine Being level could use the remaining two groups.

The five counters that were set up next to the five pillars were big and had several shelves, but only one shelf had weapons on it. The shelf was partitioned into four, referring to the four sub-levels of the weapons.

Aakesh didn't check the weapons immediately but placed his focus on the five pillars. These were similarly made of the bones of Space Bone Dragon.

Each pillar contained infinite space for training the user in their weapons.

The difficulty level for cultivators in the training area was similar to what it was in the Primal dimension: trivial, normal, moderate, difficult, Immortal, Gods & Demons. But in the Sacred dimension, there was a seventh addition to the difficulty level: Primordial.

Since currently, the weapons were only present for those of Divine Transformation to Divine Being, the Primordial level difficulty wasn't active. It didn't look like it would become any time soon.

According to the system, it was impossible to reduce those from the third dimension's strength to an extent where those below the levels above True God could even bear the presence of the Primordial, let alone fight.

The highest cultivation level in the entire Kingdom was only True God, so the store was still far from achieving a stage where it would begin selling products to those above that level.

Only the six remaining difficulty levels were active, but the time difference wasn't as outrageous as what it was in the Primal dimension.

In the Primal dimension, the time inside the Gods & Demons levels difficulty training area flowed a thousand times faster than the actual time flow. It was not possible in the Sacred dimension. The cost wasn't worth spending. The system wasn't here for charity. It only invested in things where it could get its investment back.

The time flow inside the Gods & Demons levels difficulty flew ten times as faster, while in the Immortal level, the time flow rate decreased to only twice the rate as the actual world.

At the same time, the system didn't set this time to be permanent. It told Aakesh that there were quests that would help Aakesh unlock a higher time flow rate.

After the weapons, it was now time for Aakesh to check the last room. As the products here matched what Aakesh sold in the Primal dimension, so he didn't have to guess what the product was. It was cultivation arts.


A/N: I wrote the chapter in a hurry. Once my workload returns to normal, I will re-read it and see if I can improve some things. Feel free to suggest something that could be improved.

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