The First Store System

Chapter 885: Closing For The Day!

A few minutes earlier,

Ashley entered the cultivation arts room after leaving Panagea. She already had a weapon of choice, and it had helped her a lot, so she had no plans to change it. As for the training area, Ashley decided to wait for when it arrived for Higher level weapons.

Ashley's eyes shined as the aesthetics of the room pleased her. She had lived in wealth since she was young, so she had seen the beauty all around her.

Her eyes fell on the murals painted across the wall. Each mural had one thing in common; it was a book.

After looking at a few murals, Ashley returned her focus to the counter placed in the center of the room.

There were five counters placed there, but four of them were empty, and only one had content inside it.

Ashley didn't think much about the empty shelves. She could feel that the material used to make the shelf was something valuable similar to the stones used on the floor, but since she had never seen anything like it, she didn't recognize it.

Ashley didn't waste time pondering over the material as she extended her right hand and stretched it inside the shelf, referring to the Lesser level cultivation arts.

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Lesser level cultivation arts could only help cultivate up to the peak Divine Being, and since she had already reached the Divine Lord level, the arts here were of no help to her. But it didn't mean the cultivation arts were useless.

At the end of the day, the cultivation arts were an amalgamation of knowledge and concepts. Excess knowledge of concepts never harmed someone; it only helped.

Hoping that the cultivation arts here would help her see through some different concepts and epiphanies, increasing her accumulation of concepts, Ashley took her hand out when she sensed it grabbing over something.

The next moment, she found her hand carrying a page when they came out.

Ashley raised her eyes in surprise as she didn't expect the store to sell a page. If it were other stores, Ashley would have expected them to hide the true products and only show the title to the customer. But her expectations for this store had risen after experiencing Panagea.

"Guess the cultivation arts are too big to reveal even for this store," Ashley humorously mumbled as she focused on the contents on the page in her hand.

[Title: The Art of Shocking the World

Level: Lesser

Power System: Magic

User; Early to late Divine Transformation

Details: The cultivation art deals with mana. It deals with the element of shockwaves.

Price: 480 ordinary Sacred stones.]

Ashley's eyes twitched after reading the content on the page. She knew about the element of shockwaves. It was one of the different types of the Element of Speed.

In fact, she had even heard about this cultivation art. A group of her father's protectors cultivated this art, so her family had it in treasuries.

Ashley sighed after discovering the recognizable cultivation art, "The first one I find is already in my possession."

At the same time, she was also surprised by the extravagant name of the cultivation art since the one in her family's treasury was simply called "Shockwaves Art."

'I must ask the store owner about this,' Ashley thought since the art's names weren't random they had a reason for it.

After Ashley came to the price section, her eyes bulged out in shock. She had seen the effect of the cultivation art, and it was nothing of the sort to fetch around five hundred ordinary Sacred stones. If Ashley had to put a price, she would place it around two hundred ordinary Sacred stones.

Ashley didn't dare look at the page any longer since it was giving a headache to her. She then put it back and took another page out.

[Title: The Art of Playing the World

Level: Lesser

Power System: Magic

User; Early to late Divine Transformation<novelnext> </novelnext>

Details: The cultivation art deals with mana. It deals with the element of foolishness.

Price: 500 ordinary Sacred stones.]

"Er!" Ashley couldn't help but exclaim in shock after reading the content. It was the same type of cultivation art as earlier, but it dealt with the element of foolishness, rather than the element of shockwaves.

But Ashley had a different reaction after calming down since this was the first time she had come across a cultivation art that dealt with the element of foolishness. The element of foolishness was one of the types of the Element of Mockery.

The Element of Mockery was one of the rare elements spread across the Multiverse, not only in the Sacred dimension.

Since Ashley had never come across this element, she didn't know anything about it except for its rarity. She then looked at the price and couldn't help but be disappointed, since it cost 500 ordinary Sacred stones.

She didn't bring that kind of wealth with her, and even if she had, she wouldn't have been able to spend it on art. A budget of five hundred ordinary Sacred stones wasn't something even her family could splurge on at any given moment.

She returned the page to the shelf and took out another cultivation art.

Time flew by, and just like that, several hours had passed.

Garos's six hours were over, so the system forced him out of Panagea. As he exited, his eyes fell on Elera, who was waiting for him.

A gentle smile spread across Garos and Elera's faces as they saw each other. The situation of several months wasn't going to end with only a few hours of conversation.

Elera and Garos then went to Aakesh. After the treatment, both were too busy to care about Aakesh, as they couldn't let go of each other. Now that they had come out of Panagea, it was time for Elera to thank Aakesh.

Elera was initially uncomfortable with Aakesh, as she should be. The man killed her only son after all.

But sometimes things had to be accepted as they were; the same was the case for Elera. She had no choice but to give up on her plans to kill the store owner for revenge. Garos played a crucial role in it, as he nudged her toward Aakesh and asked her to thank him.

Aakesh wasn't aware of the conversation between the duo of husband and wife, but even if he were, he wouldn't care much.

If the pair attempted to plot against him, they faced only one fate. So Aakesh left the decision to them about what they wanted to do.

Garos knew this, so after Elera woke up, he tried to make the hostility in her heart disappear. A mother's love for her son wasn't something that could be explained in words. The fact that the store sold the products that treated her didn't make the hatred go away.

But he wanted it to slowly disappear, as he didn't want to get embroiled in the conflict between Elera and the store owner. He could already see the outcome with his own eyes, but if it came to Elera standing against the store owner, he would have no choice but to stand by her side since his love for her was more passionate than the fear of death and the background behind the store owner.

Fortunately for Garos, Elera was an intelligent woman and knew her limits. She understood why her husband was trying it this way. Even though she couldn't stop hating the store owner, it didn't mean she would plan against him. Elera decided to live with her hatred, as she had seen how Garos had been living miserably due to not being wealthy enough to treat her since the start.

"Thank you, store owner," Elera thanked Aakesh. Her tone clearly showed her feelings toward Aakesh. She wanted to add respect, but ultimately, what came out of her mouth was a cold tone.

Aakesh wasn't one to care about the tone of his customers, so he only nodded in response to her thanks.

Garos, on the other hand, was sweating through his back while clenching his fist, creating cracking sounds, as he didn't want Elera to die right after the treatment. His grip on his fist lessened after Elera didn't say anything that might offend Aakesh.

After thanking Aakesh, Elera turned around and looked at Garos. Garos understood the underlying meaning in her eyes. Garos then thanked Aakesh and left the store with Elera.

Time flew by, and several hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Frederick's six hours in Panagea were complete, and the system forced him out.

When he came out, he found no soul other than the store owner and the cat perched atop the store owner's head.

He then said his goodbyes to the store owner and hurriedly left the store.

After Frederick left, Aakesh stood up from his chair and went to the gate,

Outside, a blanket of darkness had covered the sky. The eighteen moons were already there, trying to fend off the darkness, but their effect seemed to be nothing more than a trickle.


A/N: Only one chapter today! I had a wedding to attend and it was also a Sunday, so I figured why not.

This chapter upload by author at .

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