The First Store System

Chapter 893: The Mystery Purchase!

As Jamie roared in anger, the army chief trembled in fright.

"Your majesty, the enemy had almost ten times the number of our soldiers. We only found out about losing the territory when the enemy sent the corpses of our soldiers." The chief stated.

Even though he was terrified of the wrath of the King, he had no choice but to state the truth honestly, or his condition would be no better than that of those dead soldiers once the King found out about him hiding some information.

Jamie's anger grew even further after hearing the army chief. Not only did the Kingdom lose some lands, but it also found out about the news only after the enemy told them. What could be more humiliating than this for Jamie, who had inverted a swathe of money to increase the defenses?

Jamie wanted to rush and tear the army chief into pieces to calm himself down, but he controlled himself since doing that couldn't change the result.

The next moment, his voice turned cold as he looked at the army chief and ordered, "Before my father comes to find out about this, I want that town to assimilate back into our territory."

"If you can't do it in the next seven days, then I shall claim your head as punishment."

The army chief couldn't help but shudder after hearing the cold words. The army chief was the closest to the True God level in the entire kingdom, and yet the difference between him and Jamie was like an adult and a newborn. The outcome depended on the personality of the adult.

"I will do it," the chief promised Jamie, bowing. There was no other option if he wanted to save his life.

Jamie didn't respond but waved his hands, gesturing for the army chief to leave and make his plans.

After the chief left, Jamie fell into a state of deep reflection on the situation. He couldn't help but shudder, thinking about what his father would do once he found out about the loss.

Jamie feared not for his life but for the stability of the Kingdom. Many noble families in the kingdom still regarded the previous King as the highest authority, and Jamie knew them all. They were all once his father's underlings who had created their own families after the establishment of the Kingdom. Once his father made a decision to launch a war, those families would agree immediately.

"Your majesty, the city lord of Thorr City is requesting your audience!"

While Jamie was thinking about the situation, suddenly one of the guards stationed at the palace came and informed him.

Jamie pushed the situation to the back of his mind for the moment and allowed Thorr City lord to meet him. The guard hurriedly left, and not long after, the city lord came with him.

As the previous King established the Kingdom, many of the noble families were settled by him and were his lifelong supporters. Even after Jamie got the throne, he only got control over those noble families only in name. Jamie knew that, and even then, he couldn't act on them since that would anger his father.

To counter the influence of his father over the Kingdom, Jamie also started cultivating his faction.

The Vurrons were one such group of people who belonged to Jamie's faction due to the city lord of Corr City being a good friend of Jamie. Also, Vurrons had been living here even before the birth of the Fawkes Kingdom, so the previous King didn't have the same loyalty as other noble families from Vurrons.<novelnext> </novelnext>

"Greetings, your majesty," The city lord respectfully greeted Jamie after entering the throne hall while the guard left the room.

"What brings you here, Alfred?" Jamie asked the city lord.

Alfred was the name of the city lord. He looked the same as other Thorrons, but his build was almost three times the size of an ordinary Divine Lord Thorron.

"Your majesty, I have come here to relay something," Alfred respectfully said.

"What is it?" Jamie couldn't help but get curious, so he asked.

"Your majesty, we have sold the territory you have told us to the non-demon you wanted to," Alfred responded, informing Jamie about the land bought by Aakesh.

The other inhabitants of Thorr City believed that Aakesh got the land because of his connection to the city lord. Alfred, on the other hand, didn't even know about Aakesh.


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Alfred only learned about Aakesh after he learned about the deaths of Garos' sons. After researching him, Alfred found out that the land had been sold in no one's name.

After Alfred summoned the administrator responsible for binding the land to the buyer's name, he found out that since it was an order right from the top, the administrator sold the land without making any hassle.

Even the city lord of Corr City couldn't get someone to buy land without Alfred's knowing, so Alfred could only think of one person behind all of this. After coming to this conjecture, he came rushing to the capital city.

After hearing Alfred, Jamie couldn't help but become confused. As far as he was aware, Thorr City would not allow non-demons to live there, and his view regarding the non-demons was the same.

Jamie summoned the head administrator of the city since he couldn't take this as a light-hearted matter.

Only a few minutes later, the head administrator arrived. Jamie told Alfred to repeat the same tithing as he had done a few minutes earlier.

Alfred was surprised at first after seeing the King's reaction, but then his face turned solemn. Even the King was unaware of the non-demon's background and his settlement in Thorr City.

Time flew by, and several minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

In the throne hall, Jamie was sitting on his throne while six to seven people of different demon groups were standing with their heads lowered. Alfred was one of them. Despite searching all the records, the Kingdom's administration failed to find anything about the non-demon. It was as if the non-demon appeared out of thin air in Thorr City.

'Who made this purchase?' Alfred thought about it in his heart since it all happened in the city he controlled.

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