The First Store System

Chapter 901: Closing For The Day!

Ignoring the man's threat, Aakesh closed his eyes, starting another, and probably his last, relaxation session for the day.

Time flew by, and hours passed like a flash while Aakesh's eyes remained the same.

For the first time in hours, there was a movement in Aakesh's eyelids as soon as a door appeared, floating in mid-air in the store's hall.


Not long after, the door opened with a clicking sound as a furry white creature rushed out of the room and stepped down the stairs.

When Lily was at the last step, she made a jump and directly appeared above Aakesh's hair, her favorite resting place.

Lily's mood seemed to be better than it had been these past few days, so a broad and gentle smile spread across Aakesh's face. He gently ruffled her fur while Lily squinted her eyes in enjoyment.

Aakesh didn't ask Lily about it as they already had time for that. He only played with her to pass that moment, and what felt like only seconds to them, an hour passed.

At that time, the sun had set on Thorr and the nearby cities. The darkness had gathered itself back, shrouding the city in a cover. The light sent by the moons didn't seem to make the darkness fearful; instead, it gave it a sense of beauty.

More time flew by, and finally, the six hours of the fourth group in Panagea were over, so the system forced them out by their entry sequence.

In no time, the grayed-out portals came to life and began shining in the presence of the starry space.

The customers greeted Aakesh and Lily as they saw both of them playing. It was the first time that Jemiah had seen this scene since he usually got his turn early in the day. Only one of the three had departed the store not long after the sunset, so he had seen the bizarre scene of the terrifying non-demon playing with a furry creature.

The behavior of Aakesh when he was with Lily was opposite to what it was with others, so the scene always felt shocking no matter how many times others looked at it.

Soon after all the customers had left and only Aakesh and Lily remained in the store, Aakesh stood up from his chair, went to the gate, and closed it, bringing an end to a fruitful day for the store.

Aakesh didn't leave for the training immediately, as he was waiting for something. And only a moment had passed when an alert rang inside the store.

[Host, the weapons room had been updated with seven new types of weapons!]

"You completed the weapon's quest this early?" Lily couldn't help but ask in surprise, as it was only the second day and the quest was already over.

Since it had become a tradition for them to talk about what they had learned after training, Aakesh told Lily about all of his store quests.

Aakesh smiled and told Lily that they would talk about it later. He then proceeded toward the weapons room.

As soon as Aakesh entered the room, he could see that the space inside the room had expanded. Before, there wasn't enough room for twelve pillars with weapon counters to be in the same room at the same time.<novelnext> pan(da-n0vel.c)om</novelnext>

After the expansion, the room still had enough space to hold around fifty people, even with the twelve columns and those weapon counters.

Similarly, the wall had expanded, as had the number of murals on it. Aakesh didn't check the murals since he decided to wait for two more levels of weapons to be available in the store.

After taking a casual look around the wall, Aakesh focused on the pillars. Earlier, there were five pillars; the five were arranged in a circle. It had now disappeared.

In the weapons room, four pillars joined together to form the inner circle, while the eight remaining pillars formed another large circle covering the inner circle.

Aakesh first checked the four inner pillars. They referred to swords, spears, bows, and maces.

Mace was one of the new seven types of additions to the store, but only after its arrival had it taken one of the spots in the inner circle.

The pattern of the outer and inner circles wasn't random. The weapons in the inner circle are typically more in demand than the ones in the outer circle, and the store also sold a wider variety of them.

Maces were also much more popular in Thorr City, but the five weapons available at the start were more commonly used, so the mace wasn't one of them at the time. But now, the system's criteria had outgrown the city and reached the Kingdom, so these four were currently the most popular in the Kingdom.

After the inner circle, Aakesh returned to the outer circle. The eight pillars referred to sabers, blades, axes, hammers, flails, rapiers, scythes, and javelins.

After seeing all the weapons, Aakesh turned around and left the room.

The next moment, Aakesh disappeared from the store's hall and appeared in the selection area.

Lily jumped from Aakesh's head and went to the right corner. She already had a training environment fixed for her, so she pressed the switch.

The next moment, the space around her started to crack, and in no time, it took the shape of a portal. A suction force suddenly emerged from the crack and sucked Lily inside.

The smile on Aakesh's face disappeared as he went to the left corner and picked his weapon for the day after closing all his senses except for direction.

After he had chosen his weapon, Aakesh turned around and went to the right corner, pressing the switch after selecting his environment.

Not long after, Aakesh's senses activated themselves, and he found himself in the familiar battle arena.

Time flew by, and soon, Aakesh's training came to an end as he died for the first time. The next moment, he appeared back in the selection hall.

Time was like a stream as it continuously flowed; hours after hours passed in a flash.

After Panagea, Aakesh returned to the store for meditation. His meditation also came to an end as the system informed him about the approaching sunrise.


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