The First Store System

Chapter 93 - Auction(1)

Chapter 93: Auction(1)

"Oh, I only have 100,000 low soul stones in my hand," Aakesh expressionlessly commented after hearing that the art's starting bid would be 600,000 low soul stones.

Everybody present in the room turned speechless, hearing Aakesh. Now that they had promised to help him buy the meditation art, they can't take their words back.

The girl who had suggested Aakesh to come with her coughed to clear the awkwardness present in the room. "Don't worry, Adventurer, I would help you buy the meditation art," she said with a smile on her face.

"You don't need to worry about that!" Aakesh refused her help as he had already decided to make a deal with the buyer of the meditation art.

"Okay!" The girl responded with a little bit of disappointment in her voice. Her father was the chief of guards of the Wolfden. 

If he learned that she helped the adventurer, he would increase her pocket money as well as feel proud of her, but now that Aakesh had refused to take her help, she couldn't do anything. But suddenly, an idea emerged in her head as a smile spread across her face.

Time flew by, and thirty minutes passed. The glass covering the VIP room turned transparent from inside. They could see the outside, but the outside people couldn't see what was going on inside the room.

The sports arena had a capacity of around 120,000 seated people without VIP rooms, and every seat was filled before the start of the auction.

There was a platform prepared in the center of the field where the auctioneer would conduct the auction. Right when the time for the auction arrived, firecrackers started erupting in the air as a man appeared on the platform.

Everybody in the crown and many in VIP rooms stood up when they saw the man standing on the platform and exclaimed, "Town-head!"

In the VIP room, Aakesh was seated; Everybody stood up in respect of the town-head except Aakesh. The group didn't mind him sitting as they knew even the town-head wouldn't care.

"Sit down!" The man on the platform said in a gentle voice, and everybody standing sat back on their seats.

"So, that's a Level 50 being," Aakesh whispered while looking at the town-head.

The man sitting next to Aakesh heard his whisper and proudly commented, "Yes, even the wolf king couldn't defeat him!"

"Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Mark, the town-head of Wolfden. It would be my honor to host this auction," The man on the platform introduced himself. Everyone in the crowd started clapping for him.

Mark then raised his hands, and the clapping stopped. "First, let me announce the rules of the auction!" He commented.

"First rule, no one is allowed to threaten their opponent to win the bid. The second rule is that you may bid as much as you like as long as you pay the auction price when the auction ends. Otherwise, you will be put in prison for six months. The third rule, enjoy the auction!" He added with a smile on his face.

"Let the auction begin!" He announced, and another round of firecrackers erupted in the area.

"Our first item for a bid today is a skill book. Its name is Combat-Body. It allows the user to create an exact clone of themselves for three seconds in a battle."

"I don't have to tell you the value of those three seconds in a life-and-death battle."

"The starting price for the bid will be 25,000 low soul stones. Every increase in the bid shouldn't be less than 500 low soul stones. Let the bids begin!" Mark announced with a smile.

"27,000 low soul stones!" Mark had just stopped talking when the first bid came.

"27,500 low soul stones!"

"28,000 low soul stones!"

In no time, the bid reached 35,000 low soul stones. After a few seconds, the skill was finally sold for a price of 37,500 low soul stones.

After that, a lady came with a red box in her hands and carefully handed it over to Mark.

"For the second item of today's auction, we have…" Mark paused for a moment to increase the suspense, and as he expected everybody had their breaths stopped as they looked at the box in Mark's hand, waiting for the item to reveal.

"A pair of rare healing pills!" Mark announced and started laughing out loud, seeing the disappointed expressions on the faces of the crowd. Since the Level (25-50) could buy rare-grade healing pills from the stores in the cities, there wasn't much interest in the pills.

"The starting price would be 15,000 low soul stones, and every increase in the bid should be at least 100 low soul stones," Mark announced.

"15,100 low soul stones!" The moment, Mark stopped, a bid came.

"15,200 low soul stones!"




"16,800 low soul stones!"

The bids stopped coming after this, so the pair of the pills were sold for 16,800 low soul stones.

Time flew by, and two hours passed. So far, several items have been auctioned off, but no one from any of the VIP rooms has bid yet.

Suddenly, a group of people came carrying a giant black box to the platform. Mark casually took the box from them and put it on the platform.

"Now, for the eleventh item of today's auction, we have the weapon you've been waiting for," Mark announced as he opened the giant black box.

It was the same bow Aakesh had upgraded at the price of one million low soul stones. Everybody in the VIP room that had been laying low until now finally turned serious as it was the reason for many of them coming here.

"It's a rare-grade bow with a skill of protection embedded in it. The owner hasn't put any name to the bow, so whoever buys it would get to name it," Mark announced while pointing at the bow.

If he wasn't a sword user, he would've bought the bow for himself. He took a deep breath as this bidding war was going to be intense, and several beings had come from other towns to buy the bow.

"The starting price of the bow would be 500,000 low soul stones, with every increase in the bid of 10,000 low soul stones. Let the bidding war begin!" Mark declared.

"One million low soul stones!" the first bid came right away, and it was double the starting amount.

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