The First Strong Control In History

Chapter 97: New Item [Bai Beibei's Principle]

  Chapter 97 new item [Bai Beibei's principle]

  Chapter 95, new items [Bai Beibei's principle]

  Before I exerted my strength, you fell down.

  Yuan Bei also withdrew his desire to complain. These five people have good ideas.

   It's just that the strength is a bit weak, and that's not how a reckless man should be.

  No matter how big a reckless man is, he will come out bit by bit. If you are a first-class trumpet, you will be reckless when you rush up, which can be said to be very inappropriate.

  Don't treat the opposite person as a person.

  Looks like Jia Zhi, isn't he reckless? Almost all into the blood.

  But don’t you have to be cowardly when you should? Otherwise, how could he occupy an important gene lock and absorb a medical skill?

   Following the referee's announcement, the injured strong man was carried down for treatment.

  Estimated half an hour would be fine.

   But when they were shaking hands and making peace, Yuan Bei was more or less helpless when he saw the expressions of the four people on the opposite side looking at enemies, wishing they could tear them apart.

  He doubted that if there were not so many people watching, the four iron-headed boys might want to do it directly.

  The game is so cruel, and so is the battle between the awakened ones.

  It was only at this time that he understood why there were more and more awakened people, but the number of sacrifices remained the same every year. It is because of some people, they have never entered the dimension space.

  Even an injury will be recorded for a long time.

  According to Yuan Bei's thinking, this kind of minor injury will heal in a while, and there is no need to remember anything. Bleeding at this time is better than losing your life in the dimension space.

   "The organizer should set the venue to the Smokey Forest!"

  Yuan Bei thought so.

  However, Zhang Xiner and the three of them had normal expressions. After shaking hands indifferently, they returned to the stands again.

"Get used to it."

   Zhang Xiner said calmly at this time: "It's just the qualifiers. When it comes to the official competition, such things will be much less."


  Yuan Bei hummed lightly.

  The significance of the competition itself, the selection of a more powerful person only accounts for a small part, not even half. More meaning is to eliminate some weaker people.

   When it comes to the official competition, I am afraid there will be no such person, and maybe I will thank you for your mercy.

   This is actually not difficult to understand at all.

   Zhang Peng was out of state the whole time.

   Zhang Xiner and Yan Huohuo said they wanted an OB from the very beginning. It turned out that he was fine, originally wanted to show off his might, but ended up going to the arena to watch a match.

   Has nothing to do with him.

   "Green mode is newly developed by you?"

  Yuan Bei pushed Zhao Shiying who was sitting next to him and asked.


  Zhao Shiying couldn't help standing up straight: "[The roar of the guns] itself has infinite possibilities. In theory, as long as it belongs to the sequence of thermal weapons, it may be developed."

  Yuan Bei nodded slightly, and didn't ask any more questions.

   It made Zhao Shiying feel uncomfortable, and always felt that he hadn't finished talking...

  Why didn't Yuan Bei ask?

  You are asking, let me tell you about my thoughts, the energy I spent during the period, and my genius-like flash of inspiration that day!

   However, Yuan Bei did not give him such a chance.

  He suddenly thought of what Yu Xiangnan said before, the genetic technology itself cannot be viewed from a fixed perspective, and it is the right way to dig deep into it.

   And the thought of heading south.

  He thought that his gene lock was still empty and had not been absorbed yet.

   "I don't know when he will come back."

  Yuan Bei thought to himself: "I hope it can be before the official match."

  He only has one skill in his body now, so the tactical system in the team is naturally enough.

   But in the end, all parties will collect information, and after the effects of his skills are figured out, if he is on guard, he basically loses most of them.

  So, he urgently needs reinforcements now!

   It's just a pity, the system hasn't produced any good things recently, and even a month's full lottery draw has only drawn out an inexplicable and wonderful thing.

  Open the system panel and look at the flashing card at the bottom:

  [Bai Beibei's principle]: I don't want asymmetrical things, even gold!

   You look at this description.

   Look at the card name again.

  Can this **** ghost know what it is for? !

  Yuan Bei is crazy, he doesn't even know what the effect is, how to use it? It will be used when cutting gold in the future, can it cut out symmetrical ones perfectly?

  However, the series of cards for mentally ill patients has ushered in a newcomer—a senior patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

   Let's congratulate him!

  Unable to figure out the effect, Yuan Bei simply stopped thinking about it, but in order to avoid waste, he was still going to at least find out some convincing reasons before using it.

   And things like [full lottery draw] will stop here.

  The reason is very simple... At the beginning, Yuan Bei didn't think that anyone would be able to play that game for more than a month...

  If he had known earlier that he would time travel, he would probably have set up a daily event with full tickets...

   At this time, there is nothing I can do to regret it.


   In the afternoon.

   The first round of competition is considered to be completely over.

  Yuan Bei and the others also watched from beginning to end.

  36 groups of teams, this time also became 18 groups, and the subsequent games were also lackluster, but it was an eye-opener for Yuan Bei.

  Hu City is a small place, and among the contestants there are few outstanding players, but some interesting genetic skills have been kept in Yuan Bei's heart.

   It is uncertain when it will happen.

  But Yuan Bei and the others, who were not very eye-catching at first, became famous after the first battle in the morning.

  When Zhang Xiner went to draw lots to decide tomorrow's opponent, many eyes were fixed on them. Most of them were looking at Zhao Shiying.

  His Green pattern in the morning left a deep impression on many people.

  No matter what, his cool gun is the focus everywhere.

  The remaining members of Yuan Bei are not eye-catching at all. In the eyes of most people, this is obviously a team with girls... Zhang Xiner and Yan Huohuo are rare and beautiful.

   This is according to Yuan Bei's wishes.

  Because of his own skill characteristics, he certainly hoped that no one would notice him.

   Or the later it is noticed, the better. The less conspicuous he is, the better it will be for the entire team.

  He fell asleep and didn't make any moves, so no one noticed his movements in the morning. Others are only the reason why the strong man is exhausted.

  The lottery results will come out soon.

   "We are number 3."

   Zhang Xiner held a playing card and said.

   "Number 4 is there."

   Zhao Shiying pointed at a young man not far away.

  Yuan Bei's eyes moved slightly, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile.


  That team left a deep impression on him.

   Their genetic technology is a very interesting one.

to be frank.

  Yuan Bei is looking forward to tomorrow's battle.

  (end of this chapter)

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