The First Strong

Chapter 682: Voluntary fan slap

Bihaihuan did not know what rank was hung, but she was a young lady of the Bihai family. This identity made her special in the military.

Even as Shen Lang suspected, this local war is not good enough to train her (plus other children) and fight!

Therefore, she is not qualified to attend the meeting, and she is the most important meeting with the senior officers of the base.

Shen Lang through the investigation of the gods, we can find that her look is a little intolerant, even if it is not convenient to call, I must have received the information of Feng Yuegu.

But this may be a summary of today's battles, and for the next battle layout, so the senior officers are very serious, and will not let her leave.

Helpless, Shen Lang can only continue to wait here.

Shen Lang has no military and political affairs. For everything in this base, there is no observation and learning. The high-tech weapons here are best not to flow to the earth, so as to avoid the imbalance of power and cause war.

After a few minutes, I rushed to the footsteps.

If you close your eyes and keep your eyes open, you don't need to open your eyes to know who is coming.

"It's him! This is a psionic master!" Everyone is careful!"

The roar that often read the low voice rang, and on his face, there were several blood marks, which were just the box.

The third time I saw Shen Lang, I ended up saying a word, and I was once again stunned by Shen Lang, and it was a shame in public, but nothing happened! This made him very angry.

The officers picked him up and woke up. I wanted to ask what the situation was, but I often opened them and immediately found two reliable helpers.

The three officers before, but also followed, but not close, just watching the fun from afar.

The psionic masters, they dare not intervene.

But in such a thrilling thing in the military, I couldn’t help but want to take a look.

It’s not the average soldier, but the two psionic masters!

"Bold! I even ran to the military camp in my river city!"

"Today, let you know the power of our city's psionic masters!"

As the two psionic masters who read it often screamed, they were also carefully watching the waves.

Obviously, they all have brains. Although they don't know the ins and outs, they are very cautious when they hear that they can hit the usual readings.

Shen Lang looked at it and could not help but shake his head.

The master of psionics here is similar to the meaning of the comprehens of the earth, and is not a master monk who has at least survived the real world.

As for the two psionic masters in front of them, it should be no more than the level of the late Yuan Dynasty.

"Just you? See me, or talk to you!"

Shen Lang’s fingers moved, and the two psionic masters who were preparing for the war, found that the whole person had been imprisoned, and could not move at all, and could not help but be taken aback.

Immediately after the two of them, including the usual readings in the back, they were directly uncontrollable.

Several officers on the corner of the corridor in the distance, could not help but admire, and secretly glad. Just woke up the regular reading, and let them go to the military to suppress, if this is the case, then offended a super powerful genius master.

"Let's go! I am a great school! General Chang is my father! Do you dare to force me to kneel down to you?" I often sighed and sighed.

But the two former psionic masters can't move, how can he struggle and struggle?

"Forcing you to kneel down? Am I forcing you? I haven't moved, it's obviously voluntary."

Shen Lang looked at them with a sly look. The presence of the few officers in the distance, of course, he was very clear, but it was not broken.

"Come! There is still no sincerity in the squatting. If you are willing, give me a gimmick and lick three heads!"

Ever since, I often read the power that I felt uncontrollable, pressed his body to bend, and directly slammed his head to the ground, and smashed three heavy heads on the floor!


This is the strength of the psionic master!

But why is his two psionic masters useless?

"You see, you don't want to say it, your body is very honest!" Shen Lang said to the two psionic masters: "Why don't you swear?"

This time, I don't need him to control. I know the two great psionic masters. I can't help myself. I also smashed three heads.

At this moment they are very regretful, what to do!

Originally thought that the son of General Chang Jun was in the first place, there would be no problem. At most, it was just bullying the person. It was impossible for him to be tricked into a big hat.

I didn't expect this to just come over, and I couldn't show anything, but it was the biggest humiliation in my life.

"What is the consequence of offending the Master of Psychology?"

Shen Lang suddenly came to such a sentence, so that the three people who had been angry and regretted were all shocked.

In the city of the river basin, the Master of Psionics is superior. The reason why I often dare to provoke a few waves is because he knows the origin of Shen Lang, and it is faintly confirmed that it is not a person in the city of the river basin, so there is no fear.

On the other hand, he just thought that there are two psionic can always press Shenlang?

It is now useless, and Shen Lang himself admits to being the psionic master. It has made him a bit tricky.

"If you are willing, first make a few mouths yourself!"

Every word of Shen Lang seems to let them act voluntarily, but the three of them have no ability to control themselves at all. When they say this, they all raise one hand.


At the same time, the three slaps of the ring, the power is very big, directly hit the mouth of three people are bleeding.

"carry on."


The hands of the three people continued to fan their faces, and the shots were very heavy, even if they were very reluctant, but the head could not be evaded, the palms could not be opened, and they could only slap their own.

Far from the side, they all played a **** face, and the officer who spoke before did not dare to sit back.

He rushed out quickly, and then he bent over and walked over.

"Adult! They are more offensive, have voluntarily punished, and hope that you are a large number of adults, let them go! After all, these two are the psionic masters of the army, often Major is the son of the regular general."

He is under pressure. If he does not want to kneel on the ground and fight his face, but if he does not ask for it, the consequences may be serious. If you come to Miss Bihai and General Chang’s

"Let them go?" Shen Lang looked surprised: "Where does this start? This is their voluntary slap in the face. If I want to punish them, can I still keep their dogs? I will dump them directly." It is."

When they said this, the three of them slap on the face, the strength is bigger than before, and they directly patted themselves on the ground.


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