The first taboo in the world

Chapter 20 A Taoist scripture spreads all over the world

Xu Zifan is now desperate. He can only go to the dark side in one way, and it won't work if he doesn't fight. Talking to the demon, the things that happened in the first twenty years of his life were not as exciting and terrifying as what he is doing now.

Seeing that the weasel spirit was about to attack, Xu Zifan calmed down in fear.

"Shut up, be quiet!" Xu Zifan suddenly shouted loudly at the weasel spirit, and glared at him with wide eyes, then raised his head to look at the sky, as if he was listening carefully.

Wong Tai Sin, who was about to have an attack, froze in his movements. He was frightened by the loud shout and stopped questioning.

After an instant, Huang Taixian reacted and became angry. He was so angry. Who kind of person is he? He lied to him and defrauded him of the treasure. Now he scolded him. Then he looked up at the sky without even looking at him. He was obviously right. His disdain and contempt are typical of looking down on the immortal when he gets an advantage.

Huang Taixian stretched out his furry arms and pointed at Xu Zifan with his furry fingers. His fingers were trembling with anger.

His eyes turned blood red, his sharp teeth were exposed, and he grinned. He wanted to teach this mortal a lesson and let him understand the consequences of lying to the demon, no, to the immortal.

Just as he was preparing to take action, Xu Zifan suddenly seemed to have a sudden realization. Staring at him, he said seriously and firmly: "Great Immortal, you are really going to become an immortal!"

Wong Tai Sin's preparations for action stopped abruptly, and he asked without thinking: "How do you become a god?"

"After the benefit you gave me just now, God felt it and gave me the Immortal Sutra. After I teach it to you, I can help you become an immortal." Xu Zifan looked at Huang Taixian seriously and said.

"Really? Then teach me the immortal scriptures quickly, I will become an immortal." Huang Daxian's excited voice came. Due to the excitement, the originally hoarse and high-pitched voice was even a little distorted.

"Okay, Great Immortal, please listen carefully. This Immortal Sutra was given by God. It can only be done three times. I can only recite it twice. The Immortal Sutra will be taken back by God and I will not remember even a single word." Xu Zifan looked solemn. said.

"Okay, I'm ready, you read." Huang Daxian seemed a little anxious, urging Xu Zifan.

"Okay, listen carefully, the Tao can be Tao, but it is not Tao; the name can be named, but it is not named; the nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth, and the name is the mother of all things. Therefore, there is always no desire to observe its wonders, and there is always desire to observe its wonders. "Xiao. These two have the same origin but different names. They are both called mysteries, mysteries are mysteries, they are the door to all mysteries." Xu Zifan looked serious and pious, and finished reciting a chapter of the Tao Te Ching in a leisurely tone.

Wong Tai Sin was confused when he heard it, and he seemed to understand something. Then he had an idea and felt that he had understood something, but he seemed to have understood nothing at all. He only felt that this sutra was profound and obscure. It was worthy of being a gift from God and worthy of the name of the Immortal Sutra. At this time, Xu Zifan stopped and asked eagerly: "Continue to recite, why don't you stop reciting?"

"I have finished reciting the Immortal Sutra for the first time, and the second time will follow. When I finish reciting it, God will take back the Immortal Sutra. Once I become a mortal, I will not remember these Immortal Sutras. It will be late after a while, and I It’s time to go down the mountain and go home.” Xu Zifan reminded Huang Taixian, and he emphasized the four words “go down the mountain and go home”.

"Why is the Immortal Sutra so short?" Huang Taixian asked puzzledly.

"The great truth comes to simplicity!" Xu Zifan cherished his words like gold. He looked at Wong Tai Sin with a serious face and only said these four words.

Xu Zifan felt very uneasy at this time, and was very afraid that his deception would be seen through. The previous verses were originally meant to deceive the weasel spirit, and now he was asked questions again. In line with the principle of saying more, the more wrong, less, less wrong, and not saying more is good. Better say less. As for not telling? Look at that dead goblin's serious look. What if he doesn't find out the clues? It's better to say something more elusive and let him figure it out on his own.

As for Wong Tai Sin, after hearing the four words "Dao Zhi Jian", he seemed to have really understood something. His eyes first showed doubts, and then a look of sudden enlightenment flashed across his eyes.

"Okay, after you finish reciting it for the second time, I will ask you to go down the mountain and go home." Huang Daxian was eager to listen to the "Immortal Sutra" for the second time, so he did not bother with Xu Zifan. 【…! iQi Literature * # Fastest update]

"Then the second time begins..." A moment later, Xu Zifan finished reciting the "Immortal Sutra" for the second time.

Then he bowed his hands to Wong Tai Sin and said sincerely: "Great Immortal, the day you comprehend the Immortal Sutra is the day when you will become a Taoist and become an immortal. Now, little one, I would like to wish you in advance that your cultivation will be perfect and you will ascend to the fairy world. Little one will not Excuse me for bothering you to study the Immortal Sutra." After saying these words, without waiting for Huang Taixian's response, Xu Zifan turned around and walked down the mountain with the blue diamond head, without any sloppiness.

Huang Taixian looked at Xu Zifan's movements like flowing clouds and flowing water, with a confused look on his face. Because he was still comprehending the Immortal Sutra one moment, and Xu Zifan was gone the next moment, so naturally and politely that he didn't even react.

Then Huang Taixian stopped thinking about Xu Zifan and was immersed in profound enlightenment, working hard to understand the "Immortal Sutra".

Xu Zifan quickened his pace and used his engineers to clear the way. He was familiar with this section of the road and almost went down the mountain as fast as he could.

His heart was pounding along the way. Although he was so calm and calm just now, his back was actually covered with sweat, and his camouflage uniform was almost wet. If he said he was not afraid, he would be lying. He was a monster. Although the world was changing. I had been mentally prepared for a long time, but when I encountered it suddenly, I was still very frightened.

Fortunately, he usually likes to read Chinese classical Taoist scriptures, and also likes to read books of different genres, so he can prescribe the right medicine and lie to deceive the weasel spirit.

Thanks to the fact that the Taoist scriptures are indeed profound and not easy to understand, the demon was able to be confused.

"It's really a Taoist scripture that has spread all over the world."

Xu Zifan couldn't help but sigh that the Taoist Scriptures was his favorite work and was the crystallization of ancient Chinese wisdom. Just now, in a hurry, I recited the Taoist scriptures and deceived the weasel spirit. Unexpectedly, I actually saved my life. It is really embarrassing!

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the bus rest area, Xu Zifan felt relieved, put the Blue Dream Stone into his backpack, said hello to the old man who owned the restaurant, and rode his motorcycle back home.

He was in a very expectant and urgent mood now. Xu Zifan had a feeling that after the outer ring of the stone ring was lit up, some functions should be activated.

I didn't find a few sky-blue stones on the mountain this time, but I didn't expect to encounter a weasel spirit on the way down, which was dangerous and exciting. In the end, I deceived the demon into finding such a big blue stone. This experience was really wonderful.

He returned home after 7 p.m. After having dinner with his parents, he couldn't wait to enter his room and took out the stone ring and the blue fantasy diamond.

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