The first taboo in the world

Chapter 256 Black Mist Iron Marrow

At this moment, Xu Zifan looked at the dead silent world around him, thinking in his heart, and went through every doubt about this world in his mind.

Is the Great Evil King a survivor of the strange party's battle with the creatures within the Qinling Mountains? Is it the Great Evil King who killed the giants and powerful men?

It's a pity that the Great Evil King has been killed by him, otherwise he should know everything here best.

After Xu Zifan thought for a while, his eyes fell on the dark caves on the edge of this huge cave. They were the extension of this world of death. He didn't know where it would lead. If this world of death There are secrets, so they must be in these black caves.


Xu Zifan's figure flashed and he went straight to the nearest black cave. This was a cave that could be entered by one person. Xu Zifan was heavily guarded and went straight into the cave.

The stone cave was winding and dark. In just over twenty meters, Xu Zifan made four turns. At this time, Xu Zifan's eyes were filled with purple light. Although it was pitch dark inside the stone cave, he could clearly see the cave. everything in .

Soon, Xu Zifan came to the deepest part of the cave. He saw that the ground was covered with a thick layer of dried weeds, and on top of it was a skeleton. Judging from its body shape and bone structure, this creature It was a giant wolf. On its skeleton, there was a slit from the center of its head. The incision was flat and smooth and penetrated directly through its body. This was also the reason for the death of this giant wolf.

Xu Zifan carefully sensed it and found that there were still black mist threads flowing out from the incisions on the giant wolf. These black mist threads were very familiar to Xu Zifan. They were exactly the same as the demonic energy lingering on the black magic knife in his hand. same nature.

It can be seen that this giant wolf was also killed by a weapon made of black mist magic iron, or even killed by the black-edged magic knife Xu Zifan was holding at the moment.

Next, Xu Zifan searched all the places in the cave, but found nothing of value, so Xu Zifan left the cave.

Next, Xu Zifan went in one cave after another. Each cave was different in size. The small one was only about one cubic meter, and the big one was even the size of a football field. However, it was either empty or there was a skeleton inside. Killed by a weapon made of black mist magic iron.

In this way, Xu Zifan spent half a day exploring more than a hundred caves. The conditions inside were similar.

It wasn't until half a day later that Xu Zifan came to a cave entrance. This cave entrance was very ordinary. From the outside, there was nothing special about it compared with other cave entrances. Even the rocks here were rugged, and there was nothing special about it at all. Same place.

At this moment, Xu Zifan was as alert as ever before, stepping into the cave, turning eight turns in a row, and walking more than sixty meters, but he still hadn't reached the end yet. At first, Xu Zifan just thought that the cave was a bit winding and long, so he endured it. Temperament, continue walking.

It wasn't until he turned the twenty-third corner and walked more than 200 meters that he felt how extraordinary this cave was, because when he got here, the road ahead was getting wider and wider, and it was not any faster at all. The feeling of reaching the end.

At this time, Xu Zifan had a strange look on his face, and his eyes were filled with purple light. As he continued to move forward, he observed his surroundings. He had a feeling that maybe he would see something different when he walked to the deepest part of the cave this time.

He walked forward again and again, and walked forward for more than 200 meters in this dark cave. The road still did not come to the end. At this time, Xu Zifan was a little shocked, where was this cave leading to?

The dark cave is like leading straight to the netherworld, as if there is no end. Every ten steps are twists and turns, and a hundred steps are twists and turns. Until now, Xu Zifan is becoming more and more curious about what will be ahead.

After walking for more than a hundred meters, he turned a corner in the cave. At this moment, Xu Zifan stopped because he felt a familiar aura here. This aura was the same as the black-edged magic knife in his hand. The black demonic energy that spreads out is of the same type.

"What exactly is ahead? Is the executioner who massacred countless creatures in the Qinling Mountains about to appear? Or is there something else going on?" Xu Zifan looked solemn at this time, thinking that many of the skeletons he saw today in the Qinling Mountains were killed by a sharp weapon during their lifetime. The body was split open, and there was only such a wound on all the bones. It can be inferred that the person who did it was not only ruthless, but also very powerful in combat.

At this moment, because the road in the cave ahead was not straight, Xu Zifan could not strain his eyes to see what was ahead.

After a slight hesitation, Xu Zifan stepped out and continued moving forward.

At this point, as Xu Zifan continued to move forward, the black demonic energy around him became more and more intense. Even when he walked about thirty meters further, the black demonic energy in this cave passage was even more intense. It has surpassed the black demonic energy lingering on the black-edged magic knife he carries with him.

At this time, Xu Zifan frowned, thought for a moment, and then continued to move forward. He wanted to see what was in front of him.

The surrounding black mist is getting thicker and thicker, and the demonic energy is billowing, as if there is a peerless demon king dormant in the deepest part of the cave, which is breathtaking.

Xu Zifan walked forward for about a hundred meters, turned an intersection, and a scene appeared in front of him.

This is a huge underground space, about the size of two football fields.

It was completely dark inside, and the magic mist was boiling. It was extremely dense, as if it was about to turn into substance. Waves of fierce aura filled the air from it, making Xu Zifan feel a biting chill, very uncomfortable, as if it were in front of him. There is an unparalleled evil demon living in the black mist.

The magic mist surged, pitch black, and a sinister aura enveloped the entire space.

Chapter 256

At this moment, Xu Zifan looked at the dead silent world around him, thinking in his heart, and went through every doubt about this world in his mind.

Is the Great Evil King a survivor of the strange party's battle with the creatures within the Qinling Mountains? Is it the Great Evil King who killed the giants and powerful men?

It's a pity that the Great Evil King has been killed by him, otherwise he should know everything here best.

After Xu Zifan thought for a while, his eyes fell on the dark caves on the edge of this huge cave. They were the extension of this world of death. He didn't know where it would lead. If this world of death There are secrets, so they must be in these black caves.


Xu Zifan's figure flashed and he went straight to the nearest black cave. This was a cave that could be entered by one person. Xu Zifan was heavily guarded and went straight into the cave.

The stone cave was winding and dark. In just over twenty meters, Xu Zifan made four turns. At this time, Xu Zifan's eyes were filled with purple light. Although it was pitch dark inside the stone cave, he could clearly see the cave. everything in .

Soon, Xu Zifan came to the deepest part of the cave. He saw that the ground was covered with a thick layer of dried weeds, and on top of it was a skeleton. Judging from its body shape and bone structure, this creature It was a giant wolf. On its skeleton, there was a slit from the center of its head. The incision was flat and smooth and penetrated directly through its body. This was also the reason for the death of this giant wolf.

Xu Zifan carefully sensed it and found that there were still black mist threads flowing out from the incisions on the giant wolf. These black mist threads were very familiar to Xu Zifan. They were exactly the same as the demonic energy lingering on the black magic knife in his hand. same nature.

It can be seen that this giant wolf was also killed by a weapon made of black mist magic iron, or even killed by the black-edged magic knife Xu Zifan was holding at the moment.

Next, Xu Zifan searched all the places in the cave, but found nothing of value, so Xu Zifan left the cave.

Next, Xu Zifan went in one cave after another. Each cave was different in size. The small one was only about one cubic meter, and the big one was even the size of a football field. However, it was either empty or there was a skeleton inside. Killed by a weapon made of black mist magic iron.

In this way, Xu Zifan spent half a day exploring more than a hundred caves. The conditions inside were similar.

It wasn't until half a day later that Xu Zifan came to a cave entrance. This cave entrance was very ordinary. From the outside, there was nothing special about it compared with other cave entrances. Even the rocks here were rugged, and there was nothing special about it at all. Same place.

At this moment, Xu Zifan was on full alert as before, stepping forward Chapter 256

At this moment, Xu Zifan looked at the dead silent world around him, thinking in his heart, and went through every doubt about this world in his mind.

Is the Great Evil King a survivor of the strange party's battle with the creatures within the Qinling Mountains? Is it the Great Evil King who killed the giants and powerful men?

It's a pity that the Great Evil King has been killed by him, otherwise he should know everything here best.

After Xu Zifan thought for a while, his eyes fell on the dark caves on the edge of this huge cave. They were the extension of this world of death. He didn't know where it would lead. If this world of death There are secrets, so they must be in these black caves.


Xu Zifan's figure flashed and he went straight to the nearest black cave. This was a cave that could be entered by one person. Xu Zifan was heavily guarded and went straight into the cave.

The stone cave was winding and dark. In just over twenty meters, Xu Zifan made four turns. At this time, Xu Zifan's eyes were filled with purple light. Although it was pitch dark inside the stone cave, he could clearly see the cave. everything in .

Soon, Xu Zifan came to the deepest part of the cave. He saw that the ground was covered with a thick layer of dried weeds, and on top of it was a skeleton. Judging from its body shape and bone structure, this creature It was a giant wolf. On its skeleton, there was a slit from the center of its head. The incision was flat and smooth and penetrated directly through its body. This was also the reason for the death of this giant wolf.

Xu Zifan carefully sensed it and found that there were still black mist threads flowing out from the incisions on the giant wolf. These black mist threads were very familiar to Xu Zifan. They were exactly the same as the demonic energy lingering on the black magic knife in his hand. same nature.

It can be seen that this giant wolf was also killed by a weapon made of black mist magic iron, or even killed by the black-edged magic knife Xu Zifan was holding at the moment.

Next, Xu Zifan searched all the places in the cave, but found nothing of value, so Xu Zifan left the cave.

Next, Xu Zifan went in one cave after another. Each cave was different in size. The small one was only about one cubic meter, and the big one was even the size of a football field. However, it was either empty or there was a skeleton inside. Killed by a weapon made of black mist magic iron.

In this way, Xu Zifan spent half a day exploring more than a hundred caves. The conditions inside were similar.

It wasn't until half a day later that Xu Zifan came to a cave entrance. This cave entrance was very ordinary. From the outside, there was nothing special about it compared with other cave entrances. Even the rocks here were rugged, and there was nothing special about it at all. Same place.

At this moment, Xu Zifan was as alert as ever before, stepping into the cave, turning eight turns in a row, and walking more than sixty meters, but he still hadn't reached the end yet. At first, Xu Zifan just thought that the cave was a bit winding and long, so he endured it. Temperament, continue walking.

It wasn't until he turned the twenty-third corner and walked more than 200 meters that he felt how extraordinary this cave was, because when he got here, the road ahead was getting wider and wider, and it was not any faster at all. The feeling of reaching the end.

At this time, Xu Zifan had a strange look on his face, and his eyes were filled with purple light. As he continued to move forward, he observed his surroundings. He had a feeling that maybe he would see something different when he walked to the deepest part of the cave this time.

He walked forward again and again, and walked forward for more than 200 meters in this dark cave. The road still did not come to the end. At this time, Xu Zifan was a little shocked, where was this cave leading to?

The dark cave is like leading straight to the netherworld, as if there is no end. Every ten steps are twists and turns, and a hundred steps are twists and turns. Until now, Xu Zifan is becoming more and more curious about what will be ahead.

After walking for more than a hundred meters, he turned a corner in the cave. At this moment, Xu Zifan stopped because he felt a familiar aura here. This aura was the same as the black-edged magic knife in his hand. The black demonic energy that spreads out is of the same type.

"What exactly is ahead? Is the executioner who massacred countless creatures in the Qinling Mountains about to appear? Or is there something else going on?" Xu Zifan looked solemn at this time, thinking that many of the skeletons he saw today in the Qinling Mountains were killed by a sharp weapon during their lifetime. The body was split open, and there was only such a wound on all the bones. It can be inferred that the person who did it was not only ruthless, but also very powerful in combat.

At this moment, because the road in the cave ahead was not straight, Xu Zifan could not strain his eyes to see what was ahead.

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