The first taboo in the world

Chapter 28 Going down the mountain

After morning class, Xu Zifan and Linghu Chong went to Yue Buqun's study together.

"Junior Brother Xu, what do you think Master wants from us? Could it be that I was discovered secretly running down Huashan Mountain to buy wine?" Linghu Chong asked with a worried look on his face.

"I don't know either. I'll find out when I get there." Xu Zifan responded. He didn't know why Lao Yue suddenly came to him at the same time.

After a while, Xu Zifan and Linghu Chong arrived at Yue Buqun's study.

"Greetings, Master!" Xu Zifan and Linghu Chong said, cupping their hands.

"Chong'er, Zifan, no courtesy." Yue Buqun waved his hand and said.

"Master, what do you want to tell me and me?" Linghu Chong asked.

Yue Buqun stroked his beard and said seriously: "Today I saw that you two have practiced Huashan Sword Technique well. I think it's time to teach you other sword techniques."

Hearing that he could learn new swordsmanship, Linghu Chong said excitedly, "Really? Master? I wonder what swordsmanship you plan to teach us?"

Xu Zifan also looked at Yue Buqun excitedly.

Yue Buqun hit Linghu Chong on the head with the book in his hand, and said angrily: "Can what the master said still be false? Chong'er, you are already a grown up, can't you be more cautious? You are You must set an example for the many junior brothers and sisters, and you must lead by example."

"Oh, Master, stop fighting. I know I was wrong." Linghu Chong said with a playful smile while holding his head.

"Hey!" Yue Buqun looked at Linghu Chong's playful smile and couldn't help but sigh and shake his head.

"Okay, stop making trouble, Master has something to say to you." Yue Buqun said seriously.

Linghu Chong also had a serious look on his face and was ready to listen. Xu Zifan's expression remained unchanged.

"We in Huashan belong to the lineage of Taoism. Our ancestors studied heaven and man and passed down countless strange and strange techniques, which are unique in the martial arts. However, due to wars, vendettas in the martial arts, etc. throughout the ages, only nine techniques have been passed down to this day, and I The Huashan Sect will not wither and decline because of these nine magical secrets." Yue Buqun spoke eloquently, and stopped here, with a dull expression on his face, lamenting that the past glory of Huashan was no longer there.

After a while, Yue Buqun came back to his senses and continued: "Today I will teach you two each a sword technique, which is one of the nine skills of Huashan. You must swear not to teach it to anyone else." After saying that, Yue Buqun looked at Linghu Chong and Xu Zifan seriously.

"Disciple Linghu Chong will never pass on the swordsmanship taught by master today. If he violates this oath, he will not die well and will be pierced through the heart by a sword." Linghu Chong swore seriously.

After Linghu Chong finished speaking, Yue Buqun looked at Xu Zifan.

"Disciple Xu Zifan will never spread the sword skills taught by today's master to other people in this world. If he violates this oath, he will be struck by the sword and die without getting sick!" Xu Zifan also hurriedly swore, but he was clever and said It is not spread in this world.

Originally, as a modern person, he would not believe in oaths or anything like that, but now that the world has changed, who knows if there are rules that restrict such oaths and so on. At this time, Xu Zifan had the attitude that he would rather believe that he had something than something that he didn't have, so he played a little clever trick.

After seeing the two people swearing, Yue Buqun's expression paused and he spoke again: "Chong'er, you are usually lively and unruly. In the future, you will definitely cause trouble when you wander around the world. Today, I will teach you the swordsmanship of my master. This swordsmanship is more defensive, look for offensive opportunities in defense, go back and practice hard, it can save your life, and it can also neutralize your temper."

When Linghu Chong heard that it was a defensive swordsmanship, he immediately felt like a frost-beaten eggplant. He was dejected and had a look of disappointment on his face.

Seeing his disciple's expression, Yue Buqun didn't know that he underestimated this sword technique, and then said: "Don't underestimate this sword technique. If you cultivate my sword technique, you can be calm and calm every day." Through practice, you can cultivate a strong righteousness, ward off evil spirits, practice to the highest depths, have unparalleled defense, and be immune to all evil!" [¥! iQi Literature…free reading]

After finishing speaking, looking at Linghu Chong's expression of no interest, Yue Buqun said with hatred: "That's it, evil disciple. It doesn't matter if you don't practice. Just concentrate on practicing Huashan Internal Skills!"

Linghu Chong looked happy when he heard what Yue Buqun said: "Thank you, Master. I will definitely practice Huashan's internal skills and strive to reach the level of a first-class master as soon as possible."

Yue Buqun said angrily: "Go away and practice. If you don't reach the seventh level of the Huashan Mental Technique within three years, go away and think about the past!"

"Okay, then the disciple has gone to practice. Junior Brother Xu, I'm leaving first!" After saying that, he secretly made a face at Xu Zifan and turned around to leave.

When Yue Buqun saw this, he shook his head. He was a senior disciple with good talents and qualifications. He was a prodigy in martial arts, but he couldn't calm down and had a wild personality. Maybe it's because you're still young?

He raised his head and looked at Xu Zifan in front of him. He was a calm man. Although he was old and past the best age for martial arts training, he was diligent, studious and steady. It was the unknown origin that made him very confused.

Yue Buqun shook his head, came to his senses, and said: "Zifan, you have a stable character and are diligent and studious, but you need to make progress while being stable. If you have any needs in your daily life, you can talk to the master."

"Come on, Lao Yue is testing him again." Xu Zifan heard the meaning and said: "Master, I have nothing to ask for, but I just want to keep improving in martial arts and contribute to the Huashan Sect of Everbright!"

Xu Zifan was speaking from his heart, and he had a clear conscience here.

Yue Buqun looked at this disciple carefully. He also hoped that this was the disciple's true thoughts.

After a while, Yue Buqun said again: "The sword technique I taught you today is called Xiyi Sword Technique. This sword technique focuses on offense and kills people invisible. As the saying goes, 'turning a blind eye is called Yi, and hearing nothing is called Yi. Known as "Xi", its moves are unpredictable, empty and empty, and mysterious and unparalleled. It is said that when you practice it to the depths, the enemy will not see or hear it, and you can take the enemy's life silently. Zifan, practice well. , Don’t let down your expectations as a teacher.”

"Yes, master, this disciple must practice hard and don't dare to slack off!" Xu Zifan responded seriously with a serious look on his face.

"Well, go down and practice!" Yue Buqun said!

After bidding farewell to Yue Buqun and returning to his room, Xu Zifan couldn't wait to open the sword manual.

As far as the eye can see, there is a neat little boy with neat and meticulous handwriting. It is obviously Yue Buqun's handwriting. Also, the Nine Arts of Huashan have been passed down for a long time, how could he get the original.

Read the content again. After reading it again, Xu Zifan finally understood why Yue Buqun rarely used the Xiyi sword technique in the original work. This is because this sword technique requires the cooperation of profound internal strength to achieve the state of turning a blind eye and turning a blind eye. If Sword practitioners do not have deep internal strength, and many moves cannot be used at all.

It seems that he has to hide it again. He already has a book of swordsmanship to ward off evil spirits, but he is still very happy. The content in the book cannot be practiced, but it can increase his knowledge, martial arts literacy and foundation.

Closing the book, Xu Zifan opened another book with the Po Jade Fist Technique written on it.

This boxing method is one of the few in the Huashan School. The power of the moves is strong, and a punch is like a hammer hitting a rock or a giant ax breaking through a mountain.

This boxing method can be practiced by all disciples of the Huashan School. Xu Zifan has been practicing Poyu Fist for more than a year and is relatively proficient. This boxing method also requires advanced internal skills.

"So the first thing to do now is to upgrade your internal strength." Xu Zifan thought this way!

"First practice the Huashan Mental Technique, and then go down the mountain to look for those legendary opportunities." Xu Zifan thought: "Otherwise, if you go down the mountain with your current skills, you will easily be killed on the way."

Now is a world where people are proud of themselves. Along the way, you are very likely to encounter blind thieves and people who kill people because of a disagreement. If you accidentally fall into the hands of these people, wouldn't it be unfair?

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan calmed down and practiced the Huashan Mental Method.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been more than two years in the world of Swordsman. At this time, he has been in the world of Swordsman for almost five years.

Xu Zifan sat cross-legged on a huge rock on the top of Chaoyang Peak, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

He has now reached the eighth level of Huashan Mental Technique, which is one level higher than Linghu Chong. However, it may be that his potential has been exhausted, or there is a problem with his technique. Since he entered the eighth level, he has been able to move forward like a tortoise, making little progress.

"Looks like it's time to go out for a walk!" Xu Zifan thought.

The current eighth level of Huashan Mental Technique is probably equivalent to Linghu Chong's state at the beginning of the plot in the original work. It may be slightly lacking, but it's not much worse.

In the name of going down the mountain for experience, Xu Zifan bid farewell to Yue Buqun.

Xu Zifan took a sword, a change of clothes, and dry food for the road, and went down the mountain.

After coming down the mountain, he came to Huayin County, bought a horse, and galloped all the way to the Kunlun Snow Mountain.

After traveling for more than twenty miles, Xu Zifan stopped his horse because someone was blocking the road ahead.

I saw a dozen people in front of me, holding swords, guns, swords and sticks. The leader was tall and tall, with a ferocious face. A scar on his face accentuated his ferocity. He held a nine-ring sword in his hand and shouted at Xu Zifan: "Dismount me, Leave the money to pay for the trip.”

Xu Zifan smiled. He went down the mountain with the idea of ​​​​improving his martial arts and mental state, but his opponent came so soon. However, he is a little nervous now, because this is the first time in the real world and the world of Swordsman that he has to fight with someone with real swords and guns. It doesn't matter if he fights with others on Huashan Mountain because no one has been killed. I mean, now it's not a showdown, it's a competition between the rivers and lakes, and it's possible to die or be disabled.

Xu Zifan dismounted, calmed his mind, and said: "It is better to rob than the sword in my hand."

"Oh no, you want to die. I see you are just a fledgling. I have cut down countless people like this. If you have the sense, leave your property and horses and get out, otherwise I will kill you!" The vicious man at the head dared to resist when he saw Xu Zifan. , Nuji said.

"The horse is here, the property is in the package, better than me, take it!" Xu Zifan said calmly.

"Brothers, come together and chop him down shoulder to shoulder!" The vicious man said no more, raised his knife and led his men to chop him down.

Seeing this, Xu Zifan activated his internal strength, drew his sword, and used the Huashan sword technique "You Feng Lai Yi".

I saw Xu Zifan holding a long sword in front, charging straight into the group of thieves at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, the sword light flashed in the crowd and the sword clanked. After a while, Xu Zifan bent his knees and used his internal energy to bounce up one foot high and spin his body. , the sword in his hand was shining brightly, and he struck out thirty-six swords in all directions in an instant, as fast as lightning, with an endless clanging sound. After landing, no one was standing around him.

I saw robbers lying on the ground all around, all of them screaming in agony. Some had sword wounds on their arms, some on their legs, and some on their chests.

"Hero, spare your life, please let the little ones go!" A group of robbers were kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

"If I encounter you again and rob me, no one will be spared." Xu Zifan said fiercely.

"It won't happen anymore. Please spare your life, hero!" the robbers cried.

"Get out of here!" Xu Zifan shouted. After all, he was an ordinary person in the real world and had no intention of killing anyone.

"Thank you, hero!" the robbers shouted, and ran away one by one, dragging their wounds.

Xu Zifan suddenly felt boring. How could it be so simple? However, this thought only appeared for a moment, and he corrected his mentality. These are just thieves. What's the point of being proud of defeating them? He didn't say that the real world is weird, he only said that he was proud of the world of Jianghu. He was still far from Yue Buqun. Woolen cloth!

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