The first taboo in the world

Chapter 32 Thinking Over the Cliff

Only the sky is above, not to mention the mountains. The sun is approaching when you look up, and the white clouds are low when you look back.

The majestic Huashan Mountain is majestic yet beautiful, with graceful bells and bells, which is unique in the world and dangerously famous in the world.

At Huashan Jade Girl Peak, the sword energy soared into the sky. At this time, Xu Zifan, dressed in brocade clothes, had returned to Huashan. He had left Huashan for more than three years.

In more than three years, a lot has changed. There are now eight inner disciples in Huashan. Yue Lingshan and Linghu Chong have also grown up a lot. As for Yue Buqun, there were light wrinkles on his forehead, while Ning Zhong was even more amiable and approachable like a loving mother.

At this time, everyone in the Sword Qi Chongxiao Hall gathered together and looked at Xu Zifan.

"Senior Brother Xu, wow, I went out for a trip and my skin has become so good. How do you take care of it?" Yue Lingshan asked with a smile.

The other brothers either don't know Xu Zifan, or they don't have a deep impression of Xu Zifan. After all, he spent five years in the mountain before, either reading in the bookstore or practicing martial arts in Chaoyang Peak. Therefore, everyone basically doesn't know him very well, let alone. Stop talking about making friends.

"Junior sister, you have grown up a lot and are even more graceful!" Xu Zifan said to Yue Lingshan with a smile.

"Lingshan, don't make trouble, Zifan, where have you been in the past three years? You haven't given any information to your master or wife?" Ning Zhongze said with a smile on his face.

Yue Buqun also looked at Xu Zifan at this time, his face expressionless, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The other disciples also became quiet. They were very curious about Xu Zifan.

"Reporting to Master, Master, my disciple has traveled all over the world in the past few years. I have been to Kunlun Snow Mountain, Wuliang Mountain in Yunnan and many other places. During this period, I have met many heroes in the world. I have made Master and Master worried that my disciple has committed a serious crime. Please punish Master! "Xu Zifan responded with his hands raised.

"You still know how to come back? In the past three years, you have not reported that you are safe. Do you still have master, master, and all the brothers in Huashan in your heart?" At this time, Yue Buqun said with a reproachful look.

"My disciple is guilty, please punish me master!" Xu Zifan said with a pious look.

"Okay, Zifan just came back. Senior brother, please remember this time, and you will be punished if you commit any more offenses in the future." Ning Zhongze came out to smooth things over.

"Huh!" Yue Buqun turned his head and snorted coldly.

Xu Zifan didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this time. He originally wanted to be punished so much that he wanted to cross the cliff face, so that he could legitimately practice swordsmanship on it every day and enter the cave by the way to learn the swordsmanship of the Five Mountains.

As a result, his plan was aborted, but he didn't blame Ning Zhongze. Ning Zhongze was also kind-hearted and really treated him well. Since he joined the Huashan Sect, Ning Zhongze can be said to have been the best to him. people.

"Senior brother, you have a few more senior brothers, and our Huashan is becoming more and more prosperous and lively!" Yue Lingshan said happily: "Come on, let me introduce you."

After that, she pointed to a man who looked like a porter and said, "This is Fourth Senior Brother, Shi Daizi!"

Then he pointed to a man with an abacus in his hand and a scholar's face and said: "This is the fifth senior brother Gao Genming."

"This is the sixth senior brother Lu Dayou, the seventh senior brother Tao Jun, and the eighth senior brother Ying Bailuo!"

Xu Zifan bowed his hands and saluted one by one, and the inner disciples also returned the salute one by one. In Huashan, the outer disciples always call the inner disciples senior brothers. This is the rule of the Huashan Sect.

The next day, Xu Zifan got up early and went to the depths of Mount Huashan.

There is a dangerous cliff at the top of Huashan Yunv Peak, and there is a cave on it, which is where the Huashan sect's disciples were imprisoned and punished after committing violations.

Huashan Mountain is originally full of vegetation and the scenery is extremely secluded, but this place is an exception. There is no grass and no trees on the cliff. It is bare and nothing else. According to legend, this place is a pearl in the hairpin of a jade girl.

The founder of the Huashan Sect used this dangerous cliff as a place to punish his disciples, mainly because there was no grass, no trees, no insects and no birds. When the punished disciples faced the wall and thought about their mistakes, they would not be disturbed by external objects and have other distractions. .

Xu Zifan walked quickly up the mountain and arrived here.

"This is Siguo Cliff, right? What a dangerous cliff!" Xu Zifan looked at the dangerous cliff with no grass, no trees, and only a cave in front of him, and he roughly confirmed in his heart that this place was Siguo Cliff.

I saw that this cliff is located on the mountainside below the top of Jade Girl Peak. Half of the cliff rocks extend out of the cliff. Three sides are empty, and one side is the cave behind. There is only a one-foot-wide path that winds straight to the cliff.

Xu Zifan entered the cave and saw many large smooth rocks on the ground. He looked up at the surrounding cave walls and finally found the three characters "Feng Qingyang". The strokes were vigorous and powerful, carved with a sharp weapon, half an inch deep.

"Sure enough, this is Siguo Cliff!"

Feng Qingyang is the number one master of the Huashan Sword Sect and the most senior person in Huashan currently. He possesses the Dugu Nine Swords and his swordsmanship is unparalleled. He is ranked among the top two masters in the world.

At this time, Xu Zifan looked around, looking for Feng Qingyang to be nearby. He couldn't take it lightly now. Anyone who might be surrounded by a supreme master would be nervous.

"Hey, my Huashan Siguo Cliff is so desolate, but this place is a good place. I will come here to practice swordsmanship in the future." Xu Zifan said loudly to himself.

His purpose in doing this was that if Feng Qingyang was nearby, he would tell the other party that he was a disciple of Huashan, so as to prevent the other party from thinking that he was a thief who sneaked up the mountain.

Although with his current comprehensive strength, he may not be able to beat Feng Qingyang, but if you can, don't misunderstand him. It would be best if the other party likes you and can come out to teach you Dugu Nine Swords.

Then Xu Zifan started to dance the sword here, using the Huashan sword technique one move at a time.

On Xu Zifan's way back to Huashan, his Huashan Mental Technique has reached the highest level. Judging from the number of mental techniques alone, he is equivalent to a first-class master in this world.

In addition, his meridians and acupuncture points have been enlarged and strengthened by about ten times, and his internal strength has actually reached the state of transformation, which is comparable to the top masters in this world.

At this time, Xu Zifan used the Huashan Sword Technique, one move at a time, in conjunction with his internal strength, creating a majestic scene, like a mighty giant from the sky, or like a stormy sea.

Huashan Sword Technique and Sword Intention are taken from the two words "strange and dangerous" of Huashan Mountain in Xiyue. The infinite scenery of Huashan Mountain is reflected in the two words "strange and dangerous". "Strange and dangerous" often go hand in hand with beauty. Therefore, the swordsmanship of Huashan Mountain is extraordinary and majestic, lofty and unparalleled, and the moves are full of "the perfect match for a wonderful victory and danger." The artistic conception of "seeking victory".

After three years of hard work in the martial arts world, Xu Zifan has mastered the Huashan swordsmanship. With every move, his sword intention is flowing freely, and his sword energy is as vertical and horizontal as frost.

At this time, thinking about crossing the cliff in Huashan Mountain, Xu Zifan was like a sword fairy dancing in the world. Xu Zifan's momentum in practicing Huashan Swordsmanship today is no less than what Yue Buqun showed in the martial arts training ground back then, or even deeper.

After dancing the sword three times in a row, Xu Zifan began to meditate on the spot and began to practice the Huashan Heart Method.

In this way, Xu Zifan came to Siguoya to practice swordsmanship for two hours every morning for two consecutive months.

He did this to pave the way for his "accidental" discovery of Siguo Yashi Cave in the future, and secondly, he hoped that his talent in swordsmanship would catch Feng Qingyang's eyes and let him teach him the Dugu Nine Swordsmanship.

But no matter what, two months have passed and Feng Qingyang still hasn't appeared. It seems that he has no chance to meet Dugu Nine Swords.

On this day, Xu Zifan came to Siguo Cliff and first began to practice the Huashan Mental Technique, and then began to practice the Huashan Sword Technique. At this time, the sword energy was soaring into the sky, and sword energy was hitting all around.

After a while, Xu Zifan entered the cave. At this time, the breath in his body was surging and rushing. As the long sword danced, the sword energy shot out, crossing the surrounding stone walls. The stones fell from the surrounding stone walls of the cave, making a rustling sound.

"Boom..." A loud noise came, and a stone wall was cracked open by Xu Zifan, revealing a grotto. There was a cave behind the stone wall.

Xu Zifan was overjoyed that the destination was finally found, but his face showed surprise. He stopped dancing with his sword, lit a torch, and got in along the cracked stone crack.

There was a narrow passage inside, and there was a skeleton on the floor of the passage. The clothes on the skeleton had long since decayed and turned into dust. There were two large axes beside it, which glowed brightly under the light of the fire.

Looking at the two big axes, after the test of time, they are still immortal and shining brightly. Xu Zifan knows that these two weapons must be magic weapons in this world, but he is not interested in them at the moment, because the items in this world cannot be brought to the real world, and they are useless to him.

Xu Zifan also knew that this skeleton was a big boss of the Sun Moon God Sect in the Swordsman World. After being trapped in the cave, he used a sharp ax to chop rocks to open a way out, and wanted to break out of the mountain. Unfortunately, he was only a few inches away from breaking through the cave. The place died of exhaustion and ultimately fell short, which is sad.

Seeing this scene and seeing the skeletons at his feet, Xu Zifan couldn't help but sigh, human destiny is really wonderful, maybe life and death are only a few inches away.

After walking along the mountain road for more than ten feet, Xu Zifan came to an open cave. The cave was very large and could accommodate a thousand people.

There are seven more skeletons in the cave, either sitting or lying, with weapons beside them. A pair of iron tablets, a pair of judge pens, an iron rod, and a copper rod. One seems to be a lightning blocker, the other is a three-pointed two-edged knife full of wolf teeth, and one has a weapon-like blade. It's not a sword, it looks like a sword but not a sword, I've never seen it before.

Xu Zifan held up the torch and continued walking forward. He saw a dozen long swords thrown on the ground not far away. He walked over and leaned over to pick up one. He saw that the sword was shorter than the ordinary sword, but the blade was wider. times, his hand was heavy, and he thought to himself: "This is the sword used by the Taishan Sect." Some of the other long swords are light and soft, and are the weapons of the Hengshan Sect; some have curved blades, and are among the three types of long swords used by the Hengshan Sect. 1. Some of the swords have no sharp edges, but only have extremely sharp tips. They are known to be the weapons favored by some seniors in the Songshan Sect. There are also three swords, the lengths and weights of which are the regular swords of the Huashan Sect.

Xu Zifan held up a torch and looked around the cave walls. He saw a large rock protruding from the right mountain wall a few feet above the ground, which seemed to be a platform. Under the large rock, there were sixteen characters carved on the wall: "Five Sacred Sword Sect, shameless and obscene, martial arts competition." If you are not victorious, you are plotting to harm others." There are four characters in a row, four rows in total. Each character is about a foot square and goes deep into the rocks. It is carved with an extremely sharp blade, up to several inches deep. The sixteen characters are angular and full of tension. I also saw countless small characters engraved next to the sixteen large characters, all of which were curse words such as "despicable scoundrel", "extremely shameful", "imbecile", "cowardly", etc. The walls were filled with curse words.

"It's so easy to curse people in this world!" Xu Zifan thought of the national curses in the real world, and couldn't help but feel that these big guys from the Sun Moon God Sect were a bit cute, and they all cursed people in a polite way.

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