The first taboo in the world

Chapter 56 That figure

Hengyang City is now crowded with people from all walks of life and martial arts circles. There are countless people. This is because Liu Zhengfeng, the second leader of the Hengshan Sect, wants to wash his hands in the golden basin, seal his sword and go into seclusion, withdrawing from the world.

At this time, the place where the storm gathered was Liu Zhengfeng's mansion - Liu Mansion.

Although it has not yet come to the day of washing hands in the golden basin on July 15th, the place has begun to be decorated with lanterns and many bright red lanterns have been hung high throughout the house.

At this time, the inner hall of the mansion was full of people. It was roughly estimated that there were about two to three hundred people. However, there were so many people but no one made a sound. They were all looking at the innermost side of the inner hall.

There was a row of Taishi chairs there, and the people sitting there were all famous figures and masters of the older generation. A beautiful and lovely little nun was leaning on an old nun and talking about something.

This little nun was Yilin, and she was describing what happened to Hetian Boguang. Her fair and fair face was filled with tears.

On the ground not far from her, there were two pairs of door panels. On one of the door panels was the body of a young man. The blood on his chest had solidified and turned black. This person was Chi Baicheng, a disciple of the Taishan Sect.

On the other door panel was the corpse of Luo Renjie of the Qingcheng faction, with a sharp sword stuck in the abdomen of the corpse.

The sword was inserted into the deceased's lower abdomen and thrust upward. A three-foot long sword, with less than a foot left outside the body, had obviously been inserted into the deceased's throat. Such ruthless bottom-up moves were rare in the martial arts world.

At this time, Yilin, who is beautiful, innocent and lovely, told the story of Huiyan upstairs.

"Senior Brother Linghu was talking about how he was second in the world in swordsmanship while sitting down. Tian Boguang asked who was first. Senior Brother Linghu replied that of course it was Dongfang Bubai."

"At this moment, a burst of slow footsteps came up from the stairs. The person who came was also a senior fellow from the Huashan Sect. Senior Brother Linghu called him Junior Brother Xu."

"After Tian Boguang said a few vulgar words to this senior brother, the senior brother slapped Tian Boguang away. Tian Boguang still refused to admit defeat. After getting up from the ground, he took out his knife, and his figure flew out like lightning, slashing towards He hit this senior brother of the Huashan Sect, but he was greeted with another slap, which knocked him away and smashed the tables, chairs and wine utensils. At this time, Tian Boguang was lying on the ground unable to get up."

When Yi Lin said this, a loud shout rang out: "Fart! That's nonsense. Not to mention a disciple of the Huashan Sect, even the leader of the Huashan Sect, Yue Buqun, cannot defeat Tian Boguang with two slaps."

The one who spoke was none other than Yu Canghai of the Qingcheng Sect, and other celebrities and senior masters, including the owner of this place, a short, fat, middle-aged man who looked like a rich man wearing a brown cocoon silk robe - Liu Zhengfeng. At this time, he also showed a suspicious look, full of disbelief in what Yi Lin said.

Master Dingyi also had a look of displeasure on her face at this time. She looked at her disciple, thinking that this disciple was lying.

At this time, Yi Lin, whose fair face was full of tears, looked at the doubtful looks of everyone around her and the expression of her master, and felt even more aggrieved. She hugged Master Dingyi's arm and cried out.

"Master, I really didn't lie. You have to believe me."

For a moment, Yilin's face was filled with tears, and her expression was pity-inducing.

Master Dingyi reacted immediately. This apprentice of hers was innocent and innocent. He had never lied and would never deceive her with lies.

At this moment, seeing his disciple's aggrieved look and Yu Canghai's ferocious expression, he immediately raised his two pale willow eyebrows upwards and said angrily: "Master Yu, as an elder, you spoke loudly and viciously to scare a person. What do juniors do?”

Then he said to Yilin: "Yilin, don't be afraid. Master is here. If anyone dares to embarrass you, just tell the truth."

Seeing that her master believed her, Yilin wiped the tears on her face with her hands and said, "I will never lie to my master."

Then he knelt down, clasped his hands, and lowered his eyebrows and said: "Disciple Yilin, I would like to report to my master and all my uncles, and I will never dare to say anything that is not true. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has great supernatural powers and is looking out for you with pity. .”

Everyone felt good about her after hearing her sincerity and pitiful appearance.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Yilin's face, but seeing her radiant beauty, just like a pearl and jade, pure and flawless, they all thought: "Is what this little nun said true?"

There was silence in the flower hall. Everyone was thinking about the authenticity of this matter. How could a Huashan disciple slap Tian Boguang away with two slaps? However, it didn’t look like the little nun was lying. At this time, everyone was a little confused and didn’t know whether he should or not. Trust this little nun.

In the inner hall, all the Huashan Sect disciples were also here. When they heard Yilin talking about senior brother Xu, they thought of the figure who had disappeared for a year.

That senior brother usually practiced martial arts either in the bookstore or in a remote place on the mountain. He was usually very silent and indifferent, as if all worldly matters had nothing to do with him.

But this same senior brother, a year ago, fought at the top of Siguoya Peak in Huashan Mountain with his great uncle who had disappeared for decades.

In that battle, this senior brother left a deep impression on them. Although everyone only had a quick glance at that battle, the figure that looked like a god and a demon was deeply imprinted in their hearts. It was the future of Huashan, the future of Huashan. Hope for revival.

At this time, all Huashan disciples were extremely excited. They were all excited when they heard that this fellow disciple named Xu had reappeared in the world.

When Yu Canghai heard what Yi Lin said, he was also very confused. He also saw the Huashan disciple's expression of excitement and excitement. Then the breath in his dantian surged up, and he expelled the inner force in his left hand, pushing out Laudno beside him. .

With a bang, Lauderno hit the wall hard, and the plaster on the roof fell down.

Yu Canghai shouted: "Tell me, what's going on with your Huashan sect disciple named Xu?"

Laudnor gave him such a push and bump that his internal organs seemed to be overturned. He stretched out his hand on the wall to support himself.

At this moment, he felt that his knees were so sore that they felt as if they were filled with black vinegar. He just wanted to sit down on the ground and try his best to hold on.

At this moment, he hated Yu Canghai and several other martial arts celebrities to the extreme. First Dingyi slapped him, and now Yu Canghai beat him. Do you think he is a sandbag? Can anyone be beaten if they are unhappy?

Hearing Yu Canghai ask this question at this moment, he was determined to retaliate and deliberately concealed it: "That should be my junior brother Xu Zifan. Although junior brother Zifan's skills are profound and far superior to mine, there is absolutely no way he can defeat Tian Boguang.

As for what Junior Sister Yilin said, Tian Boguang was probably injured or had a hidden illness. He happened to be suffering from an attack at that time, and was picked up by my Junior Brother, who defeated him easily. "

At this time, everyone was doubtful when they heard what Laudno said, but only in this way can everything be explained.

At this moment, a shout of cheering and singing suddenly came from outside. People in the inner hall listened carefully. It turned out that the welcoming disciples at the gate of Liu's Mansion were welcoming the guests again: "Junior Brother Xu Zifan of the Huashan School, please come inside!"

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