The first taboo in the world

Chapter 59 Determining Compensation

Lin Pingzhi, the head of the Fuwei Escort Bureau, was afraid of being recognized after sneaking into Liu's house. He pretended to be a hunchback and huddled in the corner of the hall. If Yu Canghai hadn't recognized everyone one by one, no one would have known him. Notice him.

At this moment, everyone in the hall followed Yu Canghai and directed their gazes at the hunchback, and several older people who were familiar with martial arts affairs uttered a cry of surprise. Liu Zhengfeng, the landowner here, rushed forward, bowed deeply and said, "I don't know how disrespectful you are to come here. I am really offended."

At this time, everyone in the hall suddenly focused their attention. Lin Pingzhi was immediately embarrassed. He quickly stood up and returned the salute to Liu Zhengfeng, saying: "Don't dare, don't dare!"

At this time, Lin Pingzhi felt anxious, fearing that someone would recognize his identity and be killed by Yu Canghai. However, in his current attire, he happened to be mistaken for the underworld lord "Saibei Mingtuo" Mu Gaofeng.

Liu Zhengfeng knew that Mu Gaofeng was from the north of Saibei, but the man in front of him spoke with a southern accent. He was very different in age, so he couldn't help but be suspicious. However, he knew that Mu Gaofeng acted mysteriously and could not be judged by common sense, so he still said respectfully: "I'm here Liu Zhengfeng, please tell me your surname and name."

Lin Pingzhi saw Yu Canghai looking sideways with an unkind expression on his face. He was afraid that he would be killed in his hands if he revealed his whereabouts. The situation was urgent at this moment. He murmured a few words, but didn't know how to reply.

Liu Zhengfeng said: "Your Excellency and Master Mu..." Lin Pingzhi was extremely frightened at this moment, and suddenly had an idea and said: "My surname is Mu."

When Liu Zhengfeng heard what Lin Pingzhi said, he said: "Mr. Mu came to Hengshan, and Liu really paid homage to him. I wonder what you call Master Mu, the 'Saibei Mingtuo'?"

He saw that Lin Pingzhi was very young, and the plasters on his face seemed to be deliberately concealing his true appearance. He was definitely not the "Saibei Mingtuo" Mu Gaofeng who had been famous for decades.

Not long after Lin Pingzhi entered the martial arts world, he had never heard of the name "Saibei Ming Tuomu Hero", but he heard Liu Zhengfeng's tone of voice showing great respect for the man named Mu. At this moment, the situation was urgent, so he had no choice but to prevaricate casually, saying : "Sai Beiming, the great hero Tuomu? That's... that's my elder."

Yu Canghai saw that there was no other strange person in the hall, so he expected that this person must be responsible for the humiliation of his two disciples. If Saibei Mingtuomu Gaofeng came in person, although he would be quite wary, he would not be afraid. This person was nothing but He was Mu Gaofeng's nephew, and he didn't take it to heart even more. He was the one who came to cause trouble to Qingcheng faction in the first place. How could he swallow this breath in vain? He immediately looked at Lin Pingzhi coldly and asked: "The Qingcheng faction and Mr. Saibeimu have nothing to do with each other. I don't know where I offended you?"

At this time, Lin Pingzhi and the short Taoist stood face to face. He remembered that his family had been broken up in recent days, his parents had been captured, and he still didn't know whether he was alive or dead. It was all because of this short Taoist. Although he knew that his martial arts was a hundred times better than his own, he still couldn't. Hot blood surged up in his chest, and he couldn't help but pull out his weapon and stab him.

However, these days, he has experienced many hardships, and he is no longer the dandy boy who fought cocks and horses in Fuzhou Prefecture in the past. He suppressed his anger and said: "The Qingcheng faction has many good deeds, and when the road is uneven, Daxia Mu will reach out. He is an old man with a warm heart and loves to hoe the strong and help the weak, so why should he care whether you offend him or not?"

Liu Zhengfeng was preparing to hold a golden basin hand-washing meeting. He originally wanted to seal his sword and retire into seclusion and withdraw from the disputes in the world. At this moment, he heard that there must be some disagreements between the two of them. Moreover, Saibei Mingtuomufeng was a person who tended to follow the crowd and ignored his integrity. If he formed a relationship with him, If Liangzi comes to Liangzi, it is impossible to guard against it. He is the landlord here, and of course he does not want anyone to have a conflict here.

After that, Liu Zhengfeng immediately smiled and said: "Master Yu, Brother Mu, since you two have come to the house, you are both distinguished guests. Please look at Liu's thin noodles. Let's have a glass of warm wine. Come on, come on." !” The servants roared in agreement and poured out the wine.

However, Lin Pingzhi thought that his parents might have been poisoned by Yu Canghai, and then thought that dozens of members of his bodyguard agency had been killed by Yu Canghai. How could he have a drink with this sworn enemy? At this time, he saw Yu Canghai again. Canghai stared at him, and he felt angry and glared at Yu Canghai.

Although Yu Canghai originally didn't pay attention to the young hunchback in front of him, he was frightened by Mu Gaofeng's notoriety and various sinister deeds and was not ready to fall out rashly.

But at this moment, seeing that the hunchback was full of hostility towards him, he was also furious, so he reached out and grabbed Lin Pingzhi's wrist.

At this time, Yu Canghai couldn't muster any strength, and wanted to force Lin Pingzhi to beg for mercy. Lin Pingzhi's wrist bones were rattling at this time, and the pain penetrated into his bones, but he did not even groan.

Xu Zifan was watching everything in the crowd at this moment. He had long known that this hunchback was Lin Pingzhi in disguise. At this moment, he saw beads of sweat as big as soybeans on his forehead, but his face looked proud and unyielding. I also admire his toughness.

In the world of Swordsman, Lin Pingzhi is one of the characters with the most tragic fate and the strongest will.

At first, he was a chivalrous and righteous man, pure and arrogant, extremely beautiful and filial. However, because of his ancestral "Evil Sword Manual", he was coveted by people in the martial arts and was exterminated. From then on, he was involved in a blood feud and was forced to enter the world and wander around.

Afterwards, Lin Pingzhi was repeatedly used and murdered, and finally found that he was the "item" that everyone wanted to plunder in the bloody world. His only reliance was an inhumane martial arts. In the endless torrent of misfortune, Lin Pingzhi, who went upstream, was gradually infected by the sinister and cruel rivers and lakes, and went to another destructive extreme, killing cruelly and ruthlessly. Because he ruthlessly killed the woman who loved him deeply, he eventually became the opposite of the protagonist.

Thinking back to the plot of Swordsman, Xu Zifan couldn't help but sigh. Regarding Lin Pingzhi's experience, he summarized it himself. He started out as a pure and beautiful young man who loved chivalry and righteousness. Later, he encountered blood feud, conspiracy and calculation, etc., in order to seek revenge and save his life. Finally, he completely darkened, his personality was twisted, and his killings were cruel.

However, Xu Zifan likes and appreciates his qualities of being strong, fierce and filial.

When he first came to this world, he came to Fuzhou and met Lin Ping's father Lin Zhennan. The overall impression was very good.

Later, he secretly took away the sword manual to ward off evil spirits. He originally wanted to help the Lin family avoid disaster at the beginning of the Swordsman plot to compensate for his taking the sword manual.

However, the real world was full of twists and turns, and strange things appeared suddenly. A tree demon appeared in his small county town to do evil. For this reason, he was delayed for some time. Therefore, in the world of Swordsman, he also missed the opportunity to save the Lin family from the massacre.

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan looked at Lin Pingzhi who looked strong and unyielding in the field, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

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